Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

marysnutritionals is where i went. I still have pain due to the weather, but i havn't had to take as much meds. I have had multiple surgeries and some damage that is irreversible. Like i said it's perfect but it is helping until the card comes in and I can get the the CBD oil that has THC content too.

I strongly recommend checking into RSO when you get the Card. My Disp. has Pharmacists working in it, they spent an hour with Me trying to Develop a treatment Plan.
Yep, so I am waiting for the follwing section number:

946.235 Provisional Access to Licensed Dispensing Organizations EMERGENCY

To show up in the rules doc here:

So we can learn how privisional will work. I think anyway... these state documents are new to me.

I don't think it has to show up there. The Registry is official (but not what's online, the physical print). It doesn't say anything about how they will work it.

It does say opioid patients only pay $40 a year, $10 every 3 months. But they do have the hassle of reapplying 4 time a year.
I think we should be able to use that to get our $100/yr lowered. But knowing IL they'll just raise the opioids.

Page 770... My first time looking at these types of documents. I’m not sure I see anything groundbreaking, but take a look if you are interested in the latest IL Register doc

I wish there was more procedural detail, as there isn't much new in here. I did learn two things:

1. Opioid patients are getting cards -- just different cards than QPs.
2. The fees are lower for opioid patients than QPs, for some reason.
22291 /22292 talk about provisional registration , will look it over more tomorrow. talks about vets 22293 ...just skimmed ...lot to skim

The provisional parts basically repeat what's in the law or add provisional where it needed to be added.

Opioids doesn't sound usable for anything but chronic opioid use. I'm sure not coming home from surgery and collecting everything I collected for the qualifying conditions (including the picture), applying and then going to a dispensary when I could just have the hospital give me opioids before I leave my room.
Opioids doesn't sound usable for anything but chronic opioid use. I'm sure not coming home from surgery and collecting everything I collected for the qualifying conditions (including the picture), applying and then going to a dispensary when I could just have the hospital give me opioids before I leave my room.

I agree 100%, and it pisses me off. The full application process is going to deter a lot of people. Other than long-term, chronic users, in what way is this program giving people a viable alternative to using opioids?

Time to think about submitting a public comment on these proposed rules...
I agree 100%, and it pisses me off. The full application process is going to deter a lot of people. Other than long-term, chronic users, in what way is this program giving people a viable alternative to using opioids?

Time to think about submitting a public comment on these proposed rules...

I was thinking the same thing while getting ready for tomorrow.

But the good news is no real changes to the way dispensaries do anything means they have no excuse to drag this out. And the $40/yr to do 4 approvals means they have absolutely no excuse to be charging $100/yr to do one approval. By that rate our cards should cost $10 year since it's the same application process.

Part of me wants to believe the letters will be going out soon.
Definitely losing patience, just checked informed delivery and nothing from IDPH. This is day 86. someone got there card Tuesday who was charged 9/10 I was charged 9/12....
Definitely losing patience, just checked informed delivery and nothing from IDPH. This is day 86. someone got there card Tuesday who was charged 9/10 I was charged 9/12....

This is why Our Program Sucks. I watched as others got cards who Applied after me, and we see it here Every Day. If they would tell us when they are going to get to our Apps, so much time could be saved from answering calls and e-mails. A simple, We received your App today and we are currently processing Apps dated Blah/blah/blah.
No good news. In fact, the division of medical cannabis’ position is completely misinformed as to what the law states. Here is a response from them this morning:

You submitted an application for the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program, your application will be processed for the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program not the Opioid Alternative Pilot Program. These programs are not the same and when the Opioid Alt. P. Prog is up and running, this program will have different applications, different processing steps, different rules and regulations, different everything. One program will not have anything to do with the other.

So to clarify, your application will not cross over to theOpioid Alt. P. Prog. at any time. You applied for the Med. Cannabis P. Prog not the Opioid Alt. P. Prog and thus you will be a patient for Med. Cannabis P. Prog. The Division of Medical Cannabis does not provide “provisional” anything.

