It’s 100% legal

We used to have to have it in a locked box in the trunk or if no trunk as far away from the driver. The new recreation laws don't say anything about transporting it. Besides no more than 2 1/2 oz's on personal outside your home.
We used to have to have it in a locked box in the trunk or if no trunk as far away from the driver. The new recreation laws don't say anything about transporting it. Besides no more than 2 1/2 oz's on personal outside your home.
That’s too bad, that’s barely enough weed for half decent beach party! Unless everyone had 2 ounces!
Cops could care less about weed here. Unless your smoking in public or driving under the influence. Witch is nearly impossible to prove unless you narc yourself out.
There also expunging any prior marijuana convictions. I have 18 possession of marijuana charges on my permanent record. Any charges pending have been dropped also.
We Canadians have to be careful not to let border patrol know we smoke or grow pot! Even though it’s legal? Even though you have some states legal the border is run by Feds not state police.
It's still illegal on a federal level. But Obama pass a law protecting state laws from the feds. Go outside state law and you can get hammered on.
It's still illegal on a federal level. But Obama pass a law protecting state laws from the feds. Go outside state law and you can get hammered on.
Obama is old news and your new President is a dickhead. He wants to build a wall between the USA and the world!
List some cultivars whose loss Greenhouse Seeds has caused. I'd also like a reference in the peer-reviewed literature, but the list will do.
if you are asking me to NAME cultivars that existed in the regions I mentioned then you clearly have no idea what is going on. I would even question the fact you know what cultivar even means despite your forum status. i don't mean to offend, I try never to "rude", but you are not equipped to argue your point if you think these cultivars have names or you don't understand these were genetics cultivated on individual farms in isoloation throughout regions like morrocco, hindu kush valley, and so on.
if it is proof you are after however then you need go no further than their own strain hunters movies to witness them trading their seeds to isolated locals and offering $50 American for their genetics while telling them how much better a crop they would get using these gifted greenhouse seeds. you really are arguing to argue man because you have no info it seems, which I find surprising given your ranking member status here. you must spend all your time on the flat earth thread or something.
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if you are asking me to NAME cultivars that existed in the regions I mentioned then you clearly have no idea what is going on. I would even question the fact you know what cultivar even means despite your forum status. i don't mean to offend, I try never to "rude", but you are not equipped to argue your point if you think these cultivars have names or you don't understand these were genetics cultivated on individual farms in isoloation throughout regions like morrocco, hindu kush valley, and so on.
if it is proof you are after however then you need go no further than their own strain hunters movies to witness them trading their seeds to isolated locals and offering $50 American for their genetics while telling them how much better a crop they would get using these gifted greenhouse seeds. you really are arguing to argue man because you have no info it seems, which I find surprising given your ranking member status here. you must spend all your time on the flat earth thread or something.
I am asking specifically about this claim you made earlier:

hell greenhouse seeds single handedly destroyed so many cultivars for the last 10 years or more than i care to get into

I'm essentially saying "I do not believe this. Produce supporting evidence."
I assure you, I am equipped to argue the point. I have some training in the search for fact in a sea of opinion, and the credentials to prove it. (You need to be able to read Latin however.)

I do know that for you to be able to assert Greenhouse Seeds has caused the loss of x cultivars, you need quantitative and testable facts. That requires professional publications in botany, agronomy or economics, and the willingness to list them as your primary references for your claim. "Strain hunters movies" is at best anecdotal evidence and at worst documentary fiction. (I tend not to believe what I see on TV.) In my opinion, your uncritical acceptance of infotainment as documentation makes any further discussion with you useless. You simply do not care for the necessary data hygiene.

Ceterum censeo: Bolded A and bolded B above are flatly contradictory.

This provides the deceptive appearance of answering my question. But to be clear: I asked if there was a known instance of Monsanto's seed products causing a farmer (any farmer of any plant, anywhere) to suffer economic loss.

Provide one instance; that is all I was asking.

However the double whammy of you posting nonsense that apparently answers a question I have (but doesn't upon simplest examination) with your concealment tactics last night (futile as I have your posts locked down as quotes) reveals to me that you're "doing stupid".
Stupid comes in two flavors: ignorance buttressed by fixity of opinion, or deliberate deception.

I haven't decided which of the two applies to you, but the functional outcome is the same. You're revealing yourself as too stupid to even know how to argue, and I stand no chance of learning a thing from you or the other guy. I am abandoning my inquiry.
I am asking specifically about this claim you made earlier:

hell greenhouse seeds single handedly destroyed so many cultivars for the last 10 years or more than i care to get into

I'm essentially saying "I do not believe this. Produce supporting evidence."
I assure you, I am equipped to argue the point. I have some training in the search for fact in a sea of opinion, and the credentials to prove it. (You need to be able to read Latin however.)

I do know that for you to be able to assert Greenhouse Seeds has caused the loss of x cultivars, you need quantitative and testable facts. That requires professional publications in botany, agronomy or economics, and the willingness to list them as your primary references for your claim. "Strain hunters movies" is at best anecdotal evidence and at worst documentary fiction. (I tend not to believe what I see on TV.) In my opinion, your uncritical acceptance of infotainment as documentation makes any further discussion with you useless. You simply do not care for the necessary data hygiene.

