Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeehaa let the wknd festivities begin!! Off to stay at the Goldie sans child til Sunday. Meant to be having dinner at a rooftop revolving restaurant tonight .... buuuuut not so sure I’ll be eating much after just eating a bomb of some old school cats piss LOLF4BBBE64-ABC9-473F-9744-098289396886.jpeg

Shiiiiit I think I may have had too much WOOPS!!! I feel shaky and jittery and actually feel like I’m gonna spew!! Faaark!! Only had it like 20mins ago hopefully it settles down soon wowee!!


Well-Known Member
If one pops up just wait until it first opens up cut the top off and sit it on a fresh piece of alumium foil fins side down. Then put it in a steralised container. Leave it for a couple of days. It will leave a print on the foil. Fold it up and its ready to post.
Well there ya go..and I've been taking bags of shit all this time haha

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Powerfeed green. And Yates trace elements mix. Always do half strength on seedlings to test out the dosage.
I used the green for a couple seasons a long time ago Bob but found growth during the seedling and veg stage a lot quicker and healthier looking when using the red bottle.


Well-Known Member
yeah, theres a bunch of places around here too for spores when they come up (and plenty of cowshit nearby). they were a bit harder to find down south - cubensis were super rare but blue meanies could be had during the southern mushie season. It was a trek to get them though and they werent around for long.

whats the postage on a bag of shit? :D
Haha wouldn't have a clue