Well-Known Member
OKI've found a couple methods

First has to come an easy, non-messy, way to make oil and handle it without getting sticky all over the kitchen. When it comes to making oil I have to think Oklahoma. It's not legal to evaporate alcohol into the air, it's too big of fire hazard. It has to be recovered in a closed system. As a diy project it's about a three hour project if you are stoned, otherwise about an hour. Cost about $25 or so, depends on what you have around the house. Got a new one designed that does more easier. It will not only recovers the alcohol but filters the mixture before it's run and the oil after. The "boiler" (which sounds too much like a still) I'll call an "evaporator tank" will have a collection funnel in the bottom. Maybe a place for attaching a syringe. The filter system was just added to the design after looking in a a thread where they were trying to filter oil. I have also been working to eliminate the magnetic stirrer and increase the functionality at the same time.
All this cost: about $75 and since it is designed to be a nice looking unit about 3 to 4 days build time (stoned) and probably just as long not stoned.
Why don't you just mix it yourself? GV cost me about $10 or so for 16 oz. at the heath food store. PG is probably about the same.They sell 100ml bottles for $10 and charge $5.95 shipping
Long and short of it is do you have a good way to make oil?
Sorry to keep rambling on, but his vine makes me talkative.