Old World Genetics - DJ Short

I’ve had amazing blueberry years ago, but it’s honestly something I avoid now. I’m sure there are good cuts floating around, but it’s one of those strains where everyone sells a blueberry and a lot of them suck.

As for DJ Short’s stock, everything I hear sounds like inbreeding depression. Mutant plants, no vigor... A lot of people are really into the whole linebreeding thing, but there’s a serious downside to it. It’s my guess that this is why his stuff seemed to fall off over time.
Its just a tool and of course it does, but what genetic base hasnt been linebred? Heterosis will only continue for so long....before it too will start creating "mutants."...
Its just a tool and of course it does, but what genetic base hasnt been linebred? Heterosis will only continue for so long....before it too will start creating "mutants."...

Ummm...almost everything being grown today are extreme hybrids. There’s almost no linebreeding beyond a generation or two.

Ugh more stoner bro science. Hbridization certainly does not “create” mutants. It does the opposite because it hides deleterious recessive alleles.
The Blueberry Sunset (Sherb ×(NL#5 ×Blueberry)) that I found from @eastcoastmo #eastytreats
Has that strong blueberry smell Dj talks about. The older packs of blueberry I have from dj that I run. Is kindve close to the blueberry sunet keeper I have. It's super prominent. And very strong smelling. I think the sherb helps bring out the fruity blueberry nose. And it yields tremendously which is prob some of NL#5 side of it. But I havent smelled a blueberry scented plant like anything that comes close to the Bb sunset I have in almost the last 10 years. And I love BB. So I've run a good bit of BB and BB crosses. She is 1000% a keeper. I'd love for someone else to run this cut. Thatceont give it out. It needs to be kept. So it's not where out and lost like Dj's BB is. It literally makes your mouth water from the nose on it. The only thing lacking is the purple color. I have a few purples in my stable that I'd like to try to get some color from. I have some reversed female star pupil pollen that's been in a deep freezer for about 11 months. I'm sure it's still viable. But I hate to lose that BB nose. Bc star pupil carries heavy traits over in crosses.

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Cheers for the rap mate! You smashed it outta the park with this one hey. Really glad it turned out as well as it did :)
Ummm...almost everything being grown today are extreme hybrids. There’s almost no linebreeding beyond a generation or two.

Ugh more stoner bro science. Hbridization certainly does not “create” mutants. It does the opposite because it hides deleterious recessive alleles.
Thats not what I am saying for the most part, those extreme hybrids are all coming from line bred stock, whether its skunk or nl or g13 or on and on, and as for mutants in quotes, I didnt refer to deletorious, I meant boring, too much variation.
Beyond that, lines like OG have basically been line bred as well as other avenues obviously, even though they werent the product of said method. Most of the bagseed elites have become defacto filial lines, maybe not....

I was just trying to suss more of your reasoning on the line breeding, you took it a different direction, although I heavily agree with all of what you stated, although its a bit off topic...

Maybe a better question is why not line breed? Ease, better chemotype/phenotype sequestering?
Thats not what I am saying for the most part, those extreme hybrids are all coming from line bred stock, whether its skunk or nl or g13 or on and on, and as for mutants in quotes, I didnt refer to deletorious, I meant boring, too much variation.
Beyond that, lines like OG have basically been line bred as well as other avenues obviously, even though they werent the product of said method. Most of the bagseed elites have become defacto filial lines, maybe not....

I was just trying to suss more of your reasoning on the line breeding, you took it a different direction, although I heavily agree with all of what you stated, although its a bit off topic...

Maybe a better question is why not line bred? Ease, better chemotype/phenotype sequestering?

I see what you mean. I don’t think most older strains were line bred all that much, or that wasn’t the initial intention. The initial NL may have been line bred, but Neville crossed it with different plants to create the different original strains we think of. When seed banks started getting their hands on lines, they may have inbred them to continue producing stock. That may be part of why all the old strains tend to be a shadow of what they used to be (also rose colored glasses).

