Why you should stop smoking weed and start vaping?

Even VG is a type of alcohol, it is just a very stable one that doesn't evaporate readily.
When I have shit weed I vape it, then drip VG tincture on the already vaped weed. It works so much better than using the metal pads most of the vapes now use. With the metal, the oil always works its way through the bottom. with the weed it just stays in there until it is vaped away.

There is some technique to it, I don't mess around with low temps I set mine to 220C and hit the fucker.
@Roger A. Shrubber : I know exactly what you mean. I would probably still be smoking if I wasn't "forced" into vaping by my asthma. Vaping didn't "do it" for me either with the handheld units, but what really sold it for me was a tabletop enail from newvape. My Flowerpot with Showerhead can drain all the goodies out of a large bowl in one hit without scorching or burning. The effects are admittedly quite different than smoking, but at this level, I'd say more intense. For me it's the difference between getting "stoned" and being elevated. The elevator has no top floor with this rig.
@Roger A. Shrubber : I know exactly what you mean. I would probably still be smoking if I wasn't "forced" into vaping by my asthma. Vaping didn't "do it" for me either with the handheld units, but what really sold it for me was a tabletop enail from newvape. My Flowerpot with Showerhead can drain all the goodies out of a large bowl in one hit without scorching or burning. The effects are admittedly quite different than smoking, but at this level, I'd say more intense. For me it's the difference between getting "stoned" and being elevated. The elevator has no top floor with this rig.
that's cool, and i'd like to try it, but the whole point of this for me is to be able to do it in public...while walking across a parking lot till i get in the store, while i'm out walking around, when i go to the bar and throw darts, to be able to step out for a minute and come back in with a good buzz....
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What if you decarb it before vaping? It wasn't intentional but come to think about it mine was. It was left over from making cookies. Do you think maybe it might not have gotten hot enough long in a vape?
i guess it's possible, but the one time i tried smoking decarbed weed, it was very harsh and tasted like shit...
Let's find out. This evening I'll try the Dabox with fresh herb and wait a couple hours then try the decarbed. Two or three night of that should tell us something. The last couple of months I've been trying about everything that sounds reasonable. A while back Luck Luke tried to get me to try capsules. Didn't want to take any more pills but I am going to try that next. Trying to work out the dosage now. I have 1.29 grams of oil. I think 10mg/cap. Do you know?
The saleslady at the shop said that this Dabox was OK with dry herb. I guess it is since I've been doing it without problems. This is the one she uses. Even had it in her pocket.
@Vivantvape I just wanted to make sure you see this.

OK. The Dabox has just had a good test. The Dabox won! I only did dry herb. I'm not too sure oil is for me, but it did work well with the 25 ohm element. The 25 is the one I used for the dry herb, too. BTW, it you are going to use both dry and oil you may want to get an extra element. That will keep it a lot cleaner. The one for oil just seems take care of itself and the one for herb just gets a little ash, but don't mix them. It's a sticky mess.

Things were kept rather equal. The same amount of herb for the pipe and the Dabox, with 1/2 decarbed just to find out if the helped. The only difference I could find Dabox was it was dryer and a little harder to handle where the fresh was still a little sticky and held together better while loading.

I should have vaped only about half as much as I smoked in the pipe, it knocked me on my butt big time. After 2 days of beating this thing and the pipe half to death I have to say the Dabox is better in all ways.

So far the Dabox seems to be the way I choose to go, at least until the edibles come in.
i'd really like a dry herb vape, but i can't get "high" vaping
I would like to have someone double check me on this, but I did notice something while vaping that looked a little strange.

I was watching the vapor in the mirror and noticed a small whisk of vapor about 2 or 3 seconds after pushing the button and then a few seconds after there would come a larger amount. That makes me wonder if that first little vapor was the THC. After I saw that I started hitting it as I touched the button. I might have been my imagination :eyesmoke: but I thought it was a lot harder hit. Hell, I'd try it and see.
I would like to have someone double check me on this, but I did notice something while vaping that looked a little strange.

I was watching the vapor in the mirror and noticed a small whisk of vapor about 2 or 3 seconds after pushing the button and then a few seconds after there would come a larger amount. That makes me wonder if that first little vapor was the THC. After I saw that I started hitting it as I touched the button. I might have been my imagination :eyesmoke: but I thought it was a lot harder hit. Hell, I'd try it and see.
what's the smell like? can you use this thing in public? not right next to people, but say walking across the parking lot to the store, or at the park when no one is within 20 or 30 feet?
and does the unit itself have an odor? if it's under the seat in my truck, is a cop talking to me through the window going to smell it?
what's the smell like?
First, Weeds, my wife, smells my pipe every time I light up in the house, but she doesn't smell this. It must have some smell but she didn't smell this. She is OK but don't smoke in her house.

can you use this thing in public?
If you use it half way discretely people in all probabilities wouldn't even notice. It fits the palm of your hand with only a little glass showing for about 1/2 inch.

not right next to people, but say walking across the parking lot to the store
I went to the store this morning and hit it on the way in. Didn't draw any attention at all, but then I tried not to be obvious.

does the unit itself have an odor?
I just now stuck the Dabox under Weed's nose to see how bad it smells. She took a good whiff and said "I smell something, what is it?" there's virtually no smell to it. On the other hand my pipe smell about like any other, you don't want to carry it in your pocket.

Here's something else to consider. After a few hits on the pipe I have to use a "ram rod" to push the crud out of the pipe. The Dabox is still almost clean, but like I said before get all the oil out before you try the dry. I'm on my way down to the shop in a few minutes to get the water pipe attachment.

