Nobody Thought You Were Dead Just Pussy Whipped

Funny coming from you....................dressed up the trailer in pink for your woman/man/poodle/whatever you fuck nowadays
Sunday update, finally getting back to my schedule, still have to pick up a lighty light tree
Day 14 of 12/12 from seed under timber's 3000k 90ra/1750k cob fixture.........with cookies and crap/black nitro ladies

................can you see my girls? because I cant. Goddamn clovers, everywhere, on my clothes, couch, shoe soles, the wife is asking where are they coming from! lol. I cut off their water a week ago to slow them down, racehorse too just for the others to catch up. Last kids, I couldn't find, I snapped a bunch of stalks for indicators and the clovers just bounced back and grew 2 inches in that day, straggler looked like it was growing on Pluto; no photons. Culled and planted new, almost applied a herbicide to end this battle==haha

..........(best build yet, wouldn't expect less, that's why they are recommended in here) sent me a 4 cobber, wanted 6, I'll make it work; maybe. Don't like the two plug situation( with no 730nm trigger) and branding, tried flipping it but the cords end up being in the front. Dimmer won't be used as I'm full blast from seed, this is definitely pulling more watts than the last fixture as it's hitting 30c in the room. I will meter it for the draw soon, just hung it today, yes I'm slacking.


, the cover crop is loving life
Vaping some PS anesthesia, love this shit, strong and to the point.......last round weak garbage I gave away to the homeless and drunk party people ...
blind dawg finding blind pussy has happened; true story
be safe and happy growing RIU