I'm an uncivilized heathen lol
I have nice pants, dress shoes and polo shirts/button up shirts for job interviews or going out to nice places
it wasn't meant that way.
we are in two different employment worlds.
in my world, committing and bailing is bad..i've seen 20-something's do it but they're still wreckless until they get into their 30's.
at my age the expectation is i'm true to my spidey senses and that i know better.
i hated to give it up; but i didn't trust them.
the fact that they kept telling me what a flexible company they were but wouldn't even entertain something IMPORTANT TO ME in a counter-offer told me everything.
the holidays are the worst time to lose employment..it seems most fiscals end 3/31, so companies look to hire with their new budgets- spring.