Rob Roy's daughter, Alanna Nicole Partin, 38, found in Oregon courtroom arguing about jurisdiction with a judge.
According to the initial incident report of Partin’s arrest, she was pulled over by a sheriff’s deputies at 1:48 a.m. Nov. 7 on Northwest Third Street near Van Buren Avenue for having an obscured license plate and displaying a white light in the rear of her vehicle.
She reportedly refused to show a driver’s license or get out of the vehicle when told she was under arrest. Instead, according to the incident report, she reached for a loaded .357 caliber revolver, at which point a deputy used a Taser to stun her into submission and take her into custody.
The report states that the pistol turned out to be stolen and that Partin was also in possession of an AR-15 rifle with no serial number.
At court, she would make daddy proud
“I reserve all rights; I waive none,” Partin declared.
“I am directly challenging this court’s jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to this case.”
“You can either cooperate or not,” Donohue responded. “The case is going to move forward.”
Partin repeatedly objected as Donohue read and explained the charges against her and the potential penalties she could face.
Asked if she understood, Partin replied: “I do not understand anything in this court because I do not stand under this court. I stand over this court as the public.”
She then demanded that the judge produce documents to establish the court’s authority.