is this the middle ages?

Actually if you claim to be an advocate for "equal rights" the burden of explaining why you would force a black guy to serve you and still claim you are an advocate for equal rights is on you.

As far as an answer to your fallacious question / statement above, I'm going to chock that up to your having consumed bath salts, its the only possible explanation.
Ah yes

The non existent, imaginary black business owner being forced to serve customers that your years of constructing an argument depends on
Ah yes

The non existent, imaginary black business owner being forced to serve customers that your years of constructing an argument depends on

Have you personally polled every black business owner to ask them if it's okay for you to force them to serve you ?

No, you haven't.

Yet if none object and their interaction with you IS entirely voluntary, you are supporting my philosophy of voluntary human interactions. Thank you.

Still winning, numb nutz.
Number of black people that have refused to serve whites: 1 (Louis Farrakhan)

Number of people that cared: 0


Doesn't disprove the point, that "equal rights" by virtue of it being a coercive government policy (has an "or else" embodied in it, against otherwise neutral people) can't possibly be the bringer of equality, since it replaces the equality of free choice of an individual with an edict from another.

When one party makes an edict against an otherwise neutral party, it DISPROVES that equality is present. Simple logic proves that, which might be why it escapes you..

So what does your stunning assertion reveal ? Nothing.

It doesn't disprove the fact, that ALL black people in the USA who fall into a given category created by their overseers MUST comply with the overseers edict or be punished by the overseers does it ?

What you're really saying is you don't think ANY of them, just because they haven't made a choice to be punished, don't deserve to be able to make the choice of whether or not they will decide how to use their own body and their own property. Which is my point, you haven't disproved.

Still winning.
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Except I don't have a government I willingly acknowledge, since they are all based in coercion. Did you appoint one over me ? How could we be equals if you can assign me a "leader" I object to and somehow that is a valid assignation? is it because you believe only thru coercive measures you can also reduce coercion? Sounds a little illogical, maybe you've been brainwashed.

Handing the keys over eh? I don't think you've thought that one out very well.

You never answered my question concerning why you would willingly accept a situation where people are legally your superiors but you also rant about how shitty people are and that's why we need government? Is it because you believe politicians are magically exempt from being shitty people ? How does that work?
that you willingly acknowledge.....
well, good for the rest of us that you aren't in control of anything......not even sure about you being in control of the decisions you make, whatever neurosis, or neuroses that you are dealing with, probably makes most of them for you.
the reason all this "works" is because we want it to work. yes, there are large problems to be dealt with. the reason we can be equals while assigning a leader you don't like, is that we all have a chance to get the people we like into office, if we work at if the guy you like didn't get elected....maybe there was a reason.....maybe the rest of us liked someone you can just deal with it, or go live in a fucking cave off the grid, and eat what you trap.....if your weird ass candidate would have won, that's exactly what you would tell the rest of with it......
if you don't like society, withdraw from it....just don't expect us to accommodate you, because we won't. join the team and work for improvement, or fuck off with advice OR criticism....cause you're opinion is pretty inconsequential to those of us busy trying to make things better, we got no time for people whose only ability is pointing out problems and then hiding from them while blaming everyone but themselves....
The reason why the "whole world is falling the fuck apart" is because of the belief in authority that most people have repetitiously drilled into them.

They whine about equal rights and the first thing they do after they're done whining is insist the only way you can achieve equality, is to force a system based in inequality on every person. Which of course can't happen, since two opposing things at once like that existing on the same plane is an impossibility .

Notice how the post below minimizes the deaths of children, ("shit happens") as if it's okay when the "authority" murders them. This is a learned response from the indoctrinated person. The purpose of the indoctrination is to facilitate obedience to perceived authority for the benefit of the authority.

This is the actual look on my face right now -


then it must be your actual loses pixels on the pinch-out and i can't tell what the look on your face is.
who says weed smokers are supposed to live harmoniously? some hippy movie you saw? we're people, that happen to smoke weed. some of us are nice, and some aren't, some of us are smart, and some aren't. some of us are trump supporters, and some of us are smart.......
don't believe anything a hippy tells you, they're full of shit, and most of them smell like it, already

it's the commit to your have to learn when to step away and hop in the shower- the plants will be safe.
that you willingly acknowledge.....
well, good for the rest of us that you aren't in control of anything......not even sure about you being in control of the decisions you make, whatever neurosis, or neuroses that you are dealing with, probably makes most of them for you.
the reason all this "works" is because we want it to work. yes, there are large problems to be dealt with. the reason we can be equals while assigning a leader you don't like, is that we all have a chance to get the people we like into office, if we work at if the guy you like didn't get elected....maybe there was a reason.....maybe the rest of us liked someone you can just deal with it, or go live in a fucking cave off the grid, and eat what you trap.....if your weird ass candidate would have won, that's exactly what you would tell the rest of with it......
if you don't like society, withdraw from it....just don't expect us to accommodate you, because we won't. join the team and work for improvement, or fuck off with advice OR criticism....cause you're opinion is pretty inconsequential to those of us busy trying to make things better, we got no time for people whose only ability is pointing out problems and then hiding from them while blaming everyone but themselves....

