A lot of us no longer support Greenpoint but I'm tellin right now, it looks terrible to see grown men going on day after day beating the same dead horse. Nit picking every detail.
And PMs? My inbox is full daily from people who see it the same way.
ALL of Gu`s poor business practices have been pointed out and dissected over and over again to the point its become redundant.
Its obvious why Heisen trolls the thread (not sure why its allowed) and I even understand why he has a couple followers. People love free shit and some are easily impressed. To me, its no different than how GP started out with the reward program and auctions (except Gu actually had the seeds ready to go not to mention many yrs worth of complete grow journals).
People were singing GP praise before they even grew out the beans because at that time some of those genetics were impossible to get.
You could get packs of seeds for no more than the cost of shipping. People boasted their deals on here daily.
Look, I respect most of you a LOT and I'm just telling you how it looks especially for some that I consider extremely knowledgeable. I wont plug GP either but I also dont feel the need to come on here daily to repeat whats already been stated...hundreds of times. I don't dog pile. Never have and I never will...and I damn sure will never accept "hush cuts" or free seeds in return for support.
I just feel bad for anyone trying to find grow info who's met with pages of this nonsense.
Or the other respected growers trying to post pics knowing their photos are going to be dissected and mocked. I didn't agree with it yrs ago and I don't agree with it now.
I agree with what your saying .
I’m sure lots remember me calling Heisen out about one of his comments. I signed up for him not for free beans , but to document my finding good or bad .
Some of us know S1s are a box of chocolates, some don’t . I’m sure there is going to be good things in these beans , but you are not going to pop a pack of S1s and have 10 clone only weddin cake plants , there going to be under laying genetics that come out . What % , time will tell.
I’m just going to run them and let the pics speak for themselfs . I’ve started 2 new rooms , just to run seeds . Testing for others only slows my personal plans down.
Calling down someone because you don’t like the breeder, or their skill level is lower then yourself , or they are not in a position to grow the way you do ; is low. We are all here for the love of a plant , and should be improving each other.
Gu has opened the door for a conversation and we are talking like adults. if my actions can help a few people , then I have done what I wanted . I don’t want to ruin anyone’s business. I’m sure my pics sold more beans then my bitching took away.
I’m done , I’ve said my piece.
I will stop making an ass out of myself &
no longer