Heisenbeans Genetics

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OH.......almost ! In fact, he sorta sang that with Paulie first, then brilliantly went solo.

It's now an open googletest. Super duper prize if you can post the video.
Can’t post the video but it was from Season 3: Episode 4
OK....the judge - moi - has ruled in your favor. Your prize, should you choose to accept it, is an unopened pack of freebies from Honest Genetics by way of, you know...moi. Mint chocolate chip bx I think it is. PM to claim.

A consolation prize for everyone:

Wow that’s awesome. I just checked out the thread on honest genetics and I’m pretty impressed with what I see.
@whitebb2727 @Michael Huntherz enjoy your new beans. Yall are pissed everyone in the world isent a fanboy? I guess OPEN DISCUSSION, isnt so open? Maybe this should be called fefe fanboies only board. Oh wait, everyone can voice their opinion I ALMOST forgot...did you?
I am building the website, for money, no fanboy here. I have no beans from Heisen, I don’t fucking grow autos, hate them, and that’s the only thing that has gone out. Everything in your post, speaking for myself, is utter fiction. None of it exists out here in reality.

I try to use critical thinking and facts to formulate my posts. Getting up in someone’s face for being ignorant and trying to harm Heisen’s business with that ignorance is not the same as being a fanboy for Heisen. Trying to harm someone’s business with complete bullshit makes me pissed as hell, because I am a small business owner myself.

I gave Heisen plenty of shit on the GPS thread, we went rounds there. Don’t even start to think you know the first thing about my integrity or character. I actually have some, no matter how out of fashion it is; watch your tone.

He is a good person to work with so far, professionally speaking. Professionalism isn’t something you seem likely to value or possess, but I do.

You’re way out of line, dingaling. Relax.

Nobody is trying to censor your right to act like a fool, but we can exercise our right to shun you for it, if you want to continue losing your shit for no reason.

Seriously, relax, there’s not even a reason to be angry.

Tag me again with a post like that and I will reach through the internet, grab you by the ear and whisper “be nice, motherfucker.”
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Your being fucking paid by him bitch!

That's fucking funny as fuck!!!!
That's the very essence of pathetic, some bitch ass paid supporter.

So sorry I dont give a fuck about some S1 fem seeds.

Please enjoy your paycheck, your going to benefit the most from this guy because atleast you'll make money off this guys product.
I am concerned for you and the ones you love, please ask someone you trust for help. Seek mental health care, for the sake of your family, if not yourself.

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I am going to ignore you now, I am pretty sure I am not the pathetic one.

Seek mental health care, sincerely. You are not well, and you need professional help.
Since you wont see this, right, you wont care that I mention you are more than welcome to waste your time on these seeds and I CANT WAIT to see the diversity in gene pool that you experiance from S1's. It's going to be a blast to watch you seed hunt 50+ seeds to find a keeper. Enjoy your wasted time and wasted money.
Since you wont see this, right, you wont care that I mention you are more than welcome to waste your time on these seeds and I CANT WAIT to see the diversity in gene pool that you experiance from S1's. It's going to be a blast to watch you seed hunt 50+ seeds to find a keeper. Enjoy your wasted time and wasted money.

Not wading in, just a question: what's your story, and why do you care? OK, that's 2 questions...
Since you wont see this, right, you wont care that I mention you are more than welcome to waste your time on these seeds and I CANT WAIT to see the diversity in gene pool that you experiance from S1's. It's going to be a blast to watch you seed hunt 50+ seeds to find a keeper. Enjoy your wasted time and wasted money.
Have you grown any selfed seeds?
For the record, if anyone wants to purchase my loyalty, it is absolutely for sale.

Silent bidding can start now via DM.

It costs a hell a lot more than Heisen can afford, I will tell you that much.

The idea that he paid me enough that I am his “bitch” is so fucking laughable I am crying.

Apparently some folks idea of “a lot” of money is different than mine. At one point I paid more in federal income tax than I earn per year now, significantly more. But I worked 70+ hours a week and was having no fun. And I was nowhere near “rich” compared to the actually wealthy people of the world, we were orders of magnitude away from being legitimately wealthy folks.

Before you start thinking I am a fancy lad, I grew up poor as fuck, single mom who was a cocktail waitress with a cocaine habit, I grew up without ever asking for school pictures, yearbooks, shoes, clothes, food, or anything extra because of the constant panic coming from my mother about how we were broke...but I digress.

I basically lost everything in 2008 due to bad decisions and oh...a massive global financial crisis that lasts to this day...but it was a good thing for my mental health.

I am happier, now, but I do miss the money. Havng a boat was fun. Throwing lavish dinner parties with friends was fun.

Trying to do it right one time before I buy the farm. I want to be personally fulfilled (I love my girlfriend of 18 years more than ever at this moment, and she feels the same about me) and have enough money and time to be a libidinous, libertine hedonist for about half of my waking hours. We are broke as hell right now, we own almost nothing, rent our 1200 square foot house and have one working car. Yet the future is brighter than ever.

But if you want to buy me off, y’all can start somewhere in the mid seven figures range. ($5 million-ish, for the numerically challenged) For that amount of money I will consider being your bitchboy, fan club president, marketing mouthpiece, internet troll army general, and personal chef. With no shame.

So, in conclusion; no @Heisenbeans I won’t be your bitch for a handful of benjamins, sorry bro, it doesn’t mean I don’t like you. I’m sure we both were under the impression you were buying some web development services, but apparently you also purchased part of my immortal soul.

I hope this post puts Dr. Bananapants, The Mayor of Crazytown, Queen Shitforbrains or whatever bizarre troll crawls out some cave tomorrow at ease about my morals and ethics.

I am totally for sale, and you cannot afford me.
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For the record, if anyone wants to purchase my loyalty, it is absolutely for sale.

Silent bidding can start now via DM.

It costs a hell a lot more than Heisen can afford, I will tell you that much.

The idea that he paid me enough that I am his “bitch” is so fucking laughable I am crying.

Apparently some folks idea of “a lot” of money is different than mine. At one point I paid more in federal income tax than I earn per year now, significantly more. But I worked 70+ hours a week and was having no fun. And I was nowhere near “rich” compared to the actually wealthy people of the world, orders of magnitude away. I basically lost everything in 2008 due to bad decisions and oh, a massive global financial crisis that lasts to this day...but it was a good thing for my mind.

I am happier, now, but I do miss the money, havng a boat was fun. Having lavish dinner parties with friends was fun.

Trying to do it right one time before I buy the farm. I want to be personally fulfilled (I love my girlfriend of 18 years more than ever at this moment, and she feels the same about me) and have enough money and time to be a libidinous, libertine hedonist for about half of my waking hours. We are broke as hell right now, we own almost nothing, rent our 1200 square foot house and have one working car. Yet the future is brighter than ever.

But if you want to buy me off, y’all can start somewhere in the mid seven figures range. ($5 million-ish for the numerically challenged) For that amount of money I will consider being your bitchboy, fan club president, marketing mouthpiece, internet troll army general, and personal chef. With no shame.
So your a broke ass making less than you ever have before and your soliciting payment for sponsoring? No fucking wonder you ended up here. Its not hard at all to read what your putting up. You did well in the past, and now things arnt so good, thankfully you picked up some work an may be able to pay some Bill's this month! Hope this guy pays some more people to support him! Unfortunately some suckers are gonna have to pay the seeds to support people like you, and I know theres plenty around here.
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