Weed causing my back pain?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I decided to stop smoking weed (daily smoker for 8 years, mostly dirty poppers ontop of that) start of October for a tolerance break. I find it easiest to stop when I travel or go on vacation and October for me I was barely home so I didn't even think about it.

I'm a painter by trade and always related my back pain on standing all day and painting baseboards and all that, that is until I stopped smoking and increased my gym visits. My back felt amazing and I just said eh it's probably just better from excersising more. Then I dabbled into some edibles on the day Canada legalized weed and boom after a heavy sleep I woke up to my same old stiff back. Thought ok maybe I slept wrong who knows. Couple more weeks go by and I decided to have another edible and boom back stiffness returns next morning.

Am I crazy or is thc the culprit for my back pain? Anyone else notice similar effects?
Hey everyone I decided to stop smoking weed (daily smoker for 8 years, mostly dirty poppers ontop of that) start of October for a tolerance break. I find it easiest to stop when I travel or go on vacation and October for me I was barely home so I didn't even think about it.

I'm a painter by trade and always related my back pain on standing all day and painting baseboards and all that, that is until I stopped smoking and increased my gym visits. My back felt amazing and I just said eh it's probably just better from excersising more. Then I dabbled into some edibles on the day Canada legalized weed and boom after a heavy sleep I woke up to my same old stiff back. Thought ok maybe I slept wrong who knows. Couple more weeks go by and I decided to have another edible and boom back stiffness returns next morning.

Am I crazy or is thc the culprit for my back pain? Anyone else notice similar effects?
I have RA an all sorts of issues. For me smoking doesn’t exasperate my issues I does in fact help. However if I break a day or two from working out I’m stiff but nothing a good workout can’t cure. Thc and cbd’s are know to help with inflammation.
I have RA an all sorts of issues. For me smoking doesn’t exasperate my issues I does in fact help. However if I break a day or two from working out I’m stiff but nothing a good workout can’t cure. Thc and cbd’s are know to help with inflammation.

CBD is great I notice huge benifits for taking the edge off when I quit smoking or for long car rides and stiffness. But whenever I get high my back ain't happy. Very odd
Im not sure if its a factor, but i recently heard that as well as alcohol, THC interferes with your sleep level and pretty much prevents you from reaching deep, full levels of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Which is why most people tend to remark or say they dont dream when sleeping high. REM sleep is not only required for dreams but its also required for your body to heal itself and truly "recharge your batteries". Its likely the reason why some people feel groggy the morning after smoking a ton or going heavy on the edibles. Maybe your body never really relaxed or repaired itself when high, especially if used sporadically and with no tolerance? Or you just slept weird lol
Hey everyone I decided to stop smoking weed (daily smoker for 8 years, mostly dirty poppers ontop of that) start of October for a tolerance break. I find it easiest to stop when I travel or go on vacation and October for me I was barely home so I didn't even think about it.

I'm a painter by trade and always related my back pain on standing all day and painting baseboards and all that, that is until I stopped smoking and increased my gym visits. My back felt amazing and I just said eh it's probably just better from excersising more. Then I dabbled into some edibles on the day Canada legalized weed and boom after a heavy sleep I woke up to my same old stiff back. Thought ok maybe I slept wrong who knows. Couple more weeks go by and I decided to have another edible and boom back stiffness returns next morning.

Am I crazy or is thc the culprit for my back pain? Anyone else notice similar effects?

1ST. i know how this might sound but i'm going to tell u the truth from personal experience as well as those from close friends. one of whom mentioned it to me at least 20+ yrs ago.

ok, weed also has another function that actually helps us. weed will point out issues in our bodies that need medical attention, whether that be physical/psychological or both.
If u have a tooth issue weed will let u know, if u have muso skeletal issues, it will let you know, if u have high/low blood pressure it will let you know.

