Heisenbeans Genetics

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I literally went through every one of Zappz Gelato 33 S1 posts, jbeezy says no such thing. It’s clear he’s never even tried it because his comments are along the lines of “looks fire” or fire emojis. The only guy saying it’s the best gelato is Zappz himself.

Also your original post I was replying to was confusing. You made it sound like Zappz found the original 33. Which he didn’t. He found a nice pheno of a 33 S1. There’s big difference between S1’s and the original cut.
I thought u was jbeezy? lmfao sorry bit the name is usin the same first letters, and I've always thought u were a troll and also showed up around the time heisen started this thing, lol no offense but I was sure that's who u were!
If any of the moms hermies on her own she's getting tossed. I wont use a mom if they dont pass the stress test.
The wifi threw balls from light stress
The wifi offspring hermied 3 out of 12.
No good. I tossed them all including the 43 cut.

Any female in my garden that throws balls from stress is going straight to the trash I dont care what she was traded for or cost. That simple

Some of them you can already see online.
The black banana 9 and GMO are making some retarded dank offspring.
Solfire gave it out, not sure why he did but I got it.
That cross is the mother of the don mega. Anyone can look her up. The bitch is a cup winner. So yeah I'm only using the best shit I can get my hands on.

Hopefully I'll pheno hunt a few hundred to find something that I can really use to make some 30 percenters. That's the reason im doing the adub glue pheno hunt first.
Adub is wack as fawk. People who smoke it says it's like the first time they did a line. Wish I could test it but the shit taste legit like a chemical spill
That will most likely be the name of the adub gg4 cross.
sounds great! looking forward to it!

and I'm all down for some 30% bud, but really I'm after taste first, anything above 20ish % that's taste fire as fuck! lol I'm more of a connoisseur of taste!
sounds great! looking forward to it!

and I'm all down for some 30% bud, but really I'm after taste first, anything above 20ish % that's taste fire as fuck! lol I'm more of a connoisseur of taste!
That cake gonna make you throw away everything else if your after taste.
I just got wedding pie. Grape pie wedding cake
Gonna make a good PP and wed cake cross.
and that's the difference between rec users and med users, lol. No offense.

I'm actually border line both, I honestly haven't gone an entire day without smoking in about 6 years! it helps me get through with every day life, I've been diagnosed bipolar, adhd, ocd, ptsd and I have insomnia. I don't take any meds for anything although some of those I was diagnosed over 15 yrs ago for, but bottom line Im kinda border line a med user! if I don't have a joint it's a bad fucking day and I'll just eat sleeping pills and sleep through it lol! but also I'm not prescribed bud or anything! and instead of taking fist fulls of pills everyday I manage by just always staying high! but taste is what I like most bc I can always just smoke more, on average I blow about 5gs a day! but it varies a lot lol
I thought u was jbeezy? lmfao sorry bit the name is usin the same first letters, and I've always thought u were a troll and also showed up around the time heisen started this thing, lol no offense but I was sure that's who u were!
Jbeezy = Seed Junky Genetics

When I chose this screen name I literally went for the dumbest, most generic stoner name I could come up with. It has nothing to do with anything, other than it’s stupid.

Of course there is, they are different plants but as long as its labeled as S1 whats the problem?
I’m not saying there’s a problem. I was referencing whyte’s post where he said Zappz found “the best gelato ever the 33”. It wasn’t the 33. The 33, like all the gelato cuts were selected by Sherbinski and Cookie fam. As far as I know, nobody outside of them have ever popped original Gelato seeds. The cut whyte was referring to came from Gelato 33 S1 seeds. Just trying to clarify and he freaked out. Cuz that’s how he do.
I'm making seeds not dreams. The genetics are what they say they are. No one is gonna force you to buy anything. Sure I could pop a couple hundred fems and pick a winner but winners dont come from the scrap pile. They come from solid strains all the way across the board. Show me cross that dont have something in it that didnt belong to the original breeder.
That whole real breeder shit is played out. Alot of breeders use males that could or may not produce fire offspring but they are still using bad ass females for the males.
I'm using 2 bad ass females to make the f1 seeds. That's as close as your gonna get to the female parents. No guesswork or testing 100s of males to see who is passing on what.

