Urgent please


Active Member
So for a week or so ive been finding leaves with tiny white dots, i asked online and i was told it was leaf miners, so under instruction from the forums i removed the affected leaves. ive now been finding more of the leaves and today i found a tiny white bug crawling over one of the infected leaves. i did some research and im fairly certain its not a leaf miner, as ive read that leaf miner larvee are about 1/8" and this tiny white bug was about a millimetre or less in length. I am now more hesitant to remove leaves and use pesticides due to my girls now being in flower but i am very worried that if i dont do somehting about this pest, that they will destroy my crops. Is this pesticide safe to use while flowering? it says to allow 1-2 days after using before harvest but my girls are few weeks away from harvest so thats not an issue but i have read that this type of pesticide destroys terpines and tricome production. what do i do?

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So for a week or so ive been finding leaves with tiny white dots, i asked online and i was told it was leaf miners, so under instruction from the forums i removed the affected leaves. ive now been finding more of the leaves and today i found a tiny white bug crawling over one of the infected leaves. i did some research and im fairly certain its not a leaf miner, as ive read that leaf miner larvee are about 1/8" and this tiny white bug was about a millimetre or less in length. I am now more hesitant to remove leaves and use pesticides due to my girls now being in flower but i am very worried that if i dont do somehting about this pest, that they will destroy my crops. Is this pesticide safe to use while flowering? it says to allow 1-2 days after using before harvest but my girls are few weeks away from harvest so thats not an issue but i have read that this type of pesticide destroys terpines and tricome production. what do i do?

View attachment 4256847 View attachment 4256848

Looks like Thrip damage. If they look like this then you have Thrips. Get some Monterey Spinosad and start root drenching, 15cc/gallon with 1-2 drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid as a surfactant. Depending on your substrate (I'm in hydro and on the occasion I get thrips I root drench every three days until I don't see them, then weekly until I've harvested). The flyers are not the issue the ones eating your roots are.

Spinosad is safe to use in flower. Also early on you can spray with it and yes it's safe. You really don't want to smoke Thrip feces.
So for a week or so ive been finding leaves with tiny white dots, i asked online and i was told it was leaf miners, so under instruction from the forums i removed the affected leaves. ive now been finding more of the leaves and today i found a tiny white bug crawling over one of the infected leaves. i did some research and im fairly certain its not a leaf miner, as ive read that leaf miner larvee are about 1/8" and this tiny white bug was about a millimetre or less in length. I am now more hesitant to remove leaves and use pesticides due to my girls now being in flower but i am very worried that if i dont do somehting about this pest, that they will destroy my crops. Is this pesticide safe to use while flowering? it says to allow 1-2 days after using before harvest but my girls are few weeks away from harvest so thats not an issue but i have read that this type of pesticide destroys terpines and tricome production. what do i do?

View attachment 4256847 View attachment 4256848
i see zero damage

Looks like Thrip damage. If they look like this then you have Thrips. Get some Monterey Spinosad and start root drenching, 15cc/gallon with 1-2 drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid as a surfactant. Depending on your substrate (I'm in hydro and on the occasion I get thrips I root drench every three days until I don't see them, then weekly until I've harvested). The flyers are not the issue the ones eating your roots are.

Spinosad is safe to use in flower. Also early on you can spray with it and yes it's safe. You really don't want to smoke Thrip feces.
I'm growing in 70/30 coco perlite, on day 44 of growing autoflowers, if that helps, so do you think I should just spray with the pyrethrin?
I'm growing in 70/30 coco perlite, on day 44 of growing autoflowers, if that helps, so do you think I should just spray with the pyrethrin?
I grow in 50/50 coco/xlg perlite too. I never had any luck spraying with Pyrethrin or with Neem and Neem affects flower taste. I told you how I handle it, a Spinosad with surfactant root drench. If you wish to use a Pyrethrin spray go ahead. Maybe you will have better luck than I did. It just never worked for me.
I grow in 50/50 coco/xlg perlite too. I never had any luck spraying with Pyrethrin or with Neem and Neem affects flower taste. I told you how I handle it, a Spinosad with surfactant root drench. If you wish to use a Pyrethrin spray go ahead. Maybe you will have better luck than I did. It just never worked for me.
double checking this is the stuff youre suggesting
double checking this is the stuff youre suggesting
View attachment 4256875
Spider mites are not white. Spider mites do not leave slime trails. Spider mites will show webs and you will see them under your leaves. Where they sucked on your leaves will be transparent and paper like damage. Get out a magnifying glass and look under your leaves.

To absolutely differentiate take that magnifier and look in your soil, dig about a bit. You will find Thrip larvae. Spider mites do not infest your soil. Do the differential diagnosis to set your mind at rest.
Spider mites are not white. Spider mites do not leave slime trails. Spider mites will show webs and you will see them under your leaves. Where they sucked on your leaves will be transparent and paper like damage. Get out a magnifying glass and look under your leaves.

To absolutely differentiate take that magnifier and look in your soil, dig about a bit. You will find Thrip larvae. Spider mites do not infest your soil. Do the differential diagnosis to set your mind at rest.
i just sorted the same issue ened up being spider mite leaf miners will leave a hole track the white lines u see are spider mite shit or white month
Spider mites are not white. Spider mites do not leave slime trails. Spider mites will show webs and you will see them under your leaves. Where they sucked on your leaves will be transparent and paper like damage. Get out a magnifying glass and look under your leaves.

To absolutely differentiate take that magnifier and look in your soil, dig about a bit. You will find Thrip larvae. Spider mites do not infest your soil. Do the differential diagnosis to set your mind at rest.
and also how can you say Pyrethrin dont work thats just lack of expirence

Looks like Thrip damage. If they look like this then you have Thrips. Get some Monterey Spinosad and start root drenching, 15cc/gallon with 1-2 drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid as a surfactant. Depending on your substrate (I'm in hydro and on the occasion I get thrips I root drench every three days until I don't see them, then weekly until I've harvested). The flyers are not the issue the ones eating your roots are.

Spinosad is safe to use in flower. Also early on you can spray with it and yes it's safe. You really don't want to smoke Thrip feces.
^ Agree, start treating!
@Singlemalt it seems youre the one to ask. 3 things mainly. 1. wtf is on my leaves? haha 2. is Pyrethrum safe to use while flowering and 3. if not, what do i use to get rid of these spidermites/thrips
Srsly o_O spouting off like this if some poor newbie believed your blather you could ruin their grow.
Its okay, im learning so im taking everything under advisement, i will act accordingly once ive completely identified the issue. will unfortunatly have to wait until im able to track down some spinosad if i require it
Let's ask someone who has the education and experience to know this @Singlemalt help, please?
I've never heard anything like this, can anyone give me a citation? I 'm aware that application of very high concentrations of pyrithrins can harm plant tissue but it's not pyrithrum per se. Pyrithrin is in the terpenoid group, a few different monoterpenes are building blocks. Anyway, in a sense terpenes are volatile solvents in quantity and can cause damage in a physical sense by water displacement, removal of natural wax barriers and effectively dehydrate living tissue. Again this effect happens at high concentrations, much above suggested application rates. Note as well, application of many compounds is not recommended in sunlight, high temps and hot dry winds.