You are equating China's government crackdown on dissidents and mass extrajudicial incarceration of between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people who have committed no crimes with admitted wrongs by other countries past and present. You keep using this argument. Is it the only defense for what China is doing?
If so then you are simply wrong. Yes, what other countries have done and are doing is wrong. They have zero bearing or equivalence with what China is doing.
Yes, what the US has done in many areas is wrong. What China is doing is also wrong.
Not only that but the actions I'm talking about are current Chinese government actions and not something that happened long ago. Or, as in your last line about Nazis marching in the streets, actions of private citizens and they are doing so in the teeth of massive counter demonstrations against them.
This all began because I said that my personal opinion is that the US and Australia should shun trade with China because of what the government is doing to maybe a million citizens who have done nothing wrong other than practice their religion. I can understand the capitalist argument that somebody is going to sell to them, why shouldn't Australia profit? That said, you can expect to get fleas when you lie down with dogs. China's government has little regard for rights be they, human legal or intellectual property and I think it is a mistake that we trade with them.