The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

this has been going on since the early 80s at is a wall going to do to stop this?
a wall is a ridiculous stupid idea. the border is 2000 miles many men do you need to patrol a 2000 mile long border?
we'll need to hire some immigrants to do it.......

there's been mention of the virtual wall that the military does..seems like a good option- if you really need a wall.

it won't cost $5B either..Q: where is all this money coming from? same place the tax cut money for business owners?

A: social security and medicare from it's people.
Damn you Liberal sheep get triggered easy lol. It’s hard living like you I bet. Waking up every day, trying desperately to find something to complain about. Someone to blame your problems on. A person to insult just so you can feel like you accomplished something. Yet here you are, just typing away your butthurt feelings further proving you have no facts to back up your accusations. Only talking points passed down by the media, which you believe knows more than the President and his staff. You know why you idiots keep asking “what has Trump done that’s great”? Because you’re too stupid and lazy. It’s just easier for you to watch Don Lemon, Steven Colbert and Anderson Cooper to get your government facts from. It doesn’t matter what Trump does to help. People like you are already invested in being a bitter morons. You can think all you want that Trump won’t serve a 2nd term. The #WalkAway movement has already put a 2 million voter hole in the Democrat party. And that number continues to rise everyday because the smart ones are seeing past the surface.
i would LOVE to have to look for something to be pissed about....all i have to do is turn the computer on and open the news services i look at every day.....and i get more news of how badly trump is running things, about how badly the entire world is doing....there's no shortage of things to be pissed about, or people to blame for them....i've been told i'm horrible pessimist, so i try to find at least one uplifting story a day, one story that shows me that there is still hope in the world.....those are the stories i have trouble finding.......unfortunately
there's been mention of the virtual wall that the military does..seems like a good option- if you really need a wall.

it won't cost $5B either..Q: where is all this money coming from? same place the tax cut money for business owners?

A: social security and medicare from it's people.
It would cost more. Deploying military has residual costs. A wall pays for itself once it stops the vast majority of illegals coming in and getting on government assistance. And the upkeep is also cheaper than using military bodies
i would LOVE to have to look for something to be pissed about....all i have to do is turn the computer on and open the news services i look at every day.....and i get more news of how badly trump is running things, about how badly the entire world is doing....there's no shortage of things to be pissed about, or people to blame for them....i've been told i'm horrible pessimist, so i try to find at least one uplifting story a day, one story that shows me that there is still hope in the world.....those are the stories i have trouble finding.......unfortunately
Yea cause what you’re watching is bias, paid for propaganda that news station knows sells. They sell drama and opinions. Then they pass it off as fact. Then when it falls apart, they move on to something new and shocking to get you to forget about the last thing they mislead you about. You don’t hear much from David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Dr. Christine Fraud these days do you? I wonder why?
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It would cost more. Deploying military has residual costs. A wall pays for itself once it stops the vast majority of illegals coming in and getting on government assistance. And the upkeep is also cheaper than using military bodies

fail..i'm really good a math. plus i was talking about the virtual don't need military to run it- anyone can.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report in February 2016, stating that 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes."

illegal immigrants regularly pay into SS/MED and never see a dime of it.

white people are the biggest participants of social safety net.

which position are you looking for that they take away from you? would it be the fruit picking or the meat slaughtering?
Yea cause what you’re watching is bias, paid for propaganda that news station knows sells. They sell drama and opinions. Then they pass it off as fact. Then when it falls apart, they move on to something new and shocking to get you to forget about the last thing they mislead you about. You don’t hear much from David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Dr. Christine Fraud these days do you? I wonder why?
I am guessing I am not the first to break this to you, but you are not smart.
fail..i'm really good a math. plus i was talking about the virtual don't need military to run it- anyone can.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report in February 2016, stating that 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes."

illegal immigrants regularly pay into SS/MED and never see a dime of it.

white people are the biggest participants of social safety net.

which position are you looking for that they take away from you? would it be the fruit picking or the meat slaughtering?

