How should i place my intake and exhaust fans


Active Member
exhaust the heat out of the top,bring in fresh from bottom opposite end if possible.if you purchase a win lux 100
temp controller it will turn fan on/off effortlessness very efficient.


Well-Known Member
Idk if you use a carbon filter but the slower the air going through it the more efficient it will be masking odors...


Well-Known Member
Does it have to be in the tent??
All kinds of people here will argue until they're blue in the face that you can only pull air through them inside of your tent.
I personally run both of my filter setups outside the tent with the fan sucking air out of the tent and push it out through the filter.

I use passive intake vents on the tent and no fans blowing air into it. I do control the whole basement environment pretty tight though.

This one is a build in progress so its just kinda thrown back in the corner, but you get the idea.



Well-Known Member
Same cfm for both??
Just make sure your filter is rated for the same CFM as your fan, thats all there is too it.
My big one runs at 1000cfm, im 6 weeks through flower in that tent and cant smell anything when tent is closed. Been tested by outsiders that arent always around the smells.
Small one (pictured) stays around 5-600 cfm, I used that setup to vent exhaust air out of my room in an illegal state.