I will definitely be working my own strains and selecting females to back cross to the original stuff if that is what your concerned about.

Wait till you see the offspring these plants put out before you pass judgement. I already have and I can assure your gonna see some dank colas in flower.

I personally have a couple favorites that are knock the dick off alot of what u see but I'm gonna wait till everyone starts popping seeds to make any announcements on flagship crosses

I will say I'll be selecting a gg4 x adub mom to use for adub back crosses.

Stay tuned homie.
Wait wait wait...
So not only are this S1's... these are female female crosses..... aka your pollen chucking hermies.

S1's are NOT the truest representation of the parent, they are actually the furthest from that...

Ok wow... anyone buying these has to be new. S1's are hardly worth buying imo... most of us know that.
Read somewhere recently, GMO actually stands for Genetically Modified Organisim and nothing else.
he posted last nite on IG and said its the last fucking time he's gonna explain it, lol. It abolutely does not stand for garlic mushrooms and onions. I will quote him:
this is a plant that i, skunkmasterflex found from seed by mamiko seeds.I pheno hunted them in my MI basement of my own personal grow.I got the seed labeled ChemD x GSC, this cross was later sold under Mamiko as Chem Cookies. I gave the GMO that name because Girl scouts of america were getting shit for using gmo in their cookies. Plus it grew like it was genetically modified.so I thought the name workedl.

Direct Quote, retyped. He also explains that a club in Ann Arbo didn't like the name and started the Garlic Cookies name from the early days. Cut started in 2013. The garlic mush onion is silly. all per skunkmasterflex
he posted last nite on IG and said its the last fucking time he's gonna explain it, lol. It abolutely does not stand for garlic mushrooms and onions. I will quote him:
this is a plant that i, skunkmasterflex found from seed by mamiko seeds.I pheno hunted them in my MI basement of my own personal grow.I got the seed labeled ChemD x GSC, this cross was later sold under Mamiko as Chem Cookies. I gave the GMO that name because Girl scouts of america were getting shit for using gmo in their cookies. Plus it grew like it was genetically modified.so I thought the name workedl.

Direct Quote, retyped. He also explains that a club in Ann Arbo didn't like the name and started the Garlic Cookies name from the early days. Cut started in 2013. The garlic mush onion is silly. all per skunkmasterflex

Yup,that's the info I read. Funny how things take on a life of their own and become the truth somehow,while the actual truth gets buried or is brushed aside.
Yup,that's the info I read. Funny how things take on a life of their own and become the truth somehow,while the actual truth gets buried or is brushed aside.
man, its not just strain names anymore, not anyone in particular, but even some growers are so ego driven it seems, they take on the know it all attitude. That's what turns people off and also to add, its also what drives the heated debates in these threads. Everybody knows why someone else did or said or named or grew something, lol. Mouthin bout S1's when they been around forever, acting like they are no good, etc. Your opinion is they are no good, they are very good to others. Just like all the diff strains. One man's junk is another man's treasure. But its gotten hot in the kitchen, can't be bashful anymore if on a grow forum, or IG for that matter. lol

Why I admire Heisen for what he's doin. Cause I can't.
man, its not just strain names anymore, not anyone in particular, but even some growers are so ego driven it seems, they take on the know it all attitude. That's what turns people off and also to add, its also what drives the heated debates in these threads. Everybody knows why someone else did or said or named or grew something, lol. Mouthin bout S1's when they been around forever, acting like they are no good, etc. Your opinion is they are no good, they are very good to others. Just like all the diff strains. One man's junk is another man's treasure. But its gotten hot in the kitchen, can't be bashful anymore if on a grow forum, or IG for that matter. lol

Why I admire Heisen for what he's doin. Cause I can't.

