is this the middle ages?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

this happened just south of our border? our enlightened neighbors to the south just roasted two men on the say so of an asshole with a facebook account?.....i don't understand this....i've met a lot of mexicans, and none of them seemed stupid enough to participate in something like this....are they different when they're in mexico? it doesn't even matter if they were right, and both of these men were guilty as hell....
i'm shocked that something like this can happen in the civilized world.....perpetrated by civilized people....don't they realize that shit like this just gives trump and his asshole cadre ammunition in the fight against immigration......of course, if this is considered acceptable behavior by mexicans....maybe they should just stay in mexico.....

this happened just south of our border? our enlightened neighbors to the south just roasted two men on the say so of an asshole with a facebook account?.....i don't understand this....i've met a lot of mexicans, and none of them seemed stupid enough to participate in something like this....are they different when they're in mexico? it doesn't even matter if they were right, and both of these men were guilty as hell....
i'm shocked that something like this can happen in the civilized world.....perpetrated by civilized people....don't they realize that shit like this just gives trump and his asshole cadre ammunition in the fight against immigration......of course, if this is considered acceptable behavior by mexicans....maybe they should just stay in mexico.....
It could happen here.
It could happen here.
i was wondering about might, but i would be surprised....too many consequences here, too many people aware of social media...not that americans are morally superior to mexicans, but i think a lot of us are more aware of the vanishingly small chance of getting away with it without serious consequences....we've been under the "eye" for longer than they have......and that's depressing too. not enough that we live in a society that has rules, and we're gleefully breaking them....not enough that it should be morally reprehensible to even consider....have to make it hurt.....have to make the consequences so bad that no one will risk it....."civilization" ass

this happened just south of our border? our enlightened neighbors to the south just roasted two men on the say so of an asshole with a facebook account?.....i don't understand this....i've met a lot of mexicans, and none of them seemed stupid enough to participate in something like this....are they different when they're in mexico? it doesn't even matter if they were right, and both of these men were guilty as hell....
i'm shocked that something like this can happen in the civilized world.....perpetrated by civilized people....don't they realize that shit like this just gives trump and his asshole cadre ammunition in the fight against immigration......of course, if this is considered acceptable behavior by mexicans....maybe they should just stay in mexico.....

What'sApp isn't's an app.

remember pizzagate? ganging up on someone via an app has already happened here..

we have burnings and lynchings, still- they're often known as hate crimes.

social media will be the death of to AI. zuckerbergs initial reaction said he's 60% of the board and COO sandburg caters to the board.

and yet social media played a big role in i don't know the answer:
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It's a pathetically sad world we live in. You've got people whom will get onto a forum, social media page, or many other venues of faceless opinion sharing and talk shit. I'm finding it is really bad on these forums. I post about our President in the USA, and I get attacked by a bunch of people that wouldn't even try to debate in person. I posted about designing an intricate and nice stealth box, while high. I got nothing but hate there, likely by people whom would be afraid to tell someone they have something in their teeth. It's pathetic how sad a lot of these little kids, mentally, are on this forum where we have one major goal... Grow some awesome weed.
So this is bound to happen. Hell there was a kid killed by someone calling in a "SWAT" attack on them over some video game BS.
opinions are one thing, you're entitled to yours, and i'm entitled to mine, and if they don't ever meet, well, then they just never meet.
politics are a very touchy subject right now, and if you expect to be able to have an opinion without someone else having a differing opinion, you're just naive. if you can't take people calling you names on the internet....well, leave the closet door cracked so you don't suffocate while you're hiding in there....
this is about two guys getting roasted alive, because one guy incited a crowd to take "justice" into their own hands....and the entire town that stood by and allowed it to happen....and the possibility of it happening here, in the heart of "civilization".....and i'm of the opinion that the only reason it doesn't happen is that people are afraid of the consequences...that "civilization" isn't even a veneer, its a loose shroud that can be blown off by a slight breeze.....and a fucking hurricane is coming......soon
if you expect to be able to have an opinion without someone else having a differing opinion, you're just naive.

if you can't take people calling you names on the internet....well, leave the closet door cracked so you don't suffocate while you're hiding in there....

Differing opinions is what makes for the best progress for a better future.

Name calling and being tough behind a phone, tablet, or computer screen is cowardly, ignorant, and shows ones stupidity.

All it takes is for a name to be called for one person to take it out of context. The next thing you know there's a mob and 2 guys getting burned alive. This can spark from something as small as a forum post, to anything greater without substantial evidence.
Differing opinions is what makes for the best progress for a better future.

