Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
@neosapien did you heat the skillet very hot and brown/sear it on the stove first? If you just cook it in the oven its gonna be gray. I have a convection oven so my cook times may be different than a regular oven too.

I've been watching the birds at my bird feeders. Blue Jays are so beautiful but 3 of them are being aggressive and running some of the others off. I grew up watching the birds at my grandparents and still do. Corny as it sounds, I spend a lot of time on the screened in porch in summer smoking doobies and just watching the birds at the feeders. I have binoculars to really check them out. I get excited when I see new birds hanging out or the hummingbirds flit around their feeders.

Red birds - cardinals are always my favorite cause they are here year round.

Guess I have entered actual old fart stage but simple things entertain me more these days. :blsmoke:



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Sorry this information is a little late.

November 30

Then you are ready to celebrate Stay Home Because You're Well Day. This day is celebrated annually on November 30. This holiday has no agenda other than to spend a healthful day at home.

That's obviously why the USAF scheduled the Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony tonight LOL


Well-Known Member
@neosapien did you heat the skillet very hot and brown/sear it on the stove first? If you just cook it in the oven its gonna be gray. I have a convection oven so my cook times may be different than a regular oven too.

I've been watching the birds at my bird feeders. Blue Jays are so beautiful but 3 of them are being aggressive and running some of the others off. I grew up watching the birds at my grandparents and still do. Corny as it sounds, I spend a lot of time on the screened in porch in summer smoking doobies and just watching the birds at the feeders. I have binoculars to really check them out. I get excited when I see new birds hanging out or the hummingbirds flit around their feeders.

Red birds - cardinals are always my favorite cause they are here year round.

Guess I have entered actual old fart stage but simple things entertain me more these days. :blsmoke:

I indeed got my big ass cast iron dutch oven bottom piping hot and browned it up. I think as @curious2garden correctly surmised, I did just take it from fridge to pan and didn't let it sit out at all. Also, gray may have been a bad choice of color description on my part. The outside looked fine and normal. It was how pink it was in the middle still that had me questioning all of my life choices. But it was damn good and my daughter and I are still here and healthy so no harm no foul.

Blue Jays are always aggressive. Fucking assholes they are. I got into birding when my wife was pregnant. Bought a dslr to take pics of the kid when she got here and decided I would practice with birds until she arrived. I think I have a post or a thread of my adventures somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone

coffee is ready......

saw a few hummingbirds this morning while having coffee on the porch, and it's about our red bird season too.....also caught a flock of mexican eagles 5 to 6 honestly...

welp gotta take care of the animals....

oh shout out to the SOB who hit the telephone pole, the person will survive, but we lost our T1, you...********************


Well-Known Member
Yes, I didn't mention that it helps to have the meat near room temp. before starting!

Even tho the blue jays are aggressive I love to watch them anyway. I bought my hubs some nifty bird feeders that are sort of like mesh and we fill them with sunflower seeds. This has attracted so many more birds than just the regular wildbird seed that we put out in the other feeders.

It's squirrels that pisses me off. I've been fighting them bastages all summer stealing all my bird feed.

Bought a pellet gun back in the spring and can't bring myself to shoot the little jerks cause I'm a softhearted nerd.


Well-Known Member
I dig Roku basically because I can just plug in and have TV any room of the house. I handle all the networking, electronics, apps, setting up TV's, stereos and I just ordered a Roku Ultra to go with a new TV for my library/music room.

Roku Ultra is all fancy with little JVC earbuds so hubs can watch tv while I blast the stereo. Opening the box I discover no HDMI cord to connect it to the TV. I didn't even read to see if the cord was included I ASSumed since it had earbuds it would surely have a cord to connect it. NOT. WTF? :wall:

This version is like a little modem box so I can't use the super short HDMI cord that goes with the stick style Roku.
Just needed to vent - electronics with no cord sucks.

Thanks to being a Prime member - the cord will arrive tomorrow so I can finally set it up!



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They lifted our Tsunami alert about an hour ago so we took the puppy's home & I'm back to work.

Just enough time to grab doggies, a couple of personal items & the bug-out bag.

"Don't leave home without it."
Karl Malden, 1975

Anchorage is experiencing continuing aftershocks on an average of every 3-5 minutes.

Stay safe @elkamino.
How are the pups handling it? How is the Mrs doing?


Global Moderator
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How are the pups handling it? How is the Mrs doing?
Fur babies were nervous from all the sirens but we were able to hang at our daughters house which is further inland and has another 50' elevation on our house (and we sit a bit over 100'). Nice visit, much more comfortable than sitting in the Grocery store parking lot listening to the news on the radio with 3000 other people doing the same thing.
Momma is a vet of this type of stuff, she's a trooper.

Thank you for asking - these things happen quick! :shock:
Thinking of you @Aeroknow.


Well-Known Member
That sucks, GWN. Glad all is well with you and yours. I remember a tiny earthquake near Chicago about 8 years ago. I was sleeping and thought my son was shaking my bed harder and harder to wake me, then I realized it wasn't the weekend and he was not there. I sat up confused, then my bedroom tv fell off the stand and a few other items fell over. I looked out the window and lights were going on all over and people sticking their heads out of their windows, I then got what was happening. I stood in a doorway until everything stopped moving. This was a tiny, insignificant quake and it scared the shit out of me. I always thought we were relatively safe here from this sort of thing, after this I discovered we are close to a major fault line. WTF???