Jacks PPM

This is info from another site explaining the scales.The 500 scale doesn't read half of your ppm's.

There are many different scales used for different industries around the world and for many different reasons! Did you even know there are more than two scales? The most widely used scales in Hydroponics are the 500 scale, 650 scale and the 700 scale.

What's the difference? The ppm 700 scale is based on measuring the KCl or potassium chloride content of a solution. The PPM 500 is based on measuring the NaCl or sodium chloride content of a solution and is also referred to as TDS - total dissolved solids. Individual nutrient ions have different electrical effects! The true ppm of a solution can only be determined by a chemical analysis. PPMcannot be accurately measured by a CF or EC meter.
The PPM rating that I got from Jacks and my own readings are almost spot on to 990.
Full strength is
3.6g 5-12-26
2.4g calnit
1.2 epsom
Those numbers above would be 729 elemental ppm, your ec/ppm meter will almost always give you a higher reading than the actual elemental ppm

So, what you're saying is the company that makes this product and their information is not correct? As well as the reading from my meter even though that reading backs up the info from Jacks?
I'll believe Jacks and my own results, thanks. You provided no proof of your "opinion" so I can't take it as accurate. If information is not backed up by facts it's useless.
Don't forget you said this yourself.
That was actually a quote from the previous article I posted.
Your theory as I see it is flawed. The amount of a substance you introduce to a solution changes the PPM, it is not a finite measurement.
Going by your assumption the PPM of a solution would remain the same regardless of the concentration of the solution.
Explain that to me if you can.
Your starting source water most likely has more trace elements in it than captain crunch’s
I am using RO water. Haven't tested ppm of the water in while but iirc it's around 20 ppm. Bringinh my ph up to 6.0 takes 5 ml of ph up per 5 gallons of solution.maybe that adds the extra ppm.
When I do exactly 3 2 1 my ppm says over 1000. That's not even going with the recommended amount. Isnt the ideal amount 3.4/2.6/1.1 grams per gallon of water. If I mixed it up like this I would be at 1200 ppm. So what ppm should my say when I'm at full strength?
When I do exactly 3 2 1 my ppm says over 1000. That's not even going with the recommended amount. Isnt the ideal amount 3.4/2.6/1.1 grams per gallon of water. If I mixed it up like this I would be at 1200 ppm. So what ppm should my say when I'm at full strength?

The PPM rating that I got from Jacks and my own readings are almost spot on to 990.
Full strength is
3.6g 5-12-26
2.4g calnit
1.2 epsom

I use exactly 3g-2g-1g and it gives me about 800 ppm. Plenty for my plants
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The PPM rating that I got from Jacks and my own readings are almost spot on to 990.
Full strength is
3.6g 5-12-26
2.4g calnit
1.2 epsom

I use exactly 3g-2g-1g and it gives me about 800 ppm. Plenty for my plants
Do you feed this amount say in early veg or late flower? When i run those levels i get nitrogen burn if i water at those levels every time.
Do you feed this amount say in early veg or late flower? When i run those levels i get nitrogen burn if i water at those levels every time.

I've had the same issue before on burning so I go pretty much
I do change this around depending on what phase I'm in, and I use the "Green Gene's" PK boost formula in flower and transition.
2g 5-12-26
2.2g CalNit
2g epsom
1.2g MKP
I'm considering Jacks for future runs. Currently using Mega Crop.

Starting to collect more detailed info on a feeding regimen for my coco dtw grow.

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