Mega Crop Price Changed


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up... it looks like Greenleaf bumped the price of Mega Crop by 20% just in time for the holidays. All of their marketing and price comparisons still show the numbers like the old price though. I have an email out to them to get more details on why they are misrepresenting the cost per gallon. It is likely unintentional, but I will respond back when I get more details.
So, looks like it was intentional... the only response I got back was:

website was just updated a few days ago, the cart price is correct

Christian with Greenleaf
Feeding Chart and Schedule
Looks like it's cheaper to go with Jack's now.
So, looks like it was intentional... the only response I got back was:

website was just updated a few days ago, the cart price is correct

Christian with Greenleaf
Feeding Chart and Schedule
Looks like it's cheaper to go with Jack's now.
IDK why anyone would switch from Jacks in the first place
Oh come on here! Wah, wah, waa...
First thing is, they aren't a nation wide thing in many grow shops.....Not trusted yet (by shop owners)

Thing is, this is changing.

Folks come on web sites and tout it's greatness. More is sold.

They need more components to make it. Sources change, as do prices for those components (did you know the quality source's for P are declining fast! The quality is going down, the cost to mine and refine is going up. There are around 25 -30 years of cost effective, mineable P left in the world!).

So, source prices are rising.
Uncle Trumpy is fucking up the world markets, so prices are rising on everything. Think manufacture cost's (including OT for meeting production goal's) packaging and labeling, cost of distribution (ever heard of carbon footprint).....
Their demand has risen. So it's costing more, to get it out farther..

Result, prices go up...... Every body does it when they are a start up.....Things will stabilize as they get sourcing and increased production costs lined out....

Quit belly aching over life!
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If you contact them for bulk half pallet and full pallet they will get you some better deals.

A 21.7lb pack looks to cost 87 shipped now vs 66 shipped before. An increase of 32% gln mentioned in there thread the reason for the increase.

rollitup coupon code still works on the smaller packs under the pallet sizes
Oh come on here! Wah, wah, waa...
First thing is, they aren't a nation wide thing in many grow shops.....Not trusted yet (by shop owners)

Thing is, this is changing.

Folks come on web sites and tout it's greatness. More is sold.

They need more components to make it. Sources change, as do prices for those components (did you know the quality source's for P are declining fast! The quality is going down, the cost to mine and refine is going up. There are around 25 -30 years of cost effective, mineable P left in the world!).

So, source prices are rising.
Uncle Trumpy is fucking up the world markets, so prices are rising on everything. Think packaging and labeling, cost of distribution (ever heard of carbon footprint).....
Their demand has risen. So it's costing more, to get it out farther..

Result, prices go up...... Every body does it when they are a start up.....Things will stabilize as they get sourcing and increased production costs lined out....

Quit belly aching over life!
@Dr.Who Maybe add this post to greenleafs thread. A few upset bellies over there.. Not sure why op had to start this thread when he/she could have went to the source's thread.
The recipe for MEGA CROP HAS BEEN REDONE ,a lot of people had to add Epsom salts , or cal mag before ,$ 180 to Canada ,IMG_1781.PNG
hi all, for anyone worried about the increase price on the 9.9kg bag only (other 12 products reduced in price), we have coupon code ROLLITUP and also you can get much better discounts with our Instagram Sponsor/Influencer program. So basically if you are using MEGA CROP, just post on Instagram and tag us in your grow pics, and you can earn up to 85% discount on products by participating!