The bottom line for me is I'll still keep my pipe in case of a dead battery but I now use the Dabox. And i'm really looking forward to trying dry ice hash in it.
what's the smell like? can you use this thing in public? not right next to people, but say walking across the parking lot to the store, or at the park when no one is within 20 or 30 feet?
and does the unit itself have an odor? if it's under the seat in my truck, is a cop talking to me through the window going to smell it?

Personally, I left my vape in my truck with a halfway done bowl right before class. I went back 3 hrs later and when I went in to drive home I had to toss the bowl in it and put the vape in a baggie cause it smelt like someone was burning a joint in there.
This is with the CF not a Dabox.

Let me put it bluntly - I don't think vaping is for you to be quite honest. I would stick to what works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
This is with the CF not a Dabox.
Don't know about a CF but mine works exactly like I said. I haven't checked out the CF yet but will take a look when I get thru here. I get the feeling the the one you are using is a regular dry herb vape and if it is and you leave half burned (or vaped?) stuff in it I'm sure it would smell. It probably holds a lot more vine than mine. One hit and mine is empty with nothing more than a very little ash.
I took a look at the CF. It's looks like one hell of a fine piece of equipment with a lot of features. Wow, something else to add to the Christmas list.

One of the main features of the CF, though, is a "large oven". That would be what I've been calling the element (it's a coil head). And like the name Dabox implies it only takes a dab, a very small pinch. After a hit it's simply gone. I think it's the large oven that holds the smell.

The small capacity of the Dabox makes it less desirable for outside use because having to reload it. That would draw attention so figure on only hit. The CF has a large over that's probably the cause of the smell. That's not good.

I study everything. Compare and analyze. It's the backroom engineer in me. Personally, after the last couple of days I've decided that neither the Dabox or the CF fits the bill for public use. They both have their places. As for me I'm going back to the little vape with the tincture for "away from home use". It's an Exxus Snap. It's cheap (like $30). It's small enough to carry in your watch pocket. I lasts all day without refilling or recharging. Has zero smell and can be used very discreetly. The oil is not that hard to make.

It's just a matter of choosing the right tool for the job.
I took a look at the CF. It's looks like one hell of a fine piece of equipment with a lot of features. Wow, something else to add to the Christmas list.

One of the main features of the CF, though, is a "large oven". That would be what I've been calling the element (it's a coil head). And like the name Dabox implies it only takes a dab, a very small pinch. After a hit it's simply gone. I think it's the large oven that holds the smell.

The small capacity of the Dabox makes it less desirable for outside use because having to reload it. That would draw attention so figure on only hit. The CF has a large over that's probably the cause of the smell. That's not good.

I study everything. Compare and analyze. It's the backroom engineer in me. Personally, after the last couple of days I've decided that neither the Dabox or the CF fits the bill for public use. They both have their places. As for me I'm going back to the little vape with the tincture for "away from home use". It's an Exxus Snap. It's cheap (like $30). It's small enough to carry in your watch pocket. I lasts all day without refilling or recharging. Has zero smell and can be used very discreetly. The oil is not that hard to make.

It's just a matter of choosing the right tool for the job.
i experimented extensively with making e juice. i made it so strong it plugs up high powered heads, and it still is close to useless to me....guess i just have to keep to the back roads if i want to get high on the way to the store......
I have the oil making down, but not the juice. That seems awfully hard to mix the oil with VG. Do you have a good way? I would like to stay away from PG.

Vegetable Glycerin extract or VG cannabis have been my key words for google searches; I've found a couple methods (I'm impatient, so really only found one - the second one takes 3-6 months).

Full disclosure VG extraction will not be as potent as other extractions according to all the internet experts... science; I'll have to trust that, but this method still gets me high as fuck, so I really don't care (maybe I need to vape a little more than if using PEG, but this is super cheap and ... well, to repeat, it gets me high as fuck so I don't give a shit).

Ruff House studios have a video and marijuanabreak.com has good article. They use a double boiler with oil to reach stable temps; I have a convection oven that can hold low temps fairly well. My 'reminder' guide below using convection oven:

I weigh and measure everything because I'm kind of looking for consistency... but weed strains vary, so grain of salt here...

use two 'tall' shot glasses; 1 for infusion; 1 for filtering/decarbing
---> shot glass #1
. 2g bud (use grinder)
. 6-8 mil vape juice; just cover; start with 8 and use 1 less each time; used 8, 7, 6 recovered 15
. cover wth aluminum foil whenever putting in oven (if not covered, sometimes i get a burnt taste/smell to juice)
. heat conv. to 180 for 45-60 mins (infuses vg/pg) - set 10-15 minute timers; stirring each time
. use strainer; smash with spoon or spatula (careful not to break spatula or strainer)
. drip thru strainer into bowl (or straight into coffee-filtered shot glass #2 if possible)
---> shot glass #2
. strain thru coffee filter into shot glass - squeeze as needed
. cover wth aluminum foil
. heat to 220 for 30-35 mins (decarboxilates)

I buy 70/30 VG/PG 0mg nicotine vape juice from vapes.com. They sell 100ml bottles for $10 and charge $5.95 shipping... I buy 3 or 4 at a time to make it cheaper.

If you know of, or can find a quicker, cheaper and easier way to make THC vape juice, I'm all ears...

My motivation for making vape juice is; I have unsmokable buds and I would rather find a new way to use than toss out - and I don't want to spend any money on more supplies or recovery systems or purging devices or use a product that has some negative potential. I want it to be quick, cheap and easy... and taste good