drying with rice

good idea. im gonna try it in 1 week when i harvest.

i will try this rice method with a small amount of bud and leave the rest to hang dry.

do i just go straight to putting rice in the jars with the buds. like im curing with rice?
To the OP, kinghedes (?), are you in a tropical or high humidity environment? I'm in the mountains, and I think that if I were to close up the jars that I could end up slowing the drying process by sealing the buds. I'm thinking that if I were to... hmm.. use the rice along with air current to move moisture away from the buds, I could achieve quickest dry time. I also like this because I; 1) Have rice, a lot of it, already on-hand; 2) Would not have to use electricity to accomplish speedy drying.

I like it on both those counts and will be putting my head to more. :D Oh? Quick test dry a wee bud..? Mayhaps, I do have them and have the time now, they're just not yet mature really. (But I've got some I really want to sample.)
So, it seems to be working pretty well. I wouldnt call it a miracle or anything, but I wouldnt say that it doesnt help.

I covered the bottom of a paper bag with rice, then put all my trimmings and small buds in a tupperware that would fit inside. My original plan was to fold up the rice inside a paper towel... Yeah, dont do that. You'll end up spending an hour picking rice out of the bud when the towel breaks from moisture. :(

I would consider this a good method for drying the small buds as well as keeping the mold/moisture at a manageable level.
I wish the original poster would answer my question about his general weather conditions. Up here I expect inside the house to be even drier (if that's possible) than outside. Mountain air tends to be awfully dry (my nose is STILL messed up from the dryness).
Hey...! Now there's an idea, and maybe more quickly and easily applied than funneling rice into pantyhose (although, I do love finding alternative uses for pantyhose). :D
Hey...! Now there's an idea, and maybe more quickly and easily applied than funneling rice into pantyhose (although, I do love finding alternative uses for pantyhose). :D

I have used them for a number of things, including making my own carbon filter, but I always get some strange looks when I buy them. :dunce:
no way would i buy any. if i needed any id have to get my gf to go buy them. ppl will think ur a freak when u buy them
Hmm, I should try this. One thing you could do is take some cheese cloth, put your rice in that, then fold the ends up and tie it off to make a little rice pouch. Then stick that in with the weed. That should keep them separate, and allow the transfer of moisture.

Also instead of rice, you might want to consider Couscous, or Oats. Oats have a very high water absorbtion ratio.
I was actually thinking of sticking the buds in the rice upright, like fake flowers in a bowl of marbles. :lol: I think I like the waxed paper or pantyhose ideas, though.
Lids remain on, but aired out regularly (burped), at least daily or even more frequently, in order to prevent mold and encourage even dryness of the product.