As a 9/14 applicant, I'm pleased to hear this. Now I play the Informed Delivery waiting game...
This excites a 9/19 applicant right here!
As a 9/14 applicant, I'm pleased to hear this. Now I play the Informed Delivery waiting game...
Will I get any type of approval confirmation if I applied by mail.
The Law is Clear . will be anxious to find out how they dodge thatI was curious about what if anything changes tomorrow, 12/1, the date given for Illinois to "adopt" - not just announce, but "adopt" - the regulations signed into law on 8/28 as part of the Opioid Alternative Program. I'm not a lawyer, but I know how to read, so I dug into the specifics posted on the IDPH website. Here's what the law says happens on 12/1, tomorrow:
"Public Act 100-1114
SB0336 Enrolled LRB100 05118 RJF 15128 b
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a
person provided a written certification for a debilitating
medical condition who has submitted a completed online
application to the Department of Public Health shall receive a
provisional registration and be entitled to purchase medical
cannabis from a specified licensed dispensing organization for
a period of 90 days or until his or her application has been
denied or he or she receives a registry identification card,
whichever is earlier.
……. "
This is very specific, and very interesting. One, it ONLY refers to online applicants, so if you mailed yours in, this does not apply to you. Two, it allows you 90 days access, even if your application is ultimately denied.
My gut tells me the state will not follow their own law.
Any lawyers on this forum who want to take on a pro bono class action suit?![]()
My gut tells me the state will not follow their own law.
Any lawyers on this forum who want to take on a pro bono class action suit?![]()
After reading the new law, I am sorry that I did not apply online and chose to mail in my application. If provisional access does happen after tomorrow, I don’t see why we couldn’t resubmit our apps online and pay with credit cards to get provisional access. I’m sure everyone kept copies of all their documents. Just a thought.
I'm not sure why you think the state will balk at giving provisional access even to applicants that may be ultimately denied.
Thank you. I thought I’ve read people have gotten emails of their approval and to expect card in 10-14 days. I really can’t wait because this will ultimately be something that this guy has advocated for, believed in, and yes waited, for far longer than 90 days. As I’m sure is the case for most of us. So I will wait with those brothers and sisters. But it ain’t gonna be patiently.I don't believe anyone has ever gotten a true "approval confirmation" from IDPH. Some people who have made inquiries (telephone/email) have learned of their approval in advance of getting their card, but that's simply because they happened to have contacted IDPH sometime after their approval but before card arrival.
But, no, the IDPH doesn't send out anything unsolicited to update you on status. Those of us patiently waiting it out without contacting IDPH don't find out anything until we either get (a) the card, or (b) a notice from IDPH of an application deficiency.
Tempted to call off work Monday hoping my card would be in the mail. Card charged 09/12, anyone think it'll be in my.mailbox Monday? Lol
Thank you. I thought I’ve read people have gotten emails of their approval and to expect card in 10-14 days. I really can’t wait because this will ultimately be something that this guy has advocated for, believed in, and yes waited, for far longer than 90 days. As I’m sure is the case for most of us. So I will wait with those brothers and sisters. But it ain’t gonna be patiently.
When you get your card I see some reunions in your future. Make them load your hitters. Lol.Is your dispensary open on Monday?
About 40 years ago my mother gave me permission to get high if it was legal.
I quit about 20 years ago but was still for legalization. (And oddly lost all my stoner friends even though I had no problem with them, I'd even load hitters for them.)
I was told the same about the sec of state I called on Tuesday of this week. I spoke with someone today and he said I was approved and my card was sent to print, allow 14days.Did I see hear that some sept. folks have received their card? My application was submitted 9/7 and cc charged 9/10, called 11/26 and was told sec of state had to verify my address but nothing else. Still waiting and according to informed mail nothing today. Hate to get to excited because of how Illinois government works or should I say doesn't work.
Is your dispensary open on Monday?
About 40 years ago my mother gave me permission to get high if it was legal.
I quit about 20 years ago but was still for legalization. (And oddly lost all my stoner friends even though I had no problem with them, I'd even load hitters for them.)
Yes I signed up for compassionate Care in Naperville, they are open everyday. They are by my work but I live an hour away and my shift ends at 5 Monday so I wouldn't be able to get any if I do get it Monday unless I were to call off.
Just wanted to make sure. Mine is closed Mondays. Taking the day off, getting the card and then finding out it's closed would suck.
Sounds great to me, I think I'll give them another call next week and hopefully get the same answer. Primary progressive ms can get pretty rough most days so hoping that the tiny spot at the end of the tunnel starts getting bigger and bigger each day until that card shows up.I
I was told the same about the sec of state I called on Tuesday of this week. I spoke with someone today and he said I was approved and my card was sent to print, allow 14days.
The reason(s) I think the state will balk: every single thing they've done regarding MMJ until now.
I'd bet money they'll stumble and delay all aspects of provisional access beyond tomorrow as well.
I'm not going to go out of my way to defend the IDPH, but I do think the level of criticism they receive in this thread is overstated. And I'm not talking about the 90-day approval time, which I've previously posted that I think is ridiculous. But other than that -- even under a cannabis-hostile prior governor -- the department seems to handle the program relatively efficiently. Case in point: you don't hear about people getting denied very often. Say what you will about the IDPH, at least they are giving people access to the medicine they want (albeit too slowly).
I get that people have legitimate issues with the Illinois program, and its far from perfect. But a little perspective is needed. Yes, Illinois is years behind California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington, etc. But we're years ahead of our Midwestern brethren: Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota (really, only Michigan is ahead of us right now). Hell, Indiana just legalized (non-intoxicating) CBD this year, when we in Illinois have been able to buy CBD for years on the shelves at Whole Foods and GNC. We're probably going to be the 2nd legal state in the Midwest, and, in theory, we could still beat Michigan to recreational retail since they won't roll that out until 2020. All things considered, I think Illinois deserves a passing grade on cannabis politics....
To be fair, the bill requires the IDPH to "implement" rules for the new law by December 1, but doesn't explicitly say that provision access itself must start by that date. Indeed, before provisional access can start, the dispensaries need to be trained how to use the IDPH website/database to identify valid provisional access patients. I don't think it's realistic to think that provisional access will be live until 1/1 at the earliest, but I'd love to be proven wrong.