At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend.
I am guessing I am not the first to break this to you, but you are not smart.

Sure buddy. Let me see you have your Bachelors in Nursing, while working towards your Masters. You don’t have the stamina or mental aptitude to do anything meaningful in your life other than live your life on the internet, complaining. Oh wait, I forgot, it’s usually the loud mouths that claim others aren’t smart, because you are a dumbass dependent with no sense of individual goals. Just accept reality that you’re a loser and all you will ever be is that. Of course you have the option to make a change in your life, but that would require work. And we all know how well Liberals work lol. All thru school Liberal students trying to complain and weasel their way to good grades because of some bogus disadvantage or unfair treatment. It’s always the same story. If it’s challenging, you need the rules adjusted in order for you to succeed. Because most liberals are in fact dependent.
The #WalkAway movement
You mean the meme started in Russia and promoted by their trolls? What's your game, idiot troll, idiot Trumper, or internet research agency troll from Russia? Someone must be paying you to act this stupid and get the shit beat out of you by smarter better informed liberals on a pot site.

The only people walking away are good people from the republican party, most of the good folks have left already there's pretty much just scum remaining. The liberals are the only ones left on the political field in America moving forward, the conservatives committed suicide by allowing racist and lunatics to take over their party. You had better look forward to voter and human rights legislation also hate crime laws, LGBT rights, immigration reform and large scale amnesty. The GOP is now a racist organization and will be soon marginalized as a regional party at best.

There are no aliens, they're people just like you, they're not from another planet, just another country. Get used to it cause you've got a lot of brown folks in yer future, Trump and people like you have motivated them to vote now, suck it up. Try learning Spanish, it will help with your nursing career, so would having a heart and empathy.
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Sure buddy. Let me see you have your Bachelors in Nursing, while working towards your Masters. You don’t have the stamina or mental aptitude to do anything meaningful in your life other than live your life on the internet, complaining. Oh wait, I forgot, it’s usually the loud mouths that claim others aren’t smart, because you are a dumbass dependent with no sense of individual goals. Just accept reality that you’re a loser and all you will ever be is that. Of course you have the option to make a change in your life, but that would require work. And we all know how well Liberals work lol. All thru school Liberal students trying to complain and weasel their way to good grades because of some bogus disadvantage or unfair treatment. It’s always the same story. If it’s challenging, you need the rules adjusted in order for you to succeed. Because most liberals are in fact dependent.
Lol. Glad you are applying yourself. But you are not smart.

fail..i'm really good a math. plus i was talking about the virtual don't need military to run it- anyone can.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report in February 2016, stating that 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are paying annually an estimated amount of $11.64 billion in state and local taxes, "on average an estimated 8 percent of their incomes."

illegal immigrants regularly pay into SS/MED and never see a dime of it.

white people are the biggest participants of social safety net.

which position are you looking for that they take away from you? would it be the fruit picking or the meat slaughtering?

How racist are you that you limit their work ability to shit work. Liberals are racist and they don’t even know it. Because you’re used to being told what group you belong to and how to live inside that group. Illegals don’t just pick fruits or work at slaughter houses. They also take jobs away from American landscapers, restaurants positions and construction jobs. But you’re convinced by your clear stereotype of Mexicans as low wage fruit pickers.
Lol. Glad you are applying yourself. But you are not smart.


Sorry to tell you, but you’re the uneducated one here. All you’re saying is “you’re stupid” “you’re wrong” wah wah wah. Crying like a little bitch. Stupid people don’t make it in my position in a career, sorry. Your belittling of intelligence just clearly shows how angry you are because you know inside you’re a dumbass playing on the internet, pretending you are a smart person.
You mean the meme started in Russia and promoted by their trolls? What's your game, idiot troll, idiot Trumper, or internet research agency troll from Russia? Someone must be paying you to act this stupid and get the shit beat out of you by smarter better informed liberals on a pot site.

