Heisenbeans Genetics

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@Thegermling congrats on being the first one to get them all right.
Everyone who participated will get a free pack of whatever your choice is of what is available on the website at the the time of the drop.

The contest winner will get 5 free packs of his choice after the drop. It was a cool contest.
I'm about a week off from taking cuts off of 3 of the big moms and those will be the s1 seed moms and I'll begin reversing the bigmoms starting with those 3 and pollinating.
I have some crazy moms im using here so I'm confident these seeds are all going to be worth popping.
I have 1 coming Monday that I been after for a long time so excited to get that one going.
Thanks to everyone for the support.

Can I go back and guess lol
@Thegermling congrats on being the first one to get them all right.
Everyone who participated will get a free pack of whatever your choice is of what is available on the website at the the time of the drop.

The contest winner will get 5 free packs of his choice after the drop. It was a cool contest.
I'm about a week off from taking cuts off of 3 of the big moms and those will be the s1 seed moms and I'll begin reversing the bigmoms starting with those 3 and pollinating.
I have some crazy moms im using here so I'm confident these seeds are all going to be worth popping.
I have 1 coming Monday that I been after for a long time so excited to get that one going.
Thanks to everyone for the support.
pretty cool contest with rewards! Can't beat it with a stick.
i would have participated but lots of people were putting up solid ansnwers so i figured i didnt stand a chance,,,,im regretting it now!
story of my life man...cant catch a damn break,,,lol
I missed the whole thing, sounds pretty cool, I am getting a little behind in my reading. By which I
mean I have been watching a lot of porn lately.
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i would have participated but lots of people were putting up solid ansnwers so i figured i didnt stand a chance,,,,im regretting it now!
story of my life man...cant catch a damn break,,,lol
There will be other contest. Everyone will be a winner that shops with heisenbeans lol. I'm really excited to see these genetics making seeds. I truly wish it was possible for you guys to smell and see this banana cookies mom in person. Super dank all the way around.cant believe it even made it through the mail when I got her lol.

Stay tuned some good things are coming
You are an obvious troll, so you are correct, I’m making a fool of my self by responding to you. Damn near every post you have made is a troll post beefing with the Same people the OP of this thread has issues with. No grow pics, no advice, just nonsense. You can click on any person’s profile and see their posts and see exactly what they are about. That was exactly the point of the post I made that you quoted. Anyway, I’m done with you, we are about different things. Troll on!

Let me see if I have this straight...
You come at me, give me the third degree over a very simple question, that for some ungodly reason, you seem totally unable to fathom. Proceed to tell me how great you are. Use some of the most fucked up logic I have ever seen regarding what I've grown. Then call me a troll.

I will give you this, you are funny.
I missed a contest? Wth? Lol I lurk this thread nearly everyday,didn't see a contest mentioned.

Edit* Nevermind. It was the naming contest. Eh...i'm subbed to too many threads. Got some house thread cleaning to do. Anyone got their Heisen autos going? I'm gonna try to pop some.
I already knew who it was too. I can spot Charles Grodin at 500 yards. Also, I think I saw that episode of SNL on the original air date.

Me, too....laughed at loud.

:clap: :-P :mrgreen: What did I win?

You ain't there yet, homey.....name the song that fake Arty was singing before being interrupted by not fake Arty. You get first chance by virtue of ruining the original contest.
Me, too....laughed at loud.

You ain't there yet, homey.....name the song that fake Arty was singing before being interrupted by not fake Arty. You get first chance by virtue of ruining the original contest.
Hahaha, that’s google skills test, unless you have honor @CoB_nUt

I will be damned, I guessed that right. I will seriously be damned, if there’s a god...which is a side issue.
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