Name calling and being tough behind a phone, tablet, or computer screen is cowardly, ignorant, and shows ones stupidity.

All it takes is for a name to be called for one person to take it out of context. The next thing you know there's a mob and 2 guys getting burned alive. This can spark from something as small as a forum post, to anything greater without substantial evidence.
Awwww how cute

A trumptard whosimply detests name calling
Differing opinions is what makes for the best progress for a better future.

Name calling and being tough behind a phone, tablet, or computer screen is cowardly, ignorant, and shows ones stupidity.

All it takes is for a name to be called for one person to take it out of context. The next thing you know there's a mob and 2 guys getting burned alive. This can spark from something as small as a forum post, to anything greater without substantial evidence.
yes and no...if it were just that easy, this website alone would be the cause of half of america burning down....but this isn't a popular social media outlet where thousand of people can view a post in seconds, even hundreds of thousands...we don't know each other in real life (with a few exceptions), and our opinions only effect each other while we're here...we're the whole community.....not hundreds of thousands, or there's very little chance of a post here, or on growweedeasy, or, or snowball into anyone being burned alive.....
Civilization is a thin and fragile veneer over the human condition.

Edit: I hadn't read the post that stated similar to this. If textbook history is accurate we've been literal savages for over 95% of our species existence. That we are where we are is actually pretty amazing and I think people don't realize how easy it would be for us to revert back.
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we, as a race, aren't nearly as evolved as we would like to think, and things like this are just the proof. monkeys will sometimes pick one monkey, and murder it....the "tribe" isn't happy, food is scarce, a predator is making them nervous, people are causing their habitat to shrink...when the stress reaches a peak, one unlucky monkey makes a mistake, and the whole tribe rips them to shreds....then things go back to close to normal.....for a while, till the stress builds up past the safety point again.....
sounds familiar to me...
we, as a race, aren't nearly as evolved as we would like to think, and things like this are just the proof. monkeys will sometimes pick one monkey, and murder it....the "tribe" isn't happy, food is scarce, a predator is making them nervous, people are causing their habitat to shrink...when the stress reaches a peak, one unlucky monkey makes a mistake, and the whole tribe rips them to shreds....then things go back to close to normal.....for a while, till the stress builds up past the safety point again.....
sounds familiar to me...

Wow, good comparison!
i don't understand, what does Saul Alinsky have to do with this? this isn't about people who have been dead for 50 years, it's about people who have been dead for a few days, because someone burned them to death, because they thought they were better and smarter than the law, that they could could decide the fate of other people, that they had the right to kill people.....take your trivial political bullshit where it belongs...the sewer, and leave it there
Did I detect an irony bypass somewhere above? Lol
Also, talking about a Lynch mob in Mexico and then talking about monkeys ripping off each other’s limbs is going down the trumpish “Mexicans are bad hombres/rapists “ road too far imo
Differing opinions is what makes for the best progress for a better future.

Name calling and being tough behind a phone, tablet, or computer screen is cowardly, ignorant, and shows ones stupidity.

All it takes is for a name to be called for one person to take it out of context. The next thing you know there's a mob and 2 guys getting burned alive. This can spark from something as small as a forum post, to anything greater without substantial evidence.

Your grasp of politics equals your grasp of designing.

Lacking depth.

what happened to your cute little growbox thread?
I took it down due to attack from ignorant fucks like you. I don't need some faceless piece of shit saying things to me. I'm finding there's a lot of worthless fucks here on RIU.
Hey, worm. Is this your "design" that you never built but expect people to worship?
Your grasp of politics equals your grasp of designing.

Lacking depth.

View attachment 4234281
what happened to your cute little growbox thread?

I went through your history of posts to look for your idea of brilliance from somebody who says they've never grown but want to tell people with years of experience how to do it better. I did see a lot of posts where you, the worm who has never done or said anything to merit consideration, is demanding attention because it doesn't want to "read all that stuff". Such as this bitch lazy ass post:
91 pages of replies is a bit much to filter through. Is there any way we can get an updated list? I have some suggestions. I know Im new here, but Im also trying to get all my ducks in a row before I got hunting. Its also a thread that was started in 2006....

In a new Pinned Post:
Name of Seller / Site with link
Country (or state) the seller is located in
What countries (or states for the US) they ship to

Then at the bottom of the pinned post, perhaps just list the names of the companies / sites to stay away from.
Eventually I hope to be able to provide people with this kind of information on my own. until then.... Through the 91 pages I go...


Right wing white man's sense of entitlement fully on display.