In this way weed reminds me of tai chi chuan. it does the same thing and as it allow you to realize differences it points the way to effective change if we pay attention.
The only real difference is that taijiquan is an ongoing active healer in that type of dynamic ; where as cannabis is only and alerter of sorts. ironically another type/method of cannabis can often be used to mitigate the symptoms that the original alert strain/method pointed out.

were i you i would go to a legit sports medicine specialist for your back.
skip the regular back dr.'s. how strong are your abdominals ? weak abs are notorious for back issues; except modern dr's don't tell their patients that anymore lol. well there are exceptions of course but may the force be with you if you find them. :)

this should help . but watch out it will help all sorts of issues :)
Much of what you are talking about is the anandamide system. This is the part of your nervous system that replies to things like injuries. "We got the message, it hurts, chill the fuck out. We are dealing with it" It provides for bliss, which is also its translated meaning.
weed is probably the most widely spread "drug" in use in the world, and there is less research into it's effects than there is on aspirin.
so there is an enormous amount if information we don't know yet...
while i find it unlikely that weed is causing your back pain, it's not entirely impossible. i would suggest a week on, week off test to see, maybe repeat it and see if you get the same results the second time. if it's causing you discomfort, there's probably a reason, but it may be hard to discover, because of the lack of research......
Correlation does not equal causation.
no, it doesn't, but in this case i think it could be sufficient evidence to try changing things. like i said, i doubt it's the weed, but it could be the interaction of the weed with something else he's taking, some medication or dietary supplement, or perhaps it's some kind of allergic reaction. smoking, vaping, or eating weed doesn't bother me, but when i work in the flower room, i get an itchy rash, have to take a shower to get rid of it....could be a more severe reaction of that type possibly?
Cbd oil makes my wife’s back hurt. She doesn’t partake in other forms of cannibis use, just tried oil a few times now and everyone her back hurt.
A factor I rarely see considered is the fact that smoking weed will dehydrate you and you need to drink more water when you are smoking. Your muscles and joints will thank you.

That and deep sleep. Congratulations on getting back in the gym BTW!
Most likely, it also affects the body, and your joints may be weakened due to regular smoking of weed, so you need to turn to a good specialist. For example, I was recently examined by an orthopedist near fort wayne. You can turn to them too. After you check your back, the doctor will already tell you what to do, or just change your diet and give up weed, or prescribe you a comprehensive treatment. Well, I hope my post will help you. If you have any other questions, then write to me in private messages.
i have been smoking weed on as close to a daily basis as i could manage since 1978...i'm turning 57 in a few days, and while i have some normal getting old health issues, i'm in pretty good shape over all. so 44 years of smoking weed, eating edibles, taking tinctures, smoking hash...and my joints are fine. i get up, do 20 minutes on a treadmill, do 25 sit ups and 25 push ups, and every other day i lift weights (not very big ones, though :D) .
i don't think weed has as major an effect on peoples health as they seem to think it does. there are some disadvantages to it, inhaling any kind of burning plant material isn't good for your lungs, and i will admit my short term memory isn't that great, i have to make notes about anything i need to do today...i don't think there are any long term detrimental effects beyond that, or i and many others would surely be dealing with them by now.
i also do not think it is any kind of cure all, but it does have some medicinal uses. i have social anxiety issues, i get aggressive in large groups of people if i don't have a clear space around me, and weed helps ALOT with that. it also allows me to subvocalize a lot of the shit that i used to just blurt out, which caused me to get in many arguments, some of which led to fist fights...it may or may not help with some kinds of cancer, but at the very least it helps with the nausea the treatments cause, and it relieves minor pain for some...
Hey everyone I decided to stop smoking weed (daily smoker for 8 years, mostly dirty poppers ontop of that) start of October for a tolerance break. I find it easiest to stop when I travel or go on vacation and October for me I was barely home so I didn't even think about it.

I'm a painter by trade and always related my back pain on standing all day and painting baseboards and all that, that is until I stopped smoking and increased my gym visits. My back felt amazing and I just said eh it's probably just better from excersising more. Then I dabbled into some edibles on the day Canada legalized weed and boom after a heavy sleep I woke up to my same old stiff back. Thought ok maybe I slept wrong who knows. Couple more weeks go by and I decided to have another edible and boom back stiffness returns next morning.

Am I crazy or is thc the culprit for my back pain? Anyone else notice similar effects?
I pretty much had the same experience you had. On and off with experimenting if the marijuana is exasperating my back neck and shoulder pain and it was. I was right. I thought I was bugging out too because I smoked weed for a large portion of my life but nowadays its exasperating my pain. When I'm toxin free I don't suffer like this at all. I guess I evolved up out of those things of the past.
I pretty much had the same experience you had. On and off with experimenting if the marijuana is exasperating my back neck and shoulder pain and it was. I was right. I thought I was bugging out too because I smoked weed for a large portion of my life but nowadays its exasperating my pain. When I'm toxin free I don't suffer like this at all. I guess I evolved up out of those things of the past.

I'm sure cannabis does not cause back or neck pain, but what you do while you are high very well could.