Jordan Peterson

You think everyone is a "literal nazi". Your opinion demonstrably means nothing.
sebastian gorka is literally a nazi

here he is wearing the medal of the vitezi rend


the vitezi rend is the hungarian wing of the nazi party. they literally rounded up the jews in hungary

your boy peterson does speaking engagements with literal nazis

his rants about the birth control pill lately are just mind bogglingly stupid.

just a wonder that he still has adoring fanbois like you. you're a good little nazi in the making
[guy wears medal of the nazi groups that rounded up the jews]

Beefkitty- he’s not a nazi!

"During World War II, many members of the Hungarian government and military were members of the Order; as such, members were involved in both contributing to the Holocaust as well as leading efforts against it."

All of them were literal Nazi's, eh? A lof of them sound like assholes, I mean, some of them fought along side Nazi's so to that end; some were "literal Nazi's". Gorka, again, although he seems like a douche bag - is not a "literal Nazi".

When you make retarded absolute statements that are demonstrably false to anyone able to highlight the term "vitezi rend" and click "Search google for Vitezi rend" you make yourself look even stupider than you already have.

It took three "literal clicks" to disprove your idiocy.

Dr. Gad Saad talking on the JRE....

Some great clips about honest intellectual pursuits. Don't be encumbered by political correctness, strive for the truth..... and fuck peoples feelings. Truth or GTFO...

Dr. Gad Saad talking on the JRE....

Some great clips about honest intellectual pursuits. Don't be encumbered by political correctness, strive for the truth..... and fuck peoples feelings. Truth or GTFO...
Joe Rohan May be even dumber than Jordan Peterson

Do you really think that women who wear makeup at work are inviting people to sexually harass or assault them?
Joe Rogan doesn't hold a candle to your stupidity, bud. You make Joe Rogan look like K. Vishalini.

Peterson has ever made that claim, and you're an idiot for continually repeating it. He proposed a question and said he didn't have an answer to it, despite the insistence that it's already been answered.

Strawman argument mixed with straight up lies and attempting to label the character of someone as inherently bad, so you don't have to defend your idiotic extremist left wing views..
You even insisted that “biology” meant makeup was an invitation to sexual harassment

Then I reminded you of the biological function of the hypothalamus and you ran away like the extremist, YouTube radicalized moron that you are
Nope, wrong again ass-hat. Peterson said wearing makeup could mimic some of the same signals that are naturally given off when women are aroused and if they do, that could be something that contributes to unwanted male attention. Idiot.

You're uncomfortable with people even discussing the possibility that makeup could have a biological reaction on men. It shows just how unwilling and unreceptive you are to anything that challenges your already held beliefs. The thought of you being wrong is so fucking scary to you, you don't even want people to talk about controversial things.

It's the sign of a weak mind.

There's never, and never will be any reason for me to run away from your idiotic arguments.

Maybe you should get an education before accusing people of learning from youtube. lol

interviewer: "do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is being hypocritical?"

peterson: "yes"

this is a direct quote you retarded mysoginist

you defended it saying it was just "biology" and i was scared to talk about it. then i brought up the biological function of the prefrontal cortex and you never talked about it again.
Here's the actual unedited conversation for those that want to hear the un-cherry picked version instead of Bumblefuck's selected quote.

Here's the actual unedited conversation for those that want to hear the un-cherry picked version instead of my selected quote.

interviewer: "do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is being hypocritical?"

peterson: "yes"

originally aired version:

interviewer: "do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is being hypocritical?"

peterson: "yes"

uncut version:

interviewer: "do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is being hypocritical?"

peterson: "yes"
Interviewer: "Do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is...somewhat being hypocritical?"

Peterson: "yeah, I do think that"

Interviewer: "Ok, let's move on..."

Peterson: "I don't see how you could not think that, it's like makeup is sexual display. That's what it's for... "They say, well I want to look more attractive..".. it's like, what do you mean by more attractive exactly?

interviewer: "So then what is a better outcome for you then? A workplace where there's no sexual harassment when women wear uniforms and don't wear makeup, much like the Maoists like you were saying, or a sort of freer workplace in where sexual harassment is an inevitability because women wear high heels and makeup?

Peterson: "Well, I don't say it's an inevitability because women wear high heels and makeup; I didn't say that."

Interviewer: "Or that it is more likely?"

Peterson: "I said it contributes to the sexualization of the workplace."

Interviewer: "What's the difference between more likely, and that?"

Peterson: "OK, more likely, I'll go with that..."

Interviewer: "Yeah, more likely... so which of those scenarios would you prefer?"

Peterson: "Neither.... oh, wait which one of those would I prefer? Oh, I'd prefer the one where people have the freedom..."
Interviewer: "Do you feel like a serious woman who does not want sexual harassment in the workplace, do you feel like if she wears makeup in the workplace, she is...somewhat being hypocritical?"

Peterson: "yeah, I do think that"
did you get fired from being a line cook at applebees for sexually harassing your co workers or something?
did you get fired from being a line cook at applebees for sexually harassing your co workers or something?
Did you become a deck builder because every job you applied to they thought you were mentally incompetent?

I was in I.T. long before I became a fine dining chef, and now I'm back in I.T. as an Information Engineer. My left nut is smarter and more educated than you.
Did you become a deck builder because every job you applied to they thought you were mentally incompetent?

I was in I.T. long before I became a fine dining chef, and now I'm back in I.T. as an Information Engineer. My left nut is smarter and more educated than you.

do you sexually harass your co workers when they wear makeup
do you sexually harass your co workers when they wear makeup
No, but I certainly notice well put together women in high heels and a short skirt a hell of a lot more than I notice an unkempt woman, with no makeup on, covered in grease wearing coveralls.

It almost like they're more attractive.
No, but I certainly notice well put together women in high heels and a short skirt a hell of a lot more than I notice a woman covered in grease wearing coveralls.

It almost like they're more attractive.
do you think they are doing that because they want to be sexually harassed
What you're saying is that when women try to make themselves more attractive, it has no effect on how men view them at all, whatsoever.