Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I thought you were always just trolling me, now I find out that you really are as stupid as you seem. Just to get the facts straight it was you who reckons the viper is shit, I only said the QB were deficient in the necessary red spectrum, seeing as they were only using white LEDs. So most of the green/yellow which they have a lot of is wasted. But they aren't shit, they are just not providing the best spectrum.

How do I know what is the best spectrum, well not from reading opinions on the inter webs and surely not from dipshits like yourself, I go to the source, those who have a vested interest in selling top shelf lights, like ChiLed, or Sanlight or Valoya, who all have settled on a similar spectrum.

I get it, you got the white QB's and you need to convince yourself it's the best even when it isn't.

I'll drop you the link again, as remember I never said the QB's were shit I just said, I'll be interested when they produce the right spectrum. And now they are doing just that by boosting their white LED's with two more sets of red. I know from the experience of using HPS that they definitely have enough blue to veg.

People are impressed by the QB brightness but as you all already know but don't want to hear, what is bright to human eyes is not what is 'bright' for plants.

So once again here's the link to the new QB 96 Elite, which is not available in Australia (but is available now from the US delivered to Australia) probably because they need to get rid of the old stock.

Check it out.

QB96 Elite V2 is a white LED Board with boosted red spectrum. Each Board is powered by 64 high power white LED, 16 630nm Red LED and 16 660nm Deep Red LED. QB96 Elite V2 offers a wider spectrum than standard 70 CRI, 80 CRI and 90 CRI LED.

Which sort of proves my point.
images (44).jpeg


Well-Known Member
Lol at your childishness, and unabashed stupidity. btw all that I said to BS applies equally to you.
Do u not think that maybe it's all about pissing u off now.. we don't care because u feel like u have something to prove... But in reality WE DONT GIVE A FUCK

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I cannot fucking believe that even though you lot (coco the clown, the aptly named BS and the rube) were obvious bogan fucktards, I nevertheless thought you'd not be as brain dead dopes that you obviously are. Here's something that will blow you mind, (if you had a mind), but this sort of stuff will forever be out of your reach as you struggle with your lives. You guys need to seriously get a life.



Well-Known Member
Feel anxios as fuck started feeling nauseous n have a headache I don’t no how to explain it I feel like wired n shit but at the same time I feel burnt out like iv got Jared palpitations idk how to explain it I just feel like stressed to the point where I wanna just head but the fuck out of something idk how to say it I suck at putting things into words iv just felt it for most of today n it’s warming on me

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Feel anxios as fuck started feeling nauseous n have a headache I don’t no how to explain it I feel like wired n shit but at the same time I feel burnt out like iv got Jared palpitations idk how to explain it I just feel like stressed to the point where I wanna just head but the fuck out of something idk how to say it I suck at putting things into words iv just felt it for most of today n it’s warming on me
Music bro lay down turn some music on
Put your hand on the heart so u can feel it slow down ...