Ceterum censeo: Bolded A and bolded B above are flatly contradictory.
but I answered your question about my claim. go watch their own strain hunters listen to arjan and franco's own words. I mean it is utterly ridiculous you would ask me to name the cultivars lol, I mean either you are trolling or you have no idea what I mean when I say isolated local cultivars in remote regions. if you want specifics tho their own trips to the congo, other parts Africa, as well as every other region they visited because they did the same thing in every episode or interview. took local isolated cultivars in exchange for $50 provided their "modern" genetics to the villagers to grow better crops thus polluting the local genetics. hell they even were asked point blank do you pay anything back to these villagers other than the $50 they laughed and said no "this is business" - arjan
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I will never buy feminized seed or a clone. Solemn promise.
All good seed deserves another.
Don't listen about fem seed.

Nothing wrong with fwm seeds and it doesn't ruin cannabis or cause herms.

Fem seeds are for growing not breeding.

I have a vast collection of cannabis seed. Everything from heirloom and land race to fems and auto fems.

I've breed reg and fem. I make fems just for growing. I don't further the line with fem on fem.

Fem seed has it's place and anyone saying fems are bad or ruining cannabis is ignorant on the subject.
but I answered you question about my claim. go watch their own strain hunters listen to arjan and franco's own words. I mean it is utterly ridiculous you would ask why cultivars lol, I mean either you are trolling or you have no idea what I mean when I say isolated local cultivars in remote regions. if you want specifics tho their own trips to the congo, other parts Africa, as well as every other region they visited because they did the same thing. took local isolated cultivars in exchange for $50 provided their "modern" genetics to the villagers to grow better crops thus polluting the local genetics. hell they even were asked point blank do you pay anything back to these villagers other than the $50 they laughed and said no "this is business" - arjan
Unsuitable pseudo-reference. Now if Franco or Arjan had a paper in with say Journal of Ethnobotany and you provided the reference, I could see that being advanced as an argument. But TV is where people will tell you in all seriousness that the moon missions were faked.

You made the claim. The burden of proof or credible support is on you. I do have no idea what you mean, and I cannot even convince you to define your terms. So step 1 is for you to be precise about what you're claiming. At that point it is my job to be precise about analyzing the facts in that claim.

But there is only this tiresome back&forth about feelings and ideology, and you resist taking the discussion to the only currency that matters: peer-reviewed fact.

Explain to me how repeated and civil requests for facts constitute trolling. I have been accused of trolling under circumstances like this, and each time it was someone getting offended when I dismantled an emotional or ideological argument. I see nothing new here today.

Don't listen about fem seed.

Nothing wrong with fwm seeds and it doesn't ruin cannabis or cause herms.

Fem seeds are for growing not breeding.

I have a vast collection of cannabis seed. Everything from heirloom and land race to fems and auto fems.

I've breed reg and fem. I make fems just for growing. I don't further the line with fem on fem.

Fem seed has it's place and anyone saying fems are bad or ruining cannabis is ignorant on the subject.
They are fine for breeding if you know what you're doing :) I've made fems of fems for genetics I've wanted.
@Old Thcool and @cannabineer you guys just high jacked this poor guys thread it's his first post and he has you guys bickering. Seriously
The OP posted 10/28 and has not been back. This thread went off topic yesterday 12/26. Almost 2 months after the OP posted his one and only message. If the OP comes back he can start another thread if he wishes. If you are offended feel free to hit the report button.
They are fine for breeding if you know what you're doing :) I've made fems of fems for genetics I've wanted.
I agree. I've done the same. Bought fem seeds and made more. I kept them for growing.

I meant I wouldn't go more than a generation or two fem x fem. If I wanted to continue that line I would add a male back in at some point.

That's just me. I can't even say for sure that fem on fem for mutliple generations would be detrimental.

When I get a new strain if it is a regar strain I will cross a male to female for more regs and I will spray a female for fem seed from it.

If it's female seed I will save a few to breed back to a male if I want and then spray one for fem seed.

I do this so when I feel like growing I can flip through what I have and pick out a few fem strains and not worry about males.
Judging by the article, these are drug-farming opportunists. The real genetics are being held more closely, I imagine. I don't see how this equates to a destruction of important cultivars. Can you explain? Which/whose cultivars were destructively displaced (specifically by Greenhouse Seeds), and to what effect?
Not to get into it but arjan is bad for collecting strains and leaving seed to those people. One might say it's polite. Some think it ruins the local landrace by doing that.

That doesn't mean that a "cultivare" was lost. Just means they have new strains to grow.
being held tightly by a few is literally the problem. they cannot even plant thiers without it being open pollinated by herm fems or autos or even regs of foreign genetics. it's abotu numbers. commercial is gonna out select local and with no incentive or even worse criminalization for private growers then we are in trouble. good thing ppl like bodhi go around grabbing old seed stock from these regions first hand in an ethical way, not by trading them "suprerior" genetics.
You have a misconception about fems being herms.