The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

LOL. that made your top five? they havent' stopped doing anything and are re-escalating their program

so you are for globalism? nice to hear.

90 million still unemployed. if the u5 and u6 numbers were incorrect for obama they are incorrect for trump

You have no proof other than media telling you nothing has been done. N Korea hasn’t tested a missile or has expanded their nuclear weapon research

Globalism? No.

90 million unemployed? What lol? Try 6.6 million. How many more minorities are out to work now? Oh that’s right, the most in history.
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You have no proof other than media telling you nothing has been done. N Korea hasn’t tested a missile or has expanded their nuclear weapon research
you have no proof other than what trump told us. he does have a history of lying in case you've been asleep for the last few decades

jsut from a few days ago:
90 million unemployed? What lol? Try 6.6 million
that was what trump said not me. look it up. he said real UE was close to 42% for obama. same for him then.
You have no proof other than media telling you nothing has been done. N Korea hasn’t tested a missile or has expanded their nuclear weapon research

Globalism? No.

90 million unemployed? What lol? Try 6.6 million. How many more minorities are out to work now? Oh that’s right, the most in history.
Nope. I went to North Korea and saw those sites myself. They are all state of the art nuclear weapons facilities.

You lose.
you have no proof other than what trump told us. he does have a history of lying in case you've been asleep for the last few decades

jsut from a few days ago:

that was what trump said not me. look it up. he said real UE was close to 42% for obama. same for him then.

I rather choose to believe Trump and his Adminstration rather than the media who has been caught multiple times creating fake or misleading articles and interviews. Being caught as a CNN anchor saying that what they are reporting is “a big nothing burger” so they can get higher ratings should have you rethinking who to believe. And how about you watch entire videos, rather than clips that can and are taken out of context in order to make it seem like he saying something other than what his intended purpose is. He is not the only victim. The media does this to whoever they want. The media is acting like the judges and manipulating you into being the executioner. Trump lies? Name a President who hasn’t. I can’t and neither can you. It’s the nature of politics. WE are being lied to if a lie is said by either party. Whether it’s a Democrat or republican. If they are supposed to represent the American people, and they lie. They lie to all of us regardless of who we vote for. Because they are elected to govern Americans, not just their own voters.
Higher job market
Increase in wages
Reduction in income tax from 32% to 20-22%
Better border security
Enforced Deportation laws
De-escalating North Korean nuclear crisis
Negotiating better trades deals with our northern and southerN neighbors.
Appointing constitutional Supreme Court Justices that don’t legislate from the bench, rather they interpret our constitution as intended.

These are just off the top of my head.
I celebrate the failures of Trump

Failure to repeal the ACA
Failure to build the wall
Failure to stop the investigation into Russian interference in our election
Failure to privatize Social Security and Medicare
to name a few

but most of all Failure hold the House of Representatives and massive losses in state governments in the mid-terms.

Your list is pretty vague, by the way.
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I celebrate the failures of Trump

Failure to repeal the ACA
Failure to build the wall
Failure to stop the investigation into Russian interference in our election
Failure to privatize Social Security and Medicare
to name a few

but most of all Failure hold the House of Representatives and massive losses in state governments in the mid-terms.

Your list is pretty vague, by the way.

ACA is on all of congress and on Paul Ryan. It’s not a Trump Only thing.

The wall has been underway for months now and is getting funded. Either Democrats work with him, or he uses the Military and public funding to get it done.

He never tried to stop the investigation. He asked for transparency and fair treatment. Since you know who got off clean after lying to Congress and federal agents multiple times.

I don’t know much about the social security move.

And he didn’t lose in the midterms. You know who lost? Obama. Cause he lost both House and Senate while losing the most seats in your lifetime. Trump gained in the Senate, Supreme Court and governorships. The House is nearly not as important as the Senate. Look at who you got running things lol. Nancy Pelosi.
ACA is on all of congress and on Paul Ryan. It’s not a Trump Only thing.

The wall has been underway for months now and is getting funded. Either Democrats work with him, or he uses the Military and public funding to get it done.

He never tried to stop the investigation. He asked for transparency and fair treatment. Since you know who got off clean after lying to Congress and federal agents multiple times.

I don’t know much about the social security move.

And he didn’t lose in the midterms. You know who lost? Obama. Cause he lost both House and Senate while losing the most seats in your lifetime. Trump gained in the Senate, Supreme Court and governorships. The House is nearly not as important as the Senate. Look at who you got running things lol. Nancy Pelosi.
You and facts seem distant?
Won the Senate? He had the best possible field to hold the Senate that Republicans have had in years...He won red states and 2020 is not friendly for the right , Skippy
I believe firing Comey because of "this Russia thing"
is the very definition of "trying to stop the investigation"
I bet you cheered when All those Russians raced into the oval office cheering ?
The wall LOL
Is only changed by the Military laying razor wire and barriers otherwise the wall maintenance schedule is still the same as under Obama
Now that I reread your post "the social security move" is just one of many things you are uninformed about...thoughts and prayers
ACA is on all of congress and on Paul Ryan. It’s not a Trump Only thing.