However, the now effective emergency rules state:

Page 22255–

Reason for Emergency: The Department is adopting these emergency amendments to
implement PA 100-1114, effective August 28, 2018, which requires the adoption of
emergency rules by December 1, 2018 to implement the changes to provisions of the
Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act. The amendments provide
for provisional access to licensed medical cannabis dispensary organizations for persons
applying to the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program
and define the requirements for
participation in the Opioid Alternative Pilot Program. The amendments are necessary to
aid the Department in approving registration identification cards for provisional access to
medical cannabis dispensing organizations to assure access to medical cannabis for
alleviating symptoms associated with one or more debilitating conditions. Also, the new
sections will allow the Department to implement the new Opioid Alternative Pilot

Furthermore, page 22264 states:

"Provisional registration" means a document issued by the Department of Public
Health to a qualifying patient or designated caregiver who has submitted: (1) an
valid and complete online application and paid a fee to participate in the
Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program
pending approval or
denial of the patient's application
; or (2) a completed application for terminal
illness. (Section 10(s-5) of the Act).

So the IDPH needs to figure it out or I could imagine a number of ultra vires claims being filed against the IDPH for blatantly ignoring what the emergency rules now state, since the enforcement of administrative rules and regulations have the force and effect of law. Just my two cents.
No good news. In fact, the division of medical cannabis’ position is completely misinformed as to what the law states. Here is a response from them this morning:

You submitted an application for the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program, your application will be processed for the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program not the Opioid Alternative Pilot Program. These programs are not the same and when the Opioid Alt. P. Prog is up and running, this program will have different applications, different processing steps, different rules and regulations, different everything. One program will not have anything to do with the other.

So to clarify, your application will not cross over to theOpioid Alt. P. Prog. at any time. You applied for the Med. Cannabis P. Prog not the Opioid Alt. P. Prog and thus you will be a patient for Med. Cannabis P. Prog. The Division of Medical Cannabis does not provide “provisional” anything.

However, the now effective emergency rules state:

Page 22255–

Reason for Emergency: The Department is adopting these emergency amendments to
implement PA 100-1114, effective August 28, 2018, which requires the adoption of
emergency rules by December 1, 2018 to implement the changes to provisions of the
Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act. The amendments provide
for provisional access to licensed medical cannabis dispensary organizations for persons
applying to the Medical Cannabis Pilot Program
and define the requirements for
participation in the Opioid Alternative Pilot Program. The amendments are necessary to
aid the Department in approving registration identification cards for provisional access to
medical cannabis dispensing organizations to assure access to medical cannabis for
alleviating symptoms associated with one or more debilitating conditions. Also, the new
sections will allow the Department to implement the new Opioid Alternative Pilot

Furthermore, page 22264 states:

"Provisional registration" means a document issued by the Department of Public
Health to a qualifying patient or designated caregiver who has submitted: (1) an
valid and complete online application and paid a fee to participate in the
Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program
pending approval or
denial of the patient's application
; or (2) a completed application for terminal
illness. (Section 10(s-5) of the Act).

So the IDPH needs to figure it out or I could imagine a number of ultra vires claims being filed against the IDPH for blatantly ignoring what the emergency rules now state, since the enforcement of administrative rules and regulations have the force and effect of law. Just my two cents.
There are people on here that have enough problems without you starting your B.S. again today . no one believes your posts. just move on ….no need to reply , no more need for me to say anymore. I will just put your info out there...
There are people on here that have enough problems without you starting your B.S. again today . no one believes your posts. just move on ….no need to reply , no more need for me to say anymore. I will just put your info out there...
I don’t know what your problem is Natureboy, but I haven’t posted anything untrustworthy. I’ve posted a total of 5 times to this forum, without ever “starting [my] B.S.” I’ve never interacted with you before. And I don’t appreciate you attacking my character and veracity. I’m providing my update. Go attack someone else internet troll.
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for everyone that thinks recreational will save us. Michigan voted on it in November, went into effect that its legal this week. However they do not expect licenses for retailers to go out for at least another year and don't expect retail shops to actually sell it until sometime in 2020.

I fully expect that Illinois will pass the law for full legalization next year, however I do not expect it to be in any retail stores until 2022 or later with the way our state works!
I fully expect that Illinois will pass the law for full legalization next year, however I do not expect it to be in any retail stores until 2022 or later with the way our state works!

To be fair, that's the way every state has worked. It looks like every state that legalized recreational has had at least a year and a half gap between the law being passed and the opening of the first dispensary. If Pritzker signed the law on day one in office (and I doubt it will happen that fast), we probably still wouldn't see rec. dispensaries here until well into 2020 or early 2021 at the earliest.
September 4th Dr appt
September 5th application mailed
November 15th check cashed
December 6th card arrived

This is interesting. I wonder if it means that the application was just sitting waiting to be opened for 70 days and as soon as it's opened they cash the check? Then the actual processing of the app, printing and mailing the card takes three weeks? Or are they opening the mail and processing the app during the long wait, and only cashing the check upon official approval of the app?