Nevermind, found it. So good.
The box our mind lives in, is a creation of our own design. The limitations we place on our own existence, exist only because of the belief system that we uphold. In fact it is the sheer belief that make the walls of the box solid. It is the sheer belief that holds us from our utmost destiny- holds us back from the things we are truly able to attain. However, we are programmed from cradle to grave on what is acceptable, what is possible. Every thought we have, every idea, every word, every emotion- has been planted there. Not by ourselves, but by others. Symbols, words, expressions, all taught to us. Most people walking this earth truly do not live their life for themselves, nor do they actually care to. We spend most of our lives reaching for the things society tells us we want, what society says is normal, what society says we are supposed to do.
Why does everyone want to live their life for society? Why does everyone revel in the box? All my life I’ve been told by society to be outside the box, yet I see no one who truly wants to get out of the box. I watch as people move from out of a smaller box and into a bigger one- then celebrate their success. You fool, you are still in the box. Simply ignoring the box does not mean it isn’t there my friends. This game of imaginary boxes is the ultimate mind control, don’t you see this? The one’s who want to control the game know this. They know you are creating the boxes. They lead you to continue creating the boxes. Smiling all the while, their hands are clean by karmic law, don’t you see? You created the boxes, no one made you. For in actuality no one can make you truly do anything. All you have to blame is yourself. While those that try to assist you out of the imaginary game are scorned and laughed at. You fools.
Willful ignorance is the greatestsin. Labels, stereotypes, religions, races, titles, classes, sexes. These are the walls to the boxes. These are the things used to divide us. Don’t you see? With these words come expectations, notions of who we are, who we are supposed to be, how we are to act, how we are to speak. We use symbols and words and so many things to describe other things. Why? Why must we strive to put everything into the boxes handed to us? Why do we have this insatiable need to try and make everything new fit into the preconceived notions that we originally held. Do you not see how this hinders new growth?
Complete and absolute acceptance is the only way to grow. Acceptance without judgments, acceptance without titles and labels. This one step alone can take one a lifetime to master because of our deep rooted conditioning. This bit of wisdom makes it clear also that what we consider good and evil simply does not exist. For good and evil are concepts, handed to us at birth. They are labels. We have built the battle of good versus evil in our minds. This battle does not exist. The true battle being waged is the battle on true consciousness, on true acceptance, on the will to truly live. All these labels and preconceived notions do nothing but distract us from the now- packing our mind full of thoughts concerning what has happened and what is yet to come.
However the only thing we ever truly possess is the present, the now. Nothing matters more than the now, yet our whole existence is built around trying to avoid the now. Most people are truly missing their life, watching it pass before their eyes. Don’t you see?
Like a leaf in a stream. This is how we must live life. Always accepting the present, wherever it may take us. Experiencing all, yet clinging to none. For all things must pass, and all things must change. This is the order of life. Resistance to this is a resistance to life itself.