The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I was right about the Trumpers being thin on the ground lately, yer just here trolling. Let's hear a rational fact based defense of Donald and his policies, assuming you know what they are, other than, "Git the brown folks and liberals".
We don't want to get the "brown folks" or however you refer to them. We want to not get the "brown folks".
We don't want to get the "brown folks" or however you refer to them. We want to not get the "brown folks".
The logical end of such "thinking" is stacking people up like chord wood in death camps complete with ovens to dispose of the "undesirables". Didn't I see you on TV carrying a tiki torch?
The logical end of such "thinking" is stacking people up like chord wood in death camps complete with ovens to dispose of the "undesirables". Didn't I see you on TV carrying a tiki torch?
I'm literally shaking right now because I never noticed that he was literally Hitler.
I'm literally shaking right now because I never noticed that he was literally Hitler.

seems you're in a little midterm conundrum + no chief of staff, no press secretary- what's a despot to do?

what size do you think he takes in a jumpsuit to match his skin color XXX-DOTARD?

the funny thing- he's gotta stay sitting president- the VERY moment he's not..
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Chuck and Nancy just shit on Donald's front lawn, he'll love the comments made to the press outside the WH! I wonder if he'll try to ban Nancy from the WH grounds for impertinence.:lol:
Schumer: Trump's temper tantrum will not get him border wall
Democratic leaders Sen. Charles Schumer (R-NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) talk to reporters after a contentious Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump where the president vowed to shutdown the government if border security isn't funded.
Trump is too distracted by his "performance", constantly looking at the cameras and bumbling his lines.
It one of the reasons why Trump is the worst negotiator in history, if you have him in a public setting he will always play to the cameras, the moment and it consumes all of his attention. While Donald is taking care of his ego, smart people like Chuck and Nancy can own him a half dozen different ways. Chuck even got him to publicly own the government shutdown, "the Trump shutdown" as Nancy characterized it, Donald was left holding the hot potato with a stupid look on his face when the music ended. Out played, called out and out smarted on national TV, Donald's asshole must be burning tonight!