The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

What’s funny about this thread is how much you hate Trump that you would willingly vote in people who are literally throwing you under the bus
Almost all of that trillion dollars added to the national debt by Trump's unfunded tax cut was given to the wealthiest in the nation.

When Trump said he was a winner you thought he was going to win for you. Silly goose.
So you think Hillary loves you? She called black men super predators. Her and her husband stole millions from the Haiti relief fund. Lied to Congress and got away with it because of political bias that was put in place during the end of Bush into the Obama administration. And he is smarter than you. Just because you can look up big words on google and post on the internet like an adult doesn’t make you smart.
Are you Russian retards still spouting that same old debunked shit?

Anyhoo, who do you think mueller will indict next?
Russians Russians Russians! Lol. It’s all Russia! Oh no, they are flooding our voting booths and electing people! You are stuck in a mental trap set for you by the LEFT. The party of identity politics and double standards.
Lotta guilty pleas for trump associates dealing with Russia though
Almost all of that trillion dollars added to the national debt by Trump's unfunded tax cut was given to the wealthiest in the nation.

When Trump said he was a winner you thought he was going to win for you. Silly goose.
Income tax brackets have lowered. Stop smoking crack.
Dotard is gonna shut down the government because of Fox N' Friends. Lol.
Oh and after he calls to withdraw from Syria on Vlad's orders.
And it's not just Trump himself and his 4chan neckbeard, useless Alex Jones listening retarded trolls either.
The entire Republican Party are delusional morons.

Yet they control the White House, Senate, governorships and Supreme Courts lol. Democrats are morons. They are telling you to your face they are going to tax your ass to high heavens so they can bus in a bunch of illegals in order to get votes. Haven’t you realized by now that Democrat use minorities to empower them by promising to give them a better life, yet do nothing once they are elected? That goes for some Republicans too. It’s a politics thing, just mostly a Democrat problem.