so I got caught up in the pricing thing and forgot to chime in on how I made my own THC infusions for vape pens....
full disclosure I am no expert in the matter, but this did work for me and I have done it a few times and the results were mixed to fair. again if you want 100% consistency you need to invest in infrastructure which I am not going to do....
I was doing alcohol extraction with some homegrown stuff but the last round some kids got wind of the plants and chopped them (they were at a family farm about 2 hours away, I didn't go there every day) leaving me with just rootballs and a bad day.... same week I was going to harvest too... so now I can't grow there since I know the locals are sneaking in....
so now I'm just buying rosin extract from one of the dudes I met at a cannabis conference a while back..... fair quality, reliable and legal...
the secret I found is adding PEG to the mix.... i don't know how to describe the taste - chemically, slightly ... i don't know... VG tastes a bit sweet, PG is almost tasteless.. PEG does have this weird thing... so don't have this as your main base .... I always tend to start with about 6:1 or 6:2 VG

EG as a base in a small pyrex measuring cup... i warm it in a microwave with the rosin in it 10 seconds at a time. mix it with a small spoon, put in refrigerator to cool....... if it separates I play around, a drop more of PEG, maybe a drop of PG.... but without spending a ton of money on equipment I found that if it doesn't separate as it cools in the fridge it will probably be stable enough for the pen....
I don't use high quality brand name vape pens either... I refill the cheap plastic 'do not refill ones'.... and 2 and sometimes 3 refills is all they last before vapor stops coming out..... with the nicotine e juice they last about 7 refills before they stop working.... maybe I'm doing something wrong....
with this homemade stuff it does kind of ruin them quick but everything has a price. I don't want to buy a good vape pen or set up so I get to replace the cartridges.....
One thing I don't skimp out on is syringes. I always buy a new one to refill and I don't wash/reuse them. They are cheap enough and the tips will become a haven for all sorts of bacteria and nastiness. also having used syringes around the house is a bad look if you know what I mean...... my wife knows I like weed and doesn't mind me making the ejuice and playing around with extracts.... but if she starts seeing old dirty used syringes around - that's just sloppy and helps perpetuate the myth that this is just for 'drug users' and not an alternative to the phychotropic drugs I was prescribed in my younger years... Also never double dip into the PG/VG/PEG containers....meaning I pour into shot glasses what I want to use for that day and dip the syringe into the shot glass, to them add material to my mixing beaker.... I never dip the syringe into the big containers with the material...... hell part of the process is putting the containers away just so I don't get tempted... leftover gels in the shot glasses gets washed in the drain.....
and I live in Colombia and what i did i literally went to the Chemical Supplier for the PG/VG/PEG and asked them: "I need a 95% alcohol/distilled water solution. the one I am using has additive bitterants so people don't drink it and it's damaging the taste of the E-juice cartridges I'm trying to develop for commercialization...
and they showed up one day with exactly that... at a lot cheaper price than the 150 proof alcohol sold in stores... maybe in other countries it won't be as easy but shit....asking around isn't illegal....