I don’t like line breeding because of inbreeding depression. Some people want “stable” lines where every seed produces the same pheno. When I think of that, I only imagine a line of nothing but mediocre plants. Even if starting out with amazing parents, the quest for stability is going to inherently move everything towards the middle. I’d rather hunt through a pack with the possibility of an amazing plant along with some poorer examples, then a bunch of decent but not amazing plants. That’s just my opinion though.

Outcrossing is necessary to continually improve breeding stock. After a few generations of inbreeding, it’s not getting any better.
New Berry packs have sold out on JBC. I just noticed now, but they have probably been sold out for awhile now. Anyone want a pack for $500? jk :)
DJs gear is great. But there are a lot of genetic oddities and heavier variegation is not unusual, which people usually don't like to see when paying ~$120/pack.
In my experience, best results come from buying a pack or two, then open pollinating or crossing the best malexfemale, and phenohunting from a few dozen(or hundred) of those seeds. Guaranteed to find keepers that way. I definitely like my blueberry keepers better than dozens of polyhybrid cookie derivative strains on instagram today.

Another option is second generation genetics. It's DJ's son who is releasing a bunch of crosses from a Blueberry f4 stud. Some great looking F1s coming out of there
DJs gear is great. But there are a lot of genetic oddities and heavier variegation is not unusual, which people usually don't like to see when paying ~$120/pack.
In my experience, best results come from buying a pack or two, then open pollinating or crossing the best malexfemale, and phenohunting from a few dozen(or hundred) of those seeds. Guaranteed to find keepers that way. I definitely like my blueberry keepers better than dozens of polyhybrid cookie derivative strains on instagram today.

Another option is second generation genetics. It's DJ's son who is releasing a bunch of crosses from a Blueberry f4 stud. Some great looking F1s coming out of there

With how inbred the DJ shorts lines are, crossing siblings really isn’t going to reveal anything new. If you’re not finding anything good in a pack, then it’s highly unlikely inbreeding it even further is going to help things.
if you pay a bit of attention to whats been going on with him, you'll realize that DJ set up his son (JD) to get a start in the business and his son's work is released under the "Second generation genetics" brand.
DJ's work has always been under the "Old World Genetics" brand.

It seemed DJ had become disillusioned by his experience having all his best work ripped off by european breeders who invited him over to partner with them . . . twice.
Most of the legendary rep for blueberry from the glory days went to those companies that lied to him and stole his gear then kicked him out.

DJ did a few collabs afterwards with Legends Seeds and Chimera, but mostly, he kept a low profile for a while until JD expressed an interest in the game.

JD's work seems to be hybrids of "Dad's" stuff with other people's cuts.
I got the same negative impression from JD.
Don't know him so can't say what the real story is, but the kid should let someone else run his social media cuz he talks about stuff he has no idea about.

Once JD got his feet under him, DJ seems to be re-invigorated and returned to active breeding with a passion.

DJ has always been an active member of the community, even during this quiet period, and shares knowledge and his keeper genetics with anyone he meets. Seems you need to get face to face with him to experience that though, so if that's not you, then you look at the very high price of his seeds packs that for the last 10+ years have produced a high percentage of mutants and low potency plants.

I know one of DJ's friends/testers and he has been reporting that DJ's new gear (Newberry and Happy Pussy) are a return to the glory days of DJ's lines, maybe the best work ever.
He also has other lines under development that have potential to make his work a serious contender again in today's very competitive market.
If the OP got a pack of Newberry, I suspect he is going to be very glad he did. They sold out fast at all seedbanks, and IG pics starting to show up look great.

Again, Newberry and happy Pussy are all DJ, not his son's work, and by insider reports I've heard, those seeds hold the fire.
You guys talks so much shit and then wonder why breeders treat these forums with the disregard that they do, its weird. Here's a suggestion for anyone who feels like they have something to say or an opinion about the work I do, pop on over to my Instagram account and make your comment there. I promise I will reply to each and every single one of you there. Don't be scared.