The wall has been underway for months now and is getting funded. Either Democrats work with him, or he uses the Military and public funding to get it done.

He never tried to stop the investigation. He asked for transparency and fair treatment. Since you know who got off clean after lying to Congress and federal agents multiple times.

I don’t know much about the social security move.

And he didn’t lose in the midterms. You know who lost? Obama. Cause he lost both House and Senate while losing the most seats in your lifetime. Trump gained in the Senate, Supreme Court and governorships. The House is nearly not as important as the Senate. Look at who you got running things lol. Nancy Pelosi.
Oh, I see.

The Obama recovery which gave all of Trump's favorable economic numbers is on Trump but Trump's failure to build his wall or repeal the ACA is on somebody else.

In other words good = Trump, bad = anybody else because -- wait for it -- Obama! Laugh Out Loud

Weak, weak, weak arguments there, Trumptard.

The mid terms were entirely driven by the majority's disgust at Trump. It's just going to get worse for you Trumpkins next year when Pelosi leads the House , Democrats use their subpeona powers to force Trump to reveal tax returns, drive investigations into obvious corrupt acts in the White House and focus the nation's attention on his party's attempts to take away health care from tens of millions of people.

Meanwhile, the drip, drip, drip of excess stomach acid is eating a hole in Trump's presidency due to Muellers very thorough and legal investigation.

Is this where you say Benghazi? Too funny you are.
Evidence of wrong doing please? Or are we just going to crucify people cause you got butthurt feelings?
The courts will do the crucifixions and they've got a Helluva start already, even FOX news is reporting it now.

Trolling must take up a lot of your time, I mean yer not exactly convincing anybody here, so why bother. What exactly is Donald gonna do for you?
Uranium One would be my guess.

That too.

Remember when Trump took his bad mood to Europe after the elections were over?

Somebody Get the President*'s Babysitter
Trump is throwing temper tantrums at world leaders because presidenting* isn't fun anymore.

Grim times down at Camp Runamuck, and god bless Eli Stokols of the Los Angeles Times for elegantly capturing the predicament in which El Caudillo Del Mar-A-Lago finds himself—with a phrase of solid, 24-karat gold.

But his mood apparently has changed as he has taken measure of the electoral backlash that voters delivered Nov. 6. With the certainty that the incoming Democratic House majority will go after his tax returns and investigate his actions, and the likelihood of additional indictments by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Trump has retreated into a cocoon of bitterness and resentment, according to multiple administration sources.

There are no more adoring rallies to give, and all the Wrong People soon will have subpoena power, and Robert Mueller is over there, just out of sight, humming while he hones his ax. Being president* is nowhere near as much fun as running for president* was.

An asshole he is. I will agree 100000%. But that doesn’t make him wrong. Our parents can raise us with tough love, but that doesn’t mean that what they are doing is wrong. It’s just that we don’t like it. But it doesn’t change the intent.
What exactly are you saying here?
Are you implying that a sociopath like Donald loves you?
That he gives a fuck about America?
Trump is an emotional and social retard who operates on the level of a young child and you think of him as some sort of father figure?

It must be racism and a kind of neurotic fear driven tribalism that has your perspective so warped and your blind spot so large. Your attempts at logical argument are amusing and insightful though unsuccessful, you should study rhetoric if you want to engage in such public bullshit.
What exactly are you saying here?
Are you implying that a sociopath like Donald loves you?
That he gives a fuck about America?
Trump is an emotional and social retard who operates on the level of a young child and you think of him as some sort of father figure?

It must be racism and a kind of neurotic fear driven tribalism that has your perspective so warped and your blind spot so large. Your attempts at logical argument are amusing and insightful though unsuccessful, you should study rhetoric if you want to engage in such public bullshit.
So you think Hillary loves you? She called black men super predators. Her and her husband stole millions from the Haiti relief fund. Lied to Congress and got away with it because of political bias that was put in place during the end of Bush into the Obama administration. And he is smarter than you. Just because you can look up big words on google and post on the internet like an adult doesn’t make you smart.
What exactly are you saying here?
Are you implying that a sociopath like Donald loves you?
That he gives a fuck about America?
Trump is an emotional and social retard who operates on the level of a young child and you think of him as some sort of father figure?

It must be racism and a kind of neurotic fear driven tribalism that has your perspective so warped and your blind spot so large. Your attempts at logical argument are amusing and insightful though unsuccessful, you should study rhetoric if you want to engage in such public bullshit.
Racism? Haha haha stop lacing your weed with crack.
What’s funny about this thread is how much you hate Trump that you would willingly vote in people who are literally throwing you under the bus