The only people walking away are good people from the republican party, most of the good folks have left already there's pretty much just scum remaining. The liberals are the only ones left on the political field in America moving forward, the conservatives committed suicide by allowing racist and lunatics to take over their party. You had better look forward to voter and human rights legislation also hate crime laws, LGBT rights, immigration reform and large scale amnesty. The GOP is now a racist organization and will be soon marginalized as a regional party at best.

There are no aliens, they're people just like you, they're not from another planet, just another country. Get used to it cause you got of brown folks in yer future, Trump and people like you have motivated them to vote now, suck it up. Try learning Spanish, it will help with your nursing career, so would having a heart and empathy.

Yup racism. When all else fails, fall back on identity politics and calls for racism. It’s the same thing with you goons. You can’t accept your loses, so you resort to calling people racists. Because all you can do is accuse and finger point. If you honesty think that the Liberal base isn’t shrinking, you’re just a fool.
Sorry to tell you, but you’re the uneducated one here. All you’re saying is “you’re stupid” “you’re wrong” wah wah wah. Crying like a little bitch. Stupid people don’t make it in my position in a career, sorry. Your belittling of intelligence just clearly shows how angry you are because you know inside you’re a dumbass playing on the internet, pretending you are a smart person.
The fact that you are dumb is pretty self evident. I no longer argue with dumb people who think that facts are subjective.

Sorry bro, I read your posts - you dumb.
Yup racism. When all else fails, fall back on identity politics and calls for racism. It’s the same thing with you goons. You can’t accept your loses, so you resort to calling people racists. Because all you can do is accuse and finger point. If you honesty think that the Liberal base isn’t shrinking, you’re just a fool.
How did that shrinking liberal base fare during the last election?
Damn you Liberal sheep get triggered easy lol. It’s hard living like you I bet. Waking up every day, trying desperately to find something to complain about. Someone to blame your problems on. A person to insult just so you can feel like you accomplished something. Yet here you are, just typing away your butthurt feelings further proving you have no facts to back up your accusations. Only talking points passed down by the media, which you believe knows more than the President and his staff. You know why you idiots keep asking “what has Trump done that’s great”? Because you’re too stupid and lazy. It’s just easier for you to watch Don Lemon, Steven Colbert and Anderson Cooper to get your government facts from. It doesn’t matter what Trump does to help. People like you are already invested in being a bitter morons. You can think all you want that Trump won’t serve a 2nd term. The #WalkAway movement has already put a 2 million voter hole in the Democrat party. And that number continues to rise everyday because the smart ones are seeing past the surface.
That whole walk away thing really hurt us in the midterm
Yea cause what you’re watching is bias, paid for propaganda that news station knows sells. They sell drama and opinions. Then they pass it off as fact. Then when it falls apart, they move on to something new and shocking to get you to forget about the last thing they mislead you about. You don’t hear much from David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Dr. Christine Fraud these days do you? I wonder why?
Are you really mad at victims of rape and gun massacres?
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend.
You’re citing a group founded by a white supremacist, sweetcheeks
More of the same from you, the village idiot lol. Wah wah wah you’re dumb wah wah wah lol. I’m smarter than you wah wah wah. Dude, you will never convince me of my level of intelligence. I know what I have accomplished and how smart I am to be able to do so. Again, you’re just a no life on the internet with a major inferiority complex.
I have no reason to try to convince you of anything - you believe in magical thinking. I could show you where you are a complete idiot but you believe that feelings are facts - but they are not.

You aren't the first dummy I have encountered. But Rush and Hannity tell you are smart which appeals to you for obvious reasons. There is no point in arguing with your sort of dumbass who will just deny the sources when they refute your pathetic argument.

So I assume you are Greek. (((They))) never should have let Greeks into this country. Most are genetic Turks anyway. They take jobs from decent people and drive down wages. Their culture is foreign to us and they don't assimilate well. Why did they come here instead of fixing their own country's massive problems? I used to live in a Greek neighborhood. They had gangs, terrible gangs. A women I know was killed by one because they are criminals and brought crime with them.

But some, I assume, are good people.