If you have a question, or *assumption* drag yourselves out of the trollitup dungeon and ask directly.
You guys talks so much shit and then wonder why breeders treat these forums with the disregard that they do, its weird. Here's a suggestion for anyone who feels like they have something to say or an option about the work I do, pop on over to my Instagram account and make your comment there. I promise I will reply to each and every single one of you there. Don't be scared.

If you have a question, or *assumption* drag yourselves out of the trollitup dungeon and ask directly.
Greetings from the trollitup dungeon! Gonna do a little exercise here.

How does it feel to know that you'll never do anything as cool as your dad did 20-30 years ago and hasn't done since?

How does it feel to know your dad created a spot for you in the industry and you didn't "earn" it? Literally like adding another face on Mt. Rushmore but no one knows why the fuck you're up there yet.

How does it feel to know that whatever you respond with it won't alter my day at all? Stop reading the negative comments on forums and instagram and then slinging shit back, it's obviously not ideal.
You guys talks so much shit and then wonder why breeders treat these forums with the disregard that they do, its weird. Here's a suggestion for anyone who feels like they have something to say or an opinion about the work I do, pop on over to my Instagram account and make your comment there. I promise I will reply to each and every single one of you there. Don't be scared.

If you have a question, or *assumption* drag yourselves out of the trollitup dungeon and ask directly.

IG is pretty much the worst place to try to have any sort of informed discussion. Everyone’s comments can be deleted by whoever made the original post. Posts can be deleted. There’s no real search functionality, so any discussion just gets lost eventually.

If you really want to respond to people, just do it here where everything is public, easy to find, and can’t be deleted later.

Side note - this is why Gu loves PMs. That dudes PMed me so many times, and I’m pretty sure it’s because he doesn’t want a public record so he can’t be called out on shit.
Yeah, his son. Several years ago he popped up on this site trying to get things going, but he was a pretty entitled guy with an attitude. He is also one of the breeders who thinks he should be collecting royalties on every strain sold since DJ Short genetics have been used so much in so many different strains.
what are you talking about royalties? I'm so tired of people like you talking shit cause that's all your good at. You're the biggest troll of them all dude. What number account are you on now, 7...8....? Tried to get things going? Dude....you're trolling on a thread about the work I've been doing with Dj and my Instagram account with 50k followers....I'd say I got that ball rolling just fine.
IG is pretty much the worst place to try to have any sort of informed discussion. Everyone’s comments can be deleted by whoever made the original post. Posts can be deleted. There’s no real search functionality, so any discussion just gets lost eventually.

If you really want to respond to people, just do it here where everything is public, easy to find, and can’t be deleted later.

Side note - this is why Gu loves PMs. That dudes PMed me so many times, and I’m pretty sure it’s because he doesn’t want a public record so he can’t be called out on shit.
Greetings from the trollitup dungeon! Gonna do a little exercise here.

How does it feel to know that you'll never do anything as cool as your dad did 20-30 years ago and hasn't done since?

How does it feel to know your dad created a spot for you in the industry and you didn't "earn" it? Literally like adding another face on Mt. Rushmore but no one knows why the fuck you're up there yet.

How does it feel to know that whatever you respond with it won't alter my day at all? Stop reading the negative comments on forums and instagram and then slinging shit back, it's obviously not ideal.
lol...this is your life...trolling on rollitup....
IG is pretty much the worst place to try to have any sort of informed discussion. Everyone’s comments can be deleted by whoever made the original post. Posts can be deleted. There’s no real search functionality, so any discussion just gets lost eventually.

If you really want to respond to people, just do it here where everything is public, easy to find, and can’t be deleted later.

Side note - this is why Gu loves PMs. That dudes PMed me so many times, and I’m pretty sure it’s because he doesn’t want a public record so he can’t be called out on shit.
You're just scared to come into a forum where you and your little troll buddies don't have sausage parties together.