Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

There are a lot of articles about it, about people using it, but also having a cocktail of different drugs in their system. I have been using it for the better part of a year, 1-2 times a week, and haven’t had any cravings or dependency like I would when I would take Norco or oxy
I take narco. and often. I notice with the CBD , I don't watch the clock to take one. not a placebo effect either ! cant wait to get one that is 2-1 !
Heck yeah! It’s crazy how, just because a dr prescribes it, people think pills are safer than weeenor cbd or anything!
yes , I have been on them for years ! I don't have a problem with addiction , and could just stop taking them , but I think that is not safe , reduced dose is the correct way. I would have to have something else for pain... I have spine injury and neuropathy … I have two conditions that qualify. so that is what I hope I can do with the card.
I asked MCO about this, and their opinion was that the state would have a “plan” by Dec 1st, but nothing would likley be available for Provisional until 1st quarter. I’m just guessing I’ll get my card before the Provisional system is in place, but it would be a great surprise if I did get Provisional before Feb :D
I asked MCO about this, and their opinion was that the state would have a “plan” by Dec 1st, but nothing would likley be available for Provisional until 1st quarter. I’m just guessing I’ll get my card before the Provisional system is in place, but it would be a great surprise if I did get Provisional before Feb :D
that's why I said " a chance" , Good Luck !
Update, card was delivered and is now in hand. I've got a conference for the next 3 days, of course, so I won't be able to go to the dispensary until Friday, but I have it!!!

Congrats !!! This gives me hope. My app was received Sept 13 and CC was charged the same day. Maybe next week I'll have a chance of seeing it.
I asked MCO about this, and their opinion was that the state would have a “plan” by Dec 1st, but nothing would likley be available for Provisional until 1st quarter. I’m just guessing I’ll get my card before the Provisional system is in place, but it would be a great surprise if I did get Provisional before Feb :D

Emergency Rules are not for feet dragging and only stay in effect for 150 days (May 1st). I think if they propose April 1st to start so they only have 30 days to tweak the rule there's going to be some pissed off law makers when it's submitted.
The fact the law says submit an emergency rule says they're sick of the delay tactics.
If that is what they propose I'll make sure my cannabis friendly Senator gets pissed off at least at me contacting them.

Seriously, we could have legalization signed (not rec dispensaries) before the first quarter if JB is serious about wanting it fast and Madigan is really for it.
Emergency Rules are not for feet dragging and only stay in effect for 150 days (May 1st). I think if they propose April 1st to start so they only have 30 days to tweak the rule there's going to be some pissed off law makers when it's submitted.
The fact the law says submit an emergency rule says they're sick of the delay tactics.
If that is what they propose I'll make sure my cannabis friendly Senator gets pissed off at least at me contacting them.

Seriously, we could have legalization signed (not rec dispensaries) before the first quarter if JB is serious about wanting it fast and Madigan is really for it.
This IS taken from the Bill : provisions of bill 336 : 2) Creates a “provisional registration” status allowing all patients a 90-day interim period of eligibility, while their application is being processed. This applies both to patients who could be prescribed opiates and all other qualifying patients. AND The Last one : Requires the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and the Illinois Department of Public Health to promulgate emergency rules to implement the bill by December 1, 2018. ……
o.k. " promulgate " ...I did have to google it , to be sure , and means " get off your rear , and get it in gear "

That word isn't in the actual law or the synopsis of the changes on the bill's page. But if it's true about advocates trying to get workers investigated, and I know I've seen a lawmaker angry people have died waiting for their cards, the ice could be getting pretty thin.
And don't forget they've had since August 28th to prepare for December 1st.

I'm getting hopeful I'll get access before my infusion again.
That word isn't in the actual law or the synopsis of the changes on the bill's page. But if it's true about advocates trying to get workers investigated, and I know I've seen a lawmaker angry people have died waiting for their cards, the ice could be getting pretty thin.
And don't forget they've had since August 28th to prepare for December 1st.

I'm getting hopeful I'll get access before my infusion again.
the opioid part is the confusing part , because it has until December 1 to put the plan in place , but the other part of the bill that concerns the medical marijuana for patients , boesnt have to have any new plan to be put into place , the law is clear , and they just need to send the dang registration papers for patients to buy medicine...easy peasy give me an oz of sourdeesy…...also I said the Bill , the entire bill is too long to put on here / provisions of bill
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OK. Did the MCO thing on 8/31. Couple weeks to mail it I’m sure. So I’m saying they got it middle of Sept. I waited. Read this thread. Repeat. I finally couldn’t wait. I hadn’t heard nothing. I mean nada. 11/21 I called and did talk to a delightful young man from ILDPH who informed me they did receive it mid Sept. and just have not gotten to it. According to the formula I’ve derived entirely from posts on this thread. I gots to be close. Right?
That word isn't in the actual law or the synopsis of the changes on the bill's page. But if it's true about advocates trying to get workers investigated, and I know I've seen a lawmaker angry people have died waiting for their cards, the ice could be getting pretty thin.
And don't forget they've had since August 28th to prepare for December 1st.

I'm getting hopeful I'll get access before my infusion again.
Provisions of the Bill , not the law I hope you get it too , friend . best of luck !
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the opioid part is the confusing part , because it has until December 1 to put the plan in place , but the other part of the bill that concerns the medical marijuana for patients , boesnt have to have any new plan to be put into place , the law is clear , and they just need to send the dang registration papers for patients to buy medicine...easy peasy give me an oz of sourdeesy…...also I said the Bill , the entire bill is too long to put on here / provisions of bill

Now you got me even more hopeful. That's how I read it.

Provisions of the Bill , not the law I hope you get it too , friend . best of luck !

I think that's Marijuana Policy Project's personal synopsis. It was just that word wasn't in there, the gist of it is. And the IDPH websites say "adopt" (the law says submit). Emergency Rules start working as soon as they are up, what's to adopt or start working if they're going to wait another month (or 4)?
I can't see them justify delaying it very long.

If they don't implement provisional quickly, since Emergency Rules act like regular rules for comments except that it's running at the time, then we can start submitting comments telling them to stop delaying sick people.

Now watch, it will be people applying on Dec 3rd get instant access, we'll still be waiting.
Now you got me even more hopeful. That's how I read it.

I think that's Marijuana Policy Project's personal synopsis. It was just that word wasn't in there, the gist of it is. And the IDPH websites say "adopt" (the law says submit). Emergency Rules start working as soon as they are up, what's to adopt or start working if they're going to wait another month (or 4)?
I can't see them justify delaying it very long.

If they don't implement provisional quickly, since Emergency Rules act like regular rules for comments except that it's running at the time, then we can start submitting comments telling them to stop delaying sick people

Now watch, it will be people applying on Dec 3rd get instant access, we'll still be waiting.
Correct !!! I will be watching for news reports , I hope they send our registration papers next week...would be awesome ! not holding my breath
OK. Did the MCO thing on 8/31. Couple weeks to mail it I’m sure. So I’m saying they got it middle of Sept. I waited. Read this thread. Repeat. I finally couldn’t wait. I hadn’t heard nothing. I mean nada. 11/21 Called and did talk to someone from ILDPH. He informed me they “did receive my application mid Sept” but have not gotten to it. According to the equation I derived solely from this thread, I gots to be close? Right? Tom Petty was right.