bodhi seeds

Right. It does suck overdosing. Obviously the goal is to not overdose

And when you don't overdose, it feels good, right? So why would you be opposed to helping your dog share that good feeling?

If you're worried about overdosing, start with extra small pieces. jmho
sorry gal, we just agree to disagree. dogs aren't humans. You can't be sure that the dog is getting a good feeling, he may just have a system getting fucked with. What does your vet say? In Oregon, most vets encounter this deal many many times, and they advise against the thc, not pure cbd, but thc. Just sayin. no offense,. Reminds me of the old days of watching guys hotboxing their dogs or blowing it in their ears to get em high?lol Im sure the dogs like that shit. Why I mentioned its interesting that many cbd oil being tested, even not on the label, have some or even a lil thc in them, not all of course. And the small doses seem to help. So why would logical reasoning be the dog needs more thc to have a good time. Sorry, I think that's stoner logic. I do believe in the cbd oil for dogs, just got to get the right stuff. jmho
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It seems everybody on this thread is on the same page that overdosing your dog is bad. I agree and feel bad for your Sadie and any dogs who have a bad experience. All I'm trying to say that one bad experience shouldn't ruin the good potential, and if dosed right, dogs really enjoy and benefit from getting high.

People who don't smoke choose of CBD with little to no-THC because they don't want to get high, they just want the good medicinal qualities. But the current research suggests that cannabinoids work best and are strongest working in conjunction with other cannabinoids. Our favorite balm from the dispensary's is Val's and their 20/1 CBD balm is $90 with 2000 mg cbd. Then they have another version with the same amount of 2000 mg CBD, but also with 1000 mg of THC, and that one cost $120 for the same size. I only ever bought the CBD version because of price. But the dispensary said the CBD with THC sold the most and patients said it worked best. And that's topical. THC-A might even have better anti-inflammatory qualities than CBD. Don't take my word for it. There is plenty of research out there on the subject.

Anything is better than nothing. CBD only is great. But add some THC and CBG and all the other cannabinoids and its even better. Go ahead. Get your dog high. Your dog will thank you :p :hug::razz:. As long as you don't overdose and your dogs not looking like this o_O.
patients aren't dogs. And its true for humans that a lil thc with cbd seems to work better. But there are hundreds of reports of CBD only and the relief people get. And no, dogs don't like it, its in your head, lol, but that's ok gal, I got my own conceptions. Acting goofy and sedated doesn't always mean fun for dogs. And I know what the vets told me, not just an opinion. lol but its all good in the hood. Let's hope we can get back on bodhi topics. How bout that DLA5? Good shit eh?
It's been a while since I posted in here. I took a break while my state passed laws and I thought that it would be a good idea to get legal. Plus, it gave me time to build soil and get it tested/adjusted several times. So, I am happy with my soil tests and I started doing ferments. Can't be happier now. I started to flower these Black Raz about a week ago. I've had the cut for a while(1-2yrs) and it is very easy to work with, it's hardy, and it has a big bud structure. Now that I have my soil straightened out, I can start popping more seeds! I've been waiting to start my Neroli '91, Lavender Aura, and a few others that I can't remember right now.
Black Raz day 36. out of all the new strains in this tent, she's the frostiest so far.
I usually don't keep the pheno with the biggest bud, but I did it with this seed pack! I'm a couple of weeks behind you, but they will start showing around week 5 or so. I've kept this pheno for about 2yrs now because it does check a lot of boxes. I'm looking forward to updates!
patients aren't dogs. And its true for humans that a lil thc with cbd seems to work better. But there are hundreds of reports of CBD only and the relief people get. And no, dogs don't like it, its in your head, lol, but that's ok gal, I got my own conceptions. Acting goofy and sedated doesn't always mean fun for dogs. And I know what the vets told me, not just an opinion. lol but its all good in the hood. Let's hope we can get back on bodhi topics. How bout that DLA5? Good shit eh?

DLA 5 does look amazing.

And just to mention because you keep bringing it up, yes, I did talk with the dog's vet about giving him weed cookies, overdosing him and even the dog peeing himself. The vet told me to be careful not to overdose the dog, and then went on to say that he has heard/seen so many benefits from people giving marijuana products their dogs. He believes it is a good thing and explicitly told me that I should keep giving the dogs weed cookies, just not too much. The vet does not use marijuana himself and still supports this.

If you don't want to get your dog high, don't do it. But if you do it right, your dog will be grateful, feel good, and be happy.
I recently had to have an elderly cat put to sleep. He was 19.5 years old and I had him since he was born. I love that cat like a child and would never do anything to hurt him, but when you see your friend in so much discomfort that they can't even relax or sleep you have to try something.

I was giving him cannabutter for the last few months of his life and I know he really appreciated it. Probably about the size of a grain of rice in his wet food was plenty. Please don't give your pets any drug just to "f them up". If you feel they need it, please start with a low dose.
I recently had to have an elderly cat put to sleep. He was 19.5 years old and I had him since he was born. I love that cat like a child and would never do anything to hurt him, but when you see your friend in so much discomfort that they can't even relax or sleep you have to try something.

I was giving him cannabutter for the last few months of his life and I know he really appreciated it. Probably about the size of a grain of rice in his wet food was plenty. Please don't give your pets any drug just to "f them up". If you feel they need it, please start with a low dose.

Sorry to hear that you lost your cat. I was in a similar situation last year and ended up learning a little bit about felines and terpenes. It seems as though the warnings about essential oils and cats should be applied to the area of cannabis as well. Apparently felines do not possess the liver mechanism, the proper enzymes, to process the most prevalent terpenes found in cannabis. I'm not saying that certain isolated cannabinoids aren't beneficial for suffering kitties. Rather, it is an area of science that needs more exploration which could yield cat-specific cannabis products that contain little or no terpenes.

It seems like it's more of a drawn out exposure to terpenes that can be harmful to them as they bioaccumulate and end up becoming a toxic load down the line.
Chopped my black raz 4-5 days ago.went with a water only soil that I will be moving on from (plant obviously was a little underfed) and may have resulted in smaller buds.or maybe it's just that smaller bud pheno some have noted.either way,loving the smell and look of the buds20181201_083833.jpg
Should have used supports
Couple weeks before harvest

Hope you all have a great weekend
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Yes,just water.i have used tea in the past with this soil mix and it was not seemed to burn my plants if that makes sense? Like the tea made ALL my ingredients available at once.
I've also had issues with teas. The biggest issue is ph. Home brewed teas can be all over the place. I fixed this issue when I began ph'ing the tea mixture so that it is nearly the same as the tap water they usually get (around 7.00 ph). This solved most problems.

But I still had a few issues. Like you, I think the tea was too strong. When I diluted the tea, there were no further problems and the plants were happy. Hope this helps!
Yes,just water.i have used tea in the past with this soil mix and it was not seemed to burn my plants if that makes sense? Like the tea made ALL my ingredients available at once.
Interesting. The rev's flowering tea really perks up my girls in tlo soil as long as run off drainage is adequate. This tea is diluted at a 1:1 ratio with RO. Which tea recipe are you using?
Interesting. The rev's flowering tea really perks up my girls in tlo soil as long as run off drainage is adequate. This tea is diluted at a 1:1 ratio with RO. Which tea recipe are you using?
I base my recipe between microbemans and a member I haven't seen around in awhile. I only brewed up 2.5 gallons and I believe I went around a cup of ewc/humus/kelp( comes in a black bucket specifically for tea) and I always go on the light side with the molasses.i did not dilute,and like GS suggested,my tea may have been way strong.