The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

You’re citing a group founded by a white supremacist, sweetcheeks
As if he cares. It feels true to him
Sorry to break it you moron. All Democrats are not Liberals. Just like all Republicans are not conservatives. And yes, once again, the ignorance shows. Do yourself a favor pea brain. Go look up the loses your apologizer in chief took in his midterms. Shit, even Bush Jr lost both House and Senate. Yet Trump gained in the Senate, gained in governorships and gained in seating 2 constitutionalists on the Supreme Court with a 3rd on the way. So if you’re calling Trumps midterm a loss, what do you call Obama’s since he lost more seats than any other President in your lifetime? Since Eisenhower to be exact.

Bro, you dumb. Glad you feel smart. Be best.
Are you really mad at victims of rape and gun massacres?
She was no rape victim. She was a mentally disturbed woman the Democrats found that was tied to Justice Kavannaughs past as a child. They used her, paid her and forgot about her. Maybe you should worry about what the effects of lying rape victims does to our individual freedoms if it became accepted to just believe any woman who says rape. You watched as the Democrats got exposed as grimy.
Sorry to break it you moron. All Democrats are not Liberals. Just like all Republicans are not conservatives. And yes, once again, the ignorance shows. Do yourself a favor pea brain. Go look up the loses your apologizer in chief took in his midterms. Shit, even Bush Jr lost both House and Senate. Yet Trump gained in the Senate, gained in governorships and gained in seating 2 constitutionalists on the Supreme Court with a 3rd on the way. So if you’re calling Trumps midterm a loss, what do you call Obama’s since he lost more seats than any other President in your lifetime? Since Eisenhower to be exact.
He actually lost 7 governorships and the 9 point loss you guys suffered was the biggest in American midterm history
She was no rape victim. She was a mentally disturbed woman the Democrats found that was tied to Justice Kavannaughs past as a child. They used her, paid her and forgot about her. Maybe you should worry about what the effects of lying rape victims does to our individual freedoms if it became accepted to just believe any woman who says rape. You watched as the Democrats got exposed as grimy.
Brett kavanaugh and his buddy took her in a room, pinned her down, tried to rip her clothes off, and covered her mouth so no one could hear her scream

Even an idiot who gets a2 year RN from the local junior college could diagnose that as attempted rape
There you go again, allowing your inferior mentality take the beat of you. Might as well just copy and paste CNN articles instead of typing. It will save your half brained existence some time.
You should make me feel really stupid by telling me how .any governorships the Republicans gained this year.

How do you feel about the Republicans stealng a Supreme Court spot by violating the Constitution?
I have no reason to try to convince you of anything - you believe in magical thinking. I could show you where you are a complete idiot but you believe that feelings are facts - but they are not.

You aren't the first dummy I have encountered. But Rush and Hannity tell you are smart which appeals to you for obvious reasons. There is no point in arguing with your sort of dumbass who will just deny the sources when they refute your pathetic argument.

So I assume you are Greek. (((They))) never should have let Greeks into this country. Most are genetic Turks anyway. They take jobs from decent people and drive down wages. Their culture is foreign to us and they don't assimilate well. Why did they come here instead of fixing their own country's massive problems? I used to live in a Greek neighborhood. They had gangs, terrible gangs. A women I know was killed by one because they are criminals and brought crime with them.

But some, I assume, are good people.

Wait wait wait. You could show me where I am a complete idiot? But you aren’t, because you’re nothing but a loud mouth on the internet.

My parents came here legally and the way it was intended. Your discriminatory views continue to show how brain washed you are that you must group label. No one said people shouldn’t migrate here. That is your broken brain having a low selective argumentative capacity. You add to the context in order to change it. Nowhere will you find me saying immigrants shouldn’t migrate to America. Especially since my family are legal immigrants.

But please, continue to sound like a jackass. By you attacking my heritage and family, just once again shows you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You come to a dead end in your argument and you deflect to another topic lol. Then when that fails, you just call me stupid because you temporarily ran out of rebuttals.
You’re citing a group founded by a white supremacist, sweetcheeks
CNN labels them white supremacists and that makes them so? What makes them white supremacists, other then CNN telling you that’s what they are? Is it because they literally beat the piss out of ANTIFA members and the whole world watched how fast they retreated when they faced opposition?
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CNN labels them white supremacists and that makes them so? What makes them white supremacists, other then CNN telling you that’s what they are? Is it because they literally beat the loss out of ANTIFA members and the whole world watched how fast they retreated when they faced opposition?
FAIR was founded by John tanton

John tanton was an avowed white supremacist. He said do himself

You dumbass klanman
Wait wait wait. You could show me where I am a complete idiot? But you aren’t, because you’re nothing but a loud mouth on the internet.

My parents came here legally and the way it was intended. Your discriminatory views continue to show how brain washed you are that you must group label. No one said people shouldn’t migrate here. That is your broken brain having a low selective argumentative capacity. You add to the context in order to change it. Nowhere will you find me saying immigrants shouldn’t migrate to America. Especially since my family are legal immigrants.

But please, continue to sound like a jackass. By you attacking my heritage and family, just once again shows you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You come to a dead end in your argument and you deflect to another topic lol. Then when that fails, you just call me stupid because you temporarily ran out of rebuttals.
So how many governors did the GOP gain in 2018. What percentage of the vote voted against Obama in 2010? What percentage voted against Trump in 2018?

Come on little associate nurse... You made a claim that "liberals" are shrinking in numbers but then just waved away contrary evidence by saying that not all Democrats are liberals. But it is quite relative isn't it? Certainly 99% of Dems are more liberal than Trump. Do you just redifine what a liberal is everytime you post one of your made up feelings as a fact.

Summing up... U dumb. If you were a bit smarter you would realize it.
Wait wait wait. You could show me where I am a complete idiot? But you aren’t, because you’re nothing but a loud mouth on the internet.

My parents came here legally and the way it was intended. Your discriminatory views continue to show how brain washed you are that you must group label. No one said people shouldn’t migrate here. That is your broken brain having a low selective argumentative capacity. You add to the context in order to change it. Nowhere will you find me saying immigrants shouldn’t migrate to America. Especially since my family are legal immigrants.

But please, continue to sound like a jackass. By you attacking my heritage and family, just once again shows you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You come to a dead end in your argument and you deflect to another topic lol. Then when that fails, you just call me stupid because you temporarily ran out of rebuttals.
I’m all for immigration but I do not care for illegal criminals like you bringing drugs and showing no respect for federal laws

The worst insult is that your drugs aren’t even good looking. Grow better drugs you fucking WOP
You should make me feel really stupid by telling me how .any governorships the Republicans gained this year.

How do you feel about the Republicans stealng a Supreme Court spot by violating the Constitution?

Stole a seat by violating the constitution? If that were true, something would have been done. But like usual, it’s just the Liberals was of saying “we lost, so let’s blame it on something illegal” lol.
Stole a seat by violating the constitution? If that were true, something would have been done. But like usual, it’s just the Liberals was of saying “we lost, so let’s blame it on something illegal” lol.
The constitution says the senate
must advise and consent on Supreme Court nominations

The gop never gave merrick garland a hearing. They did not advise nor consent

That violates the letter of the constitution, klanman