Greenpoint seeds!!

Every fan stacks like ogkb, veg rate is down right shit. I almost culled it in veg the first time I run it. Bc it was soooooooo slow. I had two different cookie clones beside each other. This cut and forum delight cut. The FD cut had weeks of growth over the cnc cut. I actually had to veg the cnc 3 weeks longer. To get the same amount of nodes and plant height.

And I've tried to find out a few times what cut he used when he made the cookies n cream. To no avail. This cut of CnC is starfighter dom. I have a cut of an older starfighter that look extremely close in plant structure, and bud structure. I'd love to find out which cut he used when he made it.
You are 100% correct about ogkb in veg.
I'm running one now and it's the slowest of the slow. (Triple Nova by CV wasn't much better.)

Then all of a sudden, BOOM -- they sretch like a MF! :shock::o
You are 100% correct about ogkb in veg.
I'm running one now and it's the slowest of the slow. (Triple Nova by CV wasn't much better.)

Then all of a sudden, BOOM -- they sretch like a MF! :shock::o

Yeah about day 4 or 5 of flower this cut literally explodes. If someone would take this cut and do a sog or net it would yield beyond pretty much any cookie strain out there. 2gal natural run just over 5 zips. Second run topped once. She will yield more than the first run.
Every fan stacks like ogkb, veg rate is down right shit. I almost culled it in veg the first time I run it. Bc it was soooooooo slow. I had two different cookie clones beside each other. This cut and forum delight cut. The FD cut had weeks of growth over the cnc cut. I actually had to veg the cnc 3 weeks longer. To get the same amount of nodes and plant height.

And I've tried to find out a few times what cut he used when he made the cookies n cream. To no avail. This cut of CnC is starfighter dom. I have a cut of an older starfighter that look extremely close in plant structure, and bud structure. I'd love to find out which cut he used when he made it.
do you have pictures? i've never seen a cookies and cream plant that had the OGKB leaf stack.
A lot of us no longer support Greenpoint but I'm tellin right now, it looks terrible to see grown men going on day after day beating the same dead horse. Nit picking every detail.
And PMs? My inbox is full daily from people who see it the same way.
ALL of Gu`s poor business practices have been pointed out and dissected over and over again to the point its become redundant.

Its obvious why Heisen trolls the thread (not sure why its allowed) and I even understand why he has a couple followers. People love free shit and some are easily impressed. To me, its no different than how GP started out with the reward program and auctions (except Gu actually had the seeds ready to go not to mention many yrs worth of complete grow journals).

People were singing GP praise before they even grew out the beans because at that time some of those genetics were impossible to get.
You could get packs of seeds for no more than the cost of shipping. People boasted their deals on here daily.

Look, I respect most of you a LOT and I'm just telling you how it looks especially for some that I consider extremely knowledgeable. I wont plug GP either but I also dont feel the need to come on here daily to repeat whats already been stated...hundreds of times. I don't dog pile. Never have and I never will...and I damn sure will never accept "hush cuts" or free seeds in return for support.
I just feel bad for anyone trying to find grow info who's met with pages of this nonsense.
Or the other respected growers trying to post pics knowing their photos are going to be dissected and mocked. I didn't agree with it yrs ago and I don't agree with it now.

I agree with what your saying .
I’m sure lots remember me calling Heisen out about one of his comments. I signed up for him not for free beans , but to document my finding good or bad .
Some of us know S1s are a box of chocolates, some don’t . I’m sure there is going to be good things in these beans , but you are not going to pop a pack of S1s and have 10 clone only weddin cake plants , there going to be under laying genetics that come out . What % , time will tell.
I’m just going to run them and let the pics speak for themselfs . I’ve started 2 new rooms , just to run seeds . Testing for others only slows my personal plans down.

Calling down someone because you don’t like the breeder, or their skill level is lower then yourself , or they are not in a position to grow the way you do ; is low. We are all here for the love of a plant , and should be improving each other.

Gu has opened the door for a conversation and we are talking like adults. if my actions can help a few people , then I have done what I wanted . I don’t want to ruin anyone’s business. I’m sure my pics sold more beans then my bitching took away.

I’m done , I’ve said my piece.
I will stop making an ass out of myself &
no longer
Idk all about that. Lol, There isnt a dvg strain I'd pay 300 for. Let alone 125. I've run some not impressed.

Edit: could be grower error, but not likely. My tents are kindve dialed in..
you are entitled to your opinion. Just like the guys who just paid me $400 a pack for the new Purple Jellato. You see quality in something, buy it. $400 is nothing when harvesting a fair share of buds. My Sugar Daddy packs went for $5,000 at auction. What did you run of mine?
Calling down someone because you don’t like the breeder, or their skill level is lower then yourself , or they are not in a position to grow the way you do ; is low. We are all here for the love of a plant , and should be improving each other.
Agree and I especially agree with this part. When I see someone mocking or calling down someone's grow its usually because they either A. have a busted ego or B. just recently (within a yr or so) had a couple of successful grows.
What I mean is, its usually those with the least experience yelling the loudest.