Agreed, well said. I myself will grow the fuck out of an S1.
Some people HATE Heisen for exactly that reason. Long as he keeps on pushin' and spreads the fire, their stance will be moot.
It’s clear he’s never even tried it because his comments are along the lines of “looks fire” or fire emojis.
I tell ppl their shit looks fire when it looks fire no matter if I’ve smoked the strain or not. Hell I’ve commented it while growing the same strain. Anyway I thought #41 was the most popular. I grabbed the 33 x dosi from archive a while back only cause the 41 was sold out.
and that's the difference between rec users and med users, lol. No offense.
I’m a med user and this is silly. Judging a strain merely by its thc content, that is. The entourage effect is what is most important. That’s why FECO is effective. Not knocking on high THC strains by any means. But it’s best to have a well rounded spectrum in many cases for an array of conditions.
I’m a med user and this is silly. Judging a strain merely by its thc content, that is. The entourage effect is what is most important. That’s why FECO is effective. Not knocking on high THC strains by any means. But it’s best to have a well rounded spectrum in many cases for an array of conditions.
that's your specific instance, Im my case, and this was mentioned previously, if I smoke a high cbd strain, I get a tremendous headache and no buzz, no matter what the thc is. Think its great for making oil, not for smoking, the high cbd strains, jmho, think its marketing more than anything. My point in the post, above was if taste is your driving factor of why you are smoking or partaking, seems to me, its not pain or physical ailments the reason. Hence my comparison between med and rec users. Wonder why most times in clubs, the meds for med users is a lil bit better than the rec weed? But that was my point, I understand the whole spectrum arguement, but again, not everybody is made the same way, nor does the herb affect everyone the same way. Beauty of it all. And I never pay attention to the percentage of thc, testing has already showed it can be flawed. I go by strains I know or grow, and what I know works. I may try a new one or two, but I use what works for me. jme Ever wonder why hemp oil doesn't work or has nobody ever tried it yet, lol. Ihear it works pretty good too
After 40+ years of daily tokin...all weed bakes me the same way whether they deem it "med pot" or "rec pot". (I was a carded patient for over 10 years)

I'm one of those folks who seriously enjoys good tasting bud. If it tastes like shit I probably won't be smoking much of it. Gag) If it tastes good I'll be reaching for that jar first. Crappy/unremarkable tasting weed here always gets made into hash where you can at least get a taste of the essence of the strain. (OK...most weed gets made into hash or rosin here...my lungs don't take flower well anymore more than an occasional exposure here/there)

And IMO...the rec pot and med pot here are the same stuff. Only the room you shop in......the tax you pay on the purchase.... and the strength they allow in the edibles/a few other items is different.

But yeah...we are all different. Case in point...I can eat hundreds of milligrams of edibles and all I get is a mild headache...like you do with high CBD items. I've yet to find a breakthrough on this... though I keep trying here/there in hopes I'll hit the mark @ some point.

And that S-1 comment.....LOL. Glad some feel that way though cus then there are less folks clamorring for them when they hit the market.
But yeah...we are all different. Case in point

I fully agree that we are all wired differently. When I mentioned the entourage effect I wasn't simply saying high CBD product is better for patients. THC and CBD just happen to get the most attention because they have been studied more. There are countless cannabinoids that we will (hopefully) begin to understand (their roles) in the future. Taste/smell is a big deal because the way terpenes and terpenoids interact with all of the other present cannabinoids is what is responsible for the most beneficial effects. This is why pharmaceutical companies attempting to isolate a single cannabis compound never seem to work as well as the natural route. So when I say entourage effect, I don't just mean THC and CBD. I am referring to EVERY cannabinoid, even those we are not familiar with yet, PAIRED with naturally occurring terpenes and more.
That's the way I understand it at least.
yea, its sux too, with the gov't having the patent on all cannabinoids.
I haven't looked at it in some time but isn't that patent regarding anti inflammatory properties specifically? I'll find it in google patents in a moment for the sake of education and discussion.
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