I don't want them in the country unless they denounce the evils which happen in the name of Mohammed, but not genocided.. Even though I'm a Buddhist I acknowledge there are some bad Buddhists, like from Myanmar, who ironically actually do genocide Muslims. But you don't genocide evil to get rid of evil, because that makes you then evil.
I wouldn't want Myanmar Buddhists either. They'd have to prove they aren't part of the hate.
America already has enough hate, we don't need anymore. I have a lot of tolerance and infinate compassion, but if we let in those with hate like Muslims or Myanmar Buddhists, they will destroy our tolerant society and supplant it with theirs.
Just like Christian hate groups like Westborough Baptists.
I wish could kick out groups like Proud Boys and Antifa. But unless they break the law, the worst that happens is the go to jail if their "protesting" turns violent, no matter how I feel. Because of this lesky thing called the 1st amendment protects citizens, even the most asshole, like you.