I could easily dismantle your "logic" . Maybe I will later. It's full of erroneous platitudes and disinformation and frankly lacks vision.

Although, I do see you barely wet your pants this time, That's a start.
I could easily dismantle your "logic" . Maybe I will later. It's full of erroneous platitudes and disinformation and frankly lacks vision.

Although, I do see you barely wet your pants this time, That's a start.
you can try, but the only person on this entire website that thinks you've ever dismantled anything is yourself....the rest of us look at your "proof" and "logic" and only see the ramblings of a potential psychotic...of course you make sense to're fucking insane....and the fact that every single person you're interacting with here thinks so, while you're sure we're all the crazy ones....well, that's not a thing you should consider.....99 people say i'm crazy....I say 99 people are crazy......which is likelier?
you can try, but the only person on this entire website that thinks you've ever dismantled anything is yourself....the rest of us look at your "proof" and "logic" and only see the ramblings of a potential psychotic...of course you make sense to're fucking insane....and the fact that every single person you're interacting with here thinks so, while you're sure we're all the crazy ones....well, that's not a thing you should consider.....99 people say i'm crazy....I say 99 people are crazy......which is likelier?

I prefer to say that most people are uninformed and in a state of ignorance concerning their own cognitive dissonance.

Although, its possible to be uninformed and crazy too, or crazy and informed etc.

Yet, focusing on your perception of me, doesn't refute my argument though, does it ?

I have to go and help a friend out, keep your pants dry in the meantime.
I prefer to say that most people are uninformed and in a state of ignorance concerning their own cognitive dissonance.

Although, its possible to be uninformed and crazy too, or crazy and informed etc.

Yet, focusing on your perception of me, doesn't refute my argument though, does it ?

I have to go and help a friend out, keep your pants dry in the meantime.
yes, it does refute your arguments, on the most basic of grounds. they weren't formulated by a rational they make no're working from incorrect all of your conclusions are in error, your entire "argument" is specious....
you can try, but the only person on this entire website that thinks you've ever dismantled anything is yourself....the rest of us look at your "proof" and "logic" and only see the ramblings of a potential psychotic...of course you make sense to're fucking insane....and the fact that every single person you're interacting with here thinks so, while you're sure we're all the crazy ones....well, that's not a thing you should consider.....99 people say i'm crazy....I say 99 people are crazy......which is likelier?

he's allowed his opinion although i'm not sure why a black business owner would consider it force to do business with white people..all money is green and spends the same no matter which color they are.

why would you wish to lose a sale only to have another business owner get it?

the whole idea behind sales is to close and get their money.
he's allowed his opinion although i'm not sure why a black business owner would consider it force to do business with white people..all money is green and spends the same no matter which color they are.

why would you wish to lose a sale only to have another business owner get it?

the whole idea behind sales is to close and get their money.
There is a long history of exactly that in this country. Didn't they teach you about segregation when you went to school?
opinions are one thing, you're entitled to yours, and i'm entitled to mine, and if they don't ever meet, well, then they just never meet.
politics are a very touchy subject right now, and if you expect to be able to have an opinion without someone else having a differing opinion, you're just naive. if you can't take people calling you names on the internet....well, leave the closet door cracked so you don't suffocate while you're hiding in there....
this is about two guys getting roasted alive, because one guy incited a crowd to take "justice" into their own hands....and the entire town that stood by and allowed it to happen....and the possibility of it happening here, in the heart of "civilization".....and i'm of the opinion that the only reason it doesn't happen is that people are afraid of the consequences...that "civilization" isn't even a veneer, its a loose shroud that can be blown off by a slight breeze.....and a fucking hurricane is coming......soon
good question, are law abiding people really just cowards/smart enough to not wear the consequences, its the fear of punishment that make law abiding people, not their 'innate goodness', the majority would do horrendous things if they 'knew' they could get away with it, humans are strange creatures indeed...just my opinion on the state things

