Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Well, it took only 500+ calls to get through to the IDPH.

On my 118th call today, the phone finally rang, and I finally talked with someone. Unfortunately the person I spoke with had no good news, and didn't seem to have a lot of information or answers. He did tell me that my application is in the system and that there were no problems with it, but when I asked if he could give me an estimated timeline, all he would say is that they're dealing with a high volume of applications, and that they're processing them in the order in which they were received.

I also asked what he could tell me about provisional access. His answer was "That's for the opioid program only." He's wrong, and I know it, but I didn't argue. He added that "They're still deciding what the rules will be, and we don't know how long that will take."

Rather than pointing him to the actual rules as defined by law, I politely thanked him for his help and hung up.

I got the same mesaage in email form when asking about Provisional...

I didn’t argue either, these people are not the rule makers, they are just doing what they are told. I just hope it gets worked out, I won’t get my permanent card until mid-Feb.
I got the same mesaage in email form when asking about Provisional...

I didn’t argue either, these people are not the rule makers, they are just doing what they are told. I just hope it gets worked out, I won’t get my permanent card until mid-Feb.
Your permanent card? Do you have a non-perm card?
Sorry for the confusion... we have been talking about Provisional access (which is kind of like a temp card). It’s stated in the new law how it works, but the state has not implemented it yet. I’m hoping I get to use Provisional before my card shows up in Mid-Feb.
Ahhh ok! My bad on that one, makes sense now!
I just sent the following to the governor. Hope I get the chance.

I know you're a busy guy. But, we've got a major problem with the process of obtaining a medical marijuana card here in the state. I have passed my 90 days from application, can't get through on the phone call. Can't get through except for a basic I can't tell you anything email.
Where does this stop? I have suffered from abuse for 20+ years of my life. Having PTSD, Crohns, and Epilepsy is not only hard to medicate but also hard to manage. I came to the conclusion that I have to try something different, instead of taking the same meds, over and over.
That is why I tried to get a card. I have multiple qualifying conditions. But, this has done me no good. I can't even go to a dispensary to get anything, I can't find out if I am getting a card when it could possibly come. Just, you know anything, what so ever.
Now, what I do at my company is making a seamless process. I think I can help build a better system. I want to donate my time.
The following video is an example of what I want to set up.
I can do this in 14 days.
Let me know. I know you don't want us to be the laughing stock of the medical cannabis industry because we can't even approve a license within 90 days, when California can do it in minutes as shown in the following video.

"Concerned Citizen"
I just sent the following to the governor. Hope I get the chance.

I know you're a busy guy. But, we've got a major problem with the process of obtaining a medical marijuana card here in the state. I have passed my 90 days from application, can't get through on the phone call. Can't get through except for a basic I can't tell you anything email.
Where does this stop? I have suffered from abuse for 20+ years of my life. Having PTSD, Crohns, and Epilepsy is not only hard to medicate but also hard to manage. I came to the conclusion that I have to try something different, instead of taking the same meds, over and over.
That is why I tried to get a card. I have multiple qualifying conditions. But, this has done me no good. I can't even go to a dispensary to get anything, I can't find out if I am getting a card when it could possibly come. Just, you know anything, what so ever.
Now, what I do at my company is making a seamless process. I think I can help build a better system. I want to donate my time.
The following video is an example of what I want to set up.
I can do this in 14 days.
Let me know. I know you don't want us to be the laughing stock of the medical cannabis industry because we can't even approve a license within 90 days, when California can do it in minutes as shown in the following video.

"Concerned Citizen"
A noble effort, Concerned Citizen - I applaud you.:clap:

But Rauner has expressed by his actions throughout his entire disastrous tenure in office that he is not at all interested in helping anyone who needs or wants medical cannabis. And now that he is slinking towards his final days in office, he has absolutely no incentive whatsoever to help you or anyone else who isn't helping him, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a reply.

However...I think it couldn't hurt, and may actually be helpful, to contact people who might have an interest in helping us. Your local congressperson would be an excellent place to start. Better yet, the current director of the IDPH, Dr. Nirav Shah. And maybe add a "cc:" to the sponsors of the bill, one of whom was mentioned in another post earlier today.
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I just sent the following to the governor. Hope I get the chance.


Nobody needs to figure it out. Congress made the law, Rauner signed it (at the last minute).Provisional access for online applications is real.
IDPH needs to do it.
Rauner could possibly make that happen but I doubt if he would. He waited until the last possible minute before it became a law without him signing for a reason.
OK, let's do something positive. Grass roots activism (get it? :leaf:)

Find your local representatives in the Illinois House and Senate on the map here, and send them your story:

Before sending the e-mail, add this address to the "cc:" field:

[email protected]

Dr. Shah is the director of the IDPH.

Be polite, be direct, and be brief. Remind them that this is about your health issues, and that all you're seeking is relief from your suffering. These folks aren't the cause of the problems at the IDPH. Venting your frustration or anger with the current situation on them is probably not the best strategy. They may not know even any problems exist with the program. But with some encouragement, they may be able to help us towards a solution.
Nobody needs to figure it out. Congress made the law, Rauner signed it (at the last minute).Provisional access for online applications is real.
IDPH needs to do it.
Rauner could possibly make that happen but I doubt if he would. He waited until the last possible minute before it became a law without him signing for a reason.
Here is proof effective 12/3/18 STAMPED ON EVERY PAGE! IAC 1290 Emergency Amendments Register.pdf?ActID=3503&ChapterID=35
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Up yonder, that's who we're talking about being told provisional is opioids.
That's a load of BS. I applied because I have been on opioids for almost 5 years,because of permanent nerve damage. I was denied because it wasn't a qualifying condition under the MCPP. Now they are saying provisional is under OAPP!!! Why the hell was I denied access then? These people really need to get their act together. This state can literally screw up anything they get their hands on.
That's a load of BS. I applied because I have been on opioids for almost 5 years,because of permanent nerve damage. I was denied because it wasn't a qualifying condition under the MCPP. Now they are saying provisional is under OAPP!!! Why the hell was I denied access then? These people really need to get their act together. This state can literally screw up anything they get their hands on.