So, I got drunk on Christmas...

It sounds to me that his misconceptions may need... correcting...

And told my son that Santa isn't real. His little eyes welled up. I then told him about the reality of the Easter bunny. He started crying. He was pretty broken up whin I told him he wasn't going to be getting any more money for lost teeth, cuz there is no tooth ferry.

Long story short, he was being kind of an ass hole after that, so I took away his presents. One day when he has kids of his own, he'll understand.

My question is this, should I return the gifts or leave them in the corner to see, so he doesn't forget his lesson?
If he is above 18 it is time for him to hear the truth and move out of your house
This was a fun Holiday thread. @kelly4 , how'd that little shit turn out???
Ahhh, the ghost of Christmas past...

Well, he’s a great kid for a 12 year old. He plays hockey at the highest level, he plays soccer on the top team of kids a year older than him, and he gets straight A’s in school. Well, except for that B he got in Spanish. You know what that got him...

Stay off my lawn!!!
Ahhh, the ghost of Christmas past...

Well, he’s a great kid for a 12 year old. He plays hockey at the highest level, he plays soccer on the top team of kids a year older than him, and he gets straight A’s in school. Well, except for that B he got in Spanish. You know what that got him...

Stay off my lawn!!!

So, it seems that your strict method of child rearing has paid off quite nicely. Take heed parents, spare the horror and spoil the child. It is how Jesus himself was raised, Merry Xmas!