Doesn't disprove the point, that "equal rights" by virtue of it being a coercive government policy (has an "or else" embodied in it, against otherwise neutral people) can't possibly be the bringer of equality, since it replaces the equality of free choice of an individual with an edict from another.

there are 7.5 Billion people on the do you expect 7.5 billion people to operate on free choice? i don't care what's "right" or "how it should be"...this is the reality...there's no way...ever....that this could even begin to's asking for anarchy ten minutes after it's implemented....and if you can't see that, if you won't agree with that, then you're fucking hopeless

When one party makes an edict against an otherwise neutral party, it DISPROVES that equality is present. Simple logic proves that, which might be why it escapes you..

noun: edict; plural noun: edicts
an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.
if it's made by a person in authority, then what's the problem? that you don't accept the authority? tough crap...join the crowd or go live in a cave....

So what does your stunning assertion reveal ? Nothing.

It doesn't disprove the fact, that ALL black people in the USA who fall into a given category created by their overseers MUST comply with the overseers edict or be punished by the overseers does it ?

who the fuck are these "overseers" ?what year are you communicating from? we elect officials, to keep the infrastructure we all use and enjoy in place......they don't carry whips....and what do you mean ALL black people who fall into a given category....that makes no fucking sense at all....why not say all living things that fall into the subset of things that are alive.....¿

What you're really saying is you don't think ANY of them, just because they haven't made a choice to be punished, don't deserve to be able to make the choice of whether or not they will decide how to use their own body and their own property. Which is my point, you haven't disproved.

again....makes no fucking sense....reread this.....i think what you're attempting to say is that fucking clue.....that's a pile of incoherent horseshit....

Still winning.

winning :roll:
your "freedom of choice" is only freedom for you. own a nice piece of property, with a river that runs through it. you decide you'd like to have a lake, so you damn up the river and flood a valley on your property. but now the people who lived downriver that relied on that water are just shit out of luck. they can't water their crops, or their livestock, so you've just ruined the lives of possibly hundreds of people with your freedom of choice. want to build a fence on your property. so you do. but now the people who live beside you are denied the view they bought their homes to've taken a significant part of their lives from them, with your freedom of choice. live along a road that doesn't have access to high speed cable. the people on either side of you want it, you don't, and don't allow the cable company to put lines across your have what you chose, and the people on either side of you have what you chose EDICT of freedom of your choice.....

am i getting through at all?
your "freedom of choice" is only freedom for you. own a nice piece of property, with a river that runs through it. you decide you'd like to have a lake, so you damn up the river and flood a valley on your property. but now the people who lived downriver that relied on that water are just shit out of luck. they can't water their crops, or their livestock, so you've just ruined the lives of possibly hundreds of people with your freedom of choice. want to build a fence on your property. so you do. but now the people who live beside you are denied the view they bought their homes to've taken a significant part of their lives from them, with your freedom of choice. live along a road that doesn't have access to high speed cable. the people on either side of you want it, you don't, and don't allow the cable company to put lines across your have what you chose, and the people on either side of you have what you chose EDICT of freedom of your choice.....

am i getting through at all?
No your not and never will, it’s a hopeless endeavour because yes you said it earlier, he’s lost in his own fanatical unworkable world but sponges off all of you who actually contribute to the infrastructure he says makes you a slave. this site would be far better off if he was just put on ignore by everyone, mutually agreed upon of course lol.
he's allowed his opinion although i'm not sure why a black business owner would consider it force to do business with white people..all money is green and spends the same no matter which color they are.

why would you wish to lose a sale only to have another business owner get it?

the whole idea behind sales is to close and get their money.
His view of the world and how it works, must work, is skewed to the point of delusion. Can’t reason with the delusional, many have tried and all you get for your effort is the same rhetoric again and again. Force, slave, brainwash, all words but no workable, coherent solutions, just the same bullshit. Like his “still winning” comments, winning nothing but the scorn of others for his pedo indoctrination rants.
His view of the world and how it works, must work, is skewed to the point of delusion. Can’t reason with the delusional, many have tried and all you get for your effort is the same rhetoric again and again. Force, slave, brainwash, all words but no workable, coherent solutions, just the same bullshit. Like his “still winning” comments, winning nothing but the scorn of others for his pedo indoctrination rants.
The whole thing about Rob Roy is that you don't have to engage him. The fact is that society works in a way that is inimical with his views. He has to pay taxes and can't fuck children. So fine, every day he wakes up into his self described world of slavery just dreading the moment when we will all come for him with our guns. Winning indeed, Hooray.