is this the middle ages?

your "freedom of choice" is only freedom for you. own a nice piece of property, with a river that runs through it. you decide you'd like to have a lake, so you damn up the river and flood a valley on your property. but now the people who lived downriver that relied on that water are just shit out of luck. they can't water their crops, or their livestock, so you've just ruined the lives of possibly hundreds of people with your freedom of choice. want to build a fence on your property. so you do. but now the people who live beside you are denied the view they bought their homes to've taken a significant part of their lives from them, with your freedom of choice. live along a road that doesn't have access to high speed cable. the people on either side of you want it, you don't, and don't allow the cable company to put lines across your have what you chose, and the people on either side of you have what you chose EDICT of freedom of your choice.....

am i getting through at all?
Wait, do the people downstream have a ten year old child? If so, they are free to barter for lake access with Rob Roy! They don't have any guns though, do they?
It's a pathetically sad world we live in. You've got people whom will get onto a forum, social media page, or many other venues of faceless opinion sharing and talk shit. I'm finding it is really bad on these forums. I post about our President in the USA, and I get attacked by a bunch of people that wouldn't even try to debate in person. I posted about designing an intricate and nice stealth box, while high. I got nothing but hate there, likely by people whom would be afraid to tell someone they have something in their teeth. It's pathetic how sad a lot of these little kids, mentally, are on this forum where we have one major goal... Grow some awesome weed.
So this is bound to happen. Hell there was a kid killed by someone calling in a "SWAT" attack on them over some video game BS.
The whole thing about Rob Roy is that you don't have to engage him. The fact is that society works in a way that is inimical with his views. He has to pay taxes and can't fuck children. So fine, every day he wakes up into his self described world of slavery just dreading the moment when we will all come for him with our guns. Winning indeed, Hooray.
I don’t engage him any more as it is a fools folly. Like I said he has no workable solutions. I have him on ignore and I use that option sparingly, twice now I believe lol. But yes thank you for giving me that outlook on his life, Put a smile on my face lol.
yes, it does refute your arguments, on the most basic of grounds. they weren't formulated by a rational they make no're working from incorrect all of your conclusions are in error, your entire "argument" is specious....

A few assumptions I'm working from...

People should be free to run their own lives, but not the lives of others.

Voluntary and consensual human interactions are better than interactions where one or both parties would prefer not to interact.

You can't use a coercion based system to bring about human equality and peace. Involuntary governments are coercion based systems. Nearly any government you can name is a coercion based system.

Which of these assumptions is specious?
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The whole thing about Rob Roy is that you don't have to engage him. The fact is that society works in a way that is inimical with his views. He has to pay taxes and can't fuck children. So fine, every day he wakes up into his self described world of slavery just dreading the moment when we will all come for him with our guns. Winning indeed, Hooray.

That's not a very good argument.

1/2 a potato.
I don’t engage him any more as it is a fools folly. Like I said he has no workable solutions. I have him on ignore and I use that option sparingly, twice now I believe lol. But yes thank you for giving me that outlook on his life, Put a smile on my face lol.

I think you ran away when I asked you questions about why you supported bombing children etc. My apologies in advance if it was another sycophant that I'm thinking of.
your "freedom of choice" is only freedom for you. own a nice piece of property, with a river that runs through it. you decide you'd like to have a lake, so you damn up the river and flood a valley on your property. but now the people who lived downriver that relied on that water are just shit out of luck. they can't water their crops, or their livestock, so you've just ruined the lives of possibly hundreds of people with your freedom of choice. want to build a fence on your property. so you do. but now the people who live beside you are denied the view they bought their homes to've taken a significant part of their lives from them, with your freedom of choice. live along a road that doesn't have access to high speed cable. the people on either side of you want it, you don't, and don't allow the cable company to put lines across your have what you chose, and the people on either side of you have what you chose EDICT of freedom of your choice.....

am i getting through at all?

My replies to your various scenarios...

Scenario one. Hasn't the Federal government put up dams that destroyed peoples home?

Scenario two You wear a pair of urine stained pink panties on your property and parade daily in my field of view. You used to wear polka dot underwear when you paraded around, which I enjoyed. I really really don't like the pink panties. You've taken a significant part of my life away. I go and cry uncontrollably for government to make you put the polka dot panties back on.

Scenario three I want to crash on your living room couch, but you don't like me leaving wet dog smelling fur all over it. It's your fucking couch. I leave you alone. Click your heels together 3 times Dorothy and say "It's my fucking couch. It's my fucking couch etc.

