DIY Micro Herd farming

Hey guys

I’m interested in finding the various DIY methods you’ve used to breed and inoculate healthy microbes in your grow. I would like to avoid more involved methods like brewing teas. For example, I’ve read that guys use milk/rice to farm lacto bacillus. I’m looking for simpler methods along those lines and hopefully learn new methods and new microbes to add to my mix. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You can also take some rice and half cook it, put it in some nylons and bury it around the base of a large tree in some old woods. Or at the base of some bamboo. I'd go for the tree cause bamboo doesn't grow in Canada
I have been looking into cultivating my own microbes. And most of the methods are involved. And I know you are looking for simple methods.
For a fungly dominant method you can make a pile of wood chips and let it sit for a year or more. You will see mycelium start to grow through it. Looks like spider webs.
Another method is take cold rolled oats or bran or barley, moisten them. but don't soak. put them in a wooden box with an open top. Cover with a t-shirt. Place it in a old growth forest. Or somewhere that has a lot of decomposing plant material like the ground in the woods, forest, stand of trees. The least disturbed the better. Try multiple different sites to get a wide range of microbes. Leave it for about a week. Make sure you don't let it get rained on. Your best bet is to brush aside any fallen leaves sticks and place your box directly on the soil surface. Then cover with the leaves sticks etc. And place larger branches and debris to shield from rain.
Piles of fall leaves left for over a year makes a "cold" compost. Also called leaf mould. Great addition to soil mixes as well a top dress for a mulch.
On YouTube Chris Trump or Drake have really good KNF instructional videos.
Brown Guy 420 on YouTube used to have some really good videos but his channel is gone but you can still find some of his videos on some other channels
I’m skipping IMOs because they are too much of a challenge to collect in a metro area discreetly. I’m sure that using the other inputs (FPJ, FFJ, OHN, FAA, & BRV will make up for it)
Those are all a lot more work then brewing a tea. Especially the OHN.
If you're living in a metro area it's hard to DIY a lot of those things. The OHN can be made indoors it just takes a long time. And the ingredients can be hard to get a hold of. But you can substitute some of the ingredient. Just like the fpj ffj if you plan on using store bought fruits the are usually irradiated which kill the natural biology that your looking for. I tried to make some with rhubarb I grew in my back yard. I think it turned out well. But all these things are a process that takes time. And a lot more work then making a compost tea or worm casting tea
Those are all a lot more work then brewing a tea. Especially the OHN.
If you're living in a metro area it's hard to DIY a lot of those things. The OHN can be made indoors it just takes a long time. And the ingredients can be hard to get a hold of. But you can substitute some of the ingredient. Just like the fpj ffj if you plan on using store bought fruits the are usually irradiated which kill the natural biology that your looking for. I tried to make some with rhubarb I grew in my back yard. I think it turned out well. But all these things are a process that takes time. And a lot more work then making a compost tea or worm casting tea
Right. I don’t mind fermenting, but rigging up a full fledged brewer in limited space isn’t feasible. The thought of knocking it over and getting that shit in my carpet is enough for me to go another direction lol
Those are all a lot more work then brewing a tea. Especially the OHN.
If you're living in a metro area it's hard to DIY a lot of those things. The OHN can be made indoors it just takes a long time. And the ingredients can be hard to get a hold of. But you can substitute some of the ingredient. Just like the fpj ffj if you plan on using store bought fruits the are usually irradiated which kill the natural biology that your looking for. I tried to make some with rhubarb I grew in my back yard. I think it turned out well. But all these things are a process that takes time. And a lot more work then making a compost tea or worm casting tea
What’s a good source for my FFJ and OHN ? Local farmers market ? Is irradiated fruit/veggies going to be sold in an organic grocery store too ?
As far as I know it's only fruits and veggies that come into the country. Farmers markets sell locally grown produce so no I wouldn't think so. But ask at the farmers market the are almost always happy to answer any questions.