did the secret service spank mccain

So, in this thread, you anti-McCain guys ... or Pro-O'Bama guys have pointed out a FEW ... like maybe three individuals at McCain/Palin rallies who have shouted out a few words in regards to O'Bama, like ... "Terrorist," "Hang Him," .... right?

A couple of things ... First, have you listened to any of Reverend Wrights Hate America, hate white people rants? This is the church where O'Bama attended for twenty years. Rev. Wright is O'Bama's children's God Father.

Second ... what makes you think that those few idiots shouting out at the McCain/Palin rallies aren't DNC plants? Hey, isn't that what communists do ... rabble rouse for effect, then blame their opponents?

And Bongulator .... go to this site, compare their platform with O'Bama's platform and see if you still agree with O'Bama: http://www.cpusa.org/ Kindly report back. Thanks ...

Your conspiracy theories run far and deep don't they? :twisted:

Second ... what makes you think that those few idiots shouting out at the McCain/Palin rallies aren't DNC plants? Hey, isn't that what communists do ... rabble rouse for effect, then blame their opponents?

Its not a theory, its a fact. Read a little history, then come back and post some more.

Funny how your side always has facts and our side is all communist plots. If you weren't so dangerous, I'd say you were funny, but really I see no humor in denying the poor adequate resources, like food, shelter, and health care. I guess when you meditate, instead of saying ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, you say meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Did anyone see where Palin thought people were yelling Anti-palin shit and she got all shitty about "thanking a Vet for the right to protest" and they were on her side all along? What an ASS ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Gimme a B I M B O what's that spell? Palin........
Did anyone see where Palin thought people were yelling Anti-palin shit and she got all shitty about "thanking a Vet for the right to protest" and they were on her side all along? What an ASS ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Gimme a B I M B O what's that spell? Palin........

That's not what happened at all. There was ONE protester and Palin turned to him and thanked him for being there and said, "My son is in Iraq right now protecting your right to protest." So ... who's the Bimbo, Bimbo?

So, in this thread, you anti-McCain guys ... or Pro-O'Bama guys have pointed out a FEW ... like maybe three individuals at McCain/Palin rallies who have shouted out a few words in regards to O'Bama, like ... "Terrorist," "Hang Him," .... right?

A couple of things ... First, have you listened to any of Reverend Wrights Hate America, hate white people rants? This is the church where O'Bama attended for twenty years. Rev. Wright is O'Bama's children's God Father.

Second ... what makes you think that those few idiots shouting out at the McCain/Palin rallies aren't DNC plants? Hey, isn't that what communists do ... rabble rouse for effect, then blame their opponents?

And Bongulator .... go to this site, compare their platform with O'Bama's platform and see if you still agree with O'Bama: http://www.cpusa.org/ Kindly report back. Thanks ...

so ur saying repubs r commies
I just watched it on CNN right before I posted it, Just because you only heard one part doesn't mean the rest didn't happen. She was yelling to thank veterans for your right to be here protesting. I saw her mouth moving as she said it.

Maybe you should turn up your hearing aid. THe bitch looked like an ASS because she's such a BIMBO that she doesn't have the smarts to recognize who is on her side. Just like her running mate who is a geezer, geezer.

How many times does she need to say her son is in Iraq? What does she want, a fucking cookie? I know plenty of sons and daughters that are in Iraq too and their parents aren't getting any special consideration.

That's not what happened at all. There was ONE protester and Palin turned to him and thanked him for being there and said, "My son is in Iraq right now protecting your right to protest." So ... who's the Bimbo, Bimbo?

That's not what happened at all. There was ONE protester and Palin turned to him and thanked him for being there and said, "My son is in Iraq right now protecting your right to protest." So ... who's the Bimbo, Bimbo?

please explain to me how fighting in iraq, protects ones right to protest in the U.S?
please explain to me how fighting in iraq, protects ones right to protest in the U.S?

Well, you see, by being over there it prevents Bush from using them on us. So by being over there, those soldiers are protecting our right to protest. (Or not being used to violate it.)

Though, I am worried about why Obama appears so desperate to get the troops out of Iraq... what's he going to do with them?
I just watched it on CNN right before I posted it, Just because you only heard one part doesn't mean the rest didn't happen. She was yelling to thank veterans for your right to be here protesting. I saw her mouth moving as she said it.

Maybe you should turn up your hearing aid. THe bitch looked like an ASS because she's such a BIMBO that she doesn't have the smarts to recognize who is on her side. Just like her running mate who is a geezer, geezer.

How many times does she need to say her son is in Iraq? What does she want, a fucking cookie? I know plenty of sons and daughters that are in Iraq too and their parents aren't getting any special consideration.

I'm assuming that you are a young lady. The question I would have for you is ... how does someone as young as you are go about getting a heart that is as hardened as your's is? :-(

Though, I am worried about why Obama appears so desperate to get the troops out of Iraq... what's he going to do with them?
their going to be rounding up all the pot smoking conservatives, and put you guys in the fema camps, I heard the Rothchilds are going to be the Camp commandants. You better have your guns loaded and your bunker ready:o
Well, you see, by being over there it prevents Bush from using them on us. So by being over there, those soldiers are protecting our right to protest. (Or not being used to violate it.)

Though, I am worried about why Obama appears so desperate to get the troops out of Iraq... what's he going to do with them?
man u've got a good point there
Maybe Obama just wants to troops to come home and be able to resume their normal lives. Obama didn't have a vendetta against Iraq like GW did. Bush only went into Iraq to finish the shit his daddy started.
The troops need some freakin' rest and relaxation. Bringing them home from Iraq will give them a little break, although it looks like more troops are needed in Afghanistan. And it'd be nice if we had some standing ready in case some other shit breaks out in the world. We're virtually helpless now if another crisis hits us that requires our troops, at least if it requires anything beyond bombing from the air. We have a 1.5 front military, and we're fighting at least 2 fronts now, and have been for years. The troops need a break!