Getting thru? Do you believe in self determination and equality? If you believe in equality, how is that right exercised ?
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you can try, but the only person on this entire website that thinks you've ever dismantled anything is yourself....the rest of us look at your "proof" and "logic" and only see the ramblings of a potential psychotic...of course you make sense to're fucking insane....and the fact that every single person you're interacting with here thinks so, while you're sure we're all the crazy ones....well, that's not a thing you should consider.....99 people say i'm crazy....I say 99 people are crazy......which is likelier?

So you're saying a thing that is falsely believed to be true by many people can somehow become true simply by virtue of the intense belief people have in the false thing?

Do you believe you can delegate rights you, as an individual, don't possess ? (you won't answer this question)
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Doesn't disprove the point, that "equal rights" by virtue of it being a coercive government policy (has an "or else" embodied in it, against otherwise neutral people) can't possibly be the bringer of equality, since it replaces the equality of free choice of an individual with an edict from another.

there are 7.5 Billion people on the do you expect 7.5 billion people to operate on free choice? i don't care what's "right" or "how it should be"...this is the reality...there's no way...ever....that this could even begin to's asking for anarchy ten minutes after it's implemented....and if you can't see that, if you won't agree with that, then you're fucking hopeless

When one party makes an edict against an otherwise neutral party, it DISPROVES that equality is present. Simple logic proves that, which might be why it escapes you..

noun: edict; plural noun: edicts
an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.
if it's made by a person in authority, then what's the problem? that you don't accept the authority? tough crap...join the crowd or go live in a cave....

So what does your stunning assertion reveal ? Nothing.

It doesn't disprove the fact, that ALL black people in the USA who fall into a given category created by their overseers MUST comply with the overseers edict or be punished by the overseers does it ?

who the fuck are these "overseers" ?what year are you communicating from? we elect officials, to keep the infrastructure we all use and enjoy in place......they don't carry whips....and what do you mean ALL black people who fall into a given category....that makes no fucking sense at all....why not say all living things that fall into the subset of things that are alive.....¿

What you're really saying is you don't think ANY of them, just because they haven't made a choice to be punished, don't deserve to be able to make the choice of whether or not they will decide how to use their own body and their own property. Which is my point, you haven't disproved.

again....makes no fucking sense....reread this.....i think what you're attempting to say is that fucking clue.....that's a pile of incoherent horseshit....

Still winning.

winning :roll:

I don't think you know the etymology of the word "anarchy".
that you willingly acknowledge.....
well, good for the rest of us that you aren't in control of anything......not even sure about you being in control of the decisions you make, whatever neurosis, or neuroses that you are dealing with, probably makes most of them for you.
the reason all this "works" is because we want it to work. yes, there are large problems to be dealt with. the reason we can be equals while assigning a leader you don't like, is that we all have a chance to get the people we like into office, if we work at if the guy you like didn't get elected....maybe there was a reason.....maybe the rest of us liked someone you can just deal with it, or go live in a fucking cave off the grid, and eat what you trap.....if your weird ass candidate would have won, that's exactly what you would tell the rest of with it......
if you don't like society, withdraw from it....just don't expect us to accommodate you, because we won't. join the team and work for improvement, or fuck off with advice OR criticism....cause you're opinion is pretty inconsequential to those of us busy trying to make things better, we got no time for people whose only ability is pointing out problems and then hiding from them while blaming everyone but themselves....

You should be in control of yourself, but not in control of others. Pretty simple.

What do you have against caves?
It's true you haven't answered my question.

If I'm a sociopath how come I'm willing to let you run your own life and you want to run others lives for them?
You repeat neo nazi propaganda verbatim, push for racial segregation signs and think it’s ok to rape 10 year old boys

this happened just south of our border? our enlightened neighbors to the south just roasted two men on the say so of an asshole with a facebook account?.....i don't understand this....i've met a lot of mexicans, and none of them seemed stupid enough to participate in something like this....are they different when they're in mexico? it doesn't even matter if they were right, and both of these men were guilty as hell....
i'm shocked that something like this can happen in the civilized world.....perpetrated by civilized people....don't they realize that shit like this just gives trump and his asshole cadre ammunition in the fight against immigration......of course, if this is considered acceptable behavior by mexicans....maybe they should just stay in mexico.....
I don't trust people who don't drink
I don't believe people who don't read
I don't like people who don't standup for what's right
I don't hang with people who don't smoke pot..bongs rule!
You do support a 12 year old consenting to sex with an adult.

Non sequitur. I can't "support" or not support whether another person is capable of consenting to something or whether they do consent to something or not.

Other people either can or cannot consent, other people either do or do not consent, consent is individual and is affixed to them and their ability and choice to consent is independent of me and other people.

You do support using a gun against a black guy if he refuses to serve a white guy he doesn't want to serve though don't you?