And just to expand on this a little bit. I've watched as several seasoned growers...I'm talking about people that held chem cuts before JJ, the White before Krome (scratch that, I meant Raskall), have come into this thread (and others) and been treated like noobs because some of those same people mocking are so new themselves (or wrapped up in their own egos) they didn't recognize the usernames from the older forums. Those seasoned growers quickly grow tired of the trolling and leave, taking the knowledge with them. That doesn't help any of us.
I don't want put these guys on the spot but there are still couple of them who pop in from time to time. These are the dudes that can truly answer questions about the older genetics.
I like to learn and not everything can found on google or IG where its mostly a pageantry of pretty (photoshopped with blinding contrast) pictures.
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Agree and I especially agree with this part. When I see someone mocking or calling down someone's grow its usually because they either A. have a busted ego or B. just recently (within a yr or so) had a couple of successful grows.
What I mean is, its usually those with the least experience yelling the loudest.

And just to expand on this a little bit. I've watched as several seasoned growers...I'm talking about people that held chem cuts before JJ, the White before Krome, have come into this thread (and others) and been treated like noobs because some of those same people mocking are so new themselves (or wrapped up in their own egos) they didn't recognize the usernames from the older forums. Those seasoned growers quickly grow tired of the trolling and leave, taking the knowledge with them. That doesn't help any of us.
I don't want put these guys on the spot but there are still couple of them who pop in from time to time. These are the dudes that can truly answer questions about the older genetics.
I like to learn and not everything can found on google or IG where its mostly a pageantry of pretty (photoshopped with blinding contrast) pictures.
Taking your own advice how do you know who I am? Your always so quick to point out all my faults but you have never ever said one Good thing about any of my grows. It's more than obvious I know what in doing and can grow proficiently in several different mediums like no body's business. I'm one of the very few here that grow in RDWC cause most people give up on that shit after a year. That grow style takes years to perfect and I've mastered it. I know you dont like me and you never have since day 1 but you never give any credit where it is due.

DVG was here trashing and bashing gu and all you did was talk about 1 comment I made and something about a comment I deleted and a ban.

Your facts were way off as usual and you left out a few important details. Either way alot of my stuff was deleted from the farmer by logic and i left that place after seeing him for what he truly is.

You still fail to mention anything or state all of the facts. Seems to always be the case with you.
A lot of us no longer support Greenpoint but I'm tellin right now, it looks terrible to see grown men going on day after day beating the same dead horse. Nit picking every detail.
And PMs? My inbox is full daily from people who see it the same way.
ALL of Gu`s poor business practices have been pointed out and dissected over and over again to the point its become redundant.

Its obvious why Heisen trolls the thread (not sure why its allowed) and I even understand why he has a couple followers. People love free shit and some are easily impressed. To me, its no different than how GP started out with the reward program and auctions (except Gu actually had the seeds ready to go not to mention many yrs worth of complete grow journals).

People were singing GP praise before they even grew out the beans because at that time some of those genetics were impossible to get.
You could get packs of seeds for no more than the cost of shipping. People boasted their deals on here daily.

Look, I respect most of you a LOT and I'm just telling you how it looks especially for some that I consider extremely knowledgeable. I wont plug GP either but I also dont feel the need to come on here daily to repeat whats already been stated...hundreds of times. I don't dog pile. Never have and I never will...and I damn sure will never accept "hush cuts" or free seeds in return for support.
I just feel bad for anyone trying to find grow info who's met with pages of this nonsense.
Or the other respected growers trying to post pics knowing their photos are going to be dissected and mocked. I didn't agree with it yrs ago and I don't agree with it now.

I hear what you're saying Tang. Im not trying to keep people from buying GPS, just choose to no longer post any pics or hashtags because I think his handling of the stolen cc crap is bullshit. If I can keep one person from having their cc info compromised because they purchased from I will consider that a good thing. Im not saying not to buy his crap, Im just saying make sure you dont use your credit/debit card. I will probably keep beating that dead horse until he actually addresses it more than, and I paraphrase, those are the risks you take when you buy drugs off the internet.

Seems like lots of folks are turned off by bullying and bragging, but at the end of the day it's about the beans.

It's annoying to see Gu claim that he sells at wholesale prices, because his retail price on non-discontinued beans is industry average (around $90).

To get wholesale price, you've gotta be patient and keep an eye on the reverse auctions.
Or wait a few weeks for another promo code (like black Friday, groundhog day, low on rent day, etc).

Scarcity marketing works, but it's getting old.

GPS beans were wholesale back in the days when EVERYONE got 50% back in nuggets. No tiers, and no bullshit.

amen.. That's another thing that just doesnt make sense. He cut out the middleman, and brags about wholesale prices, but charges retail?? idk how that makes any sense..
I just have to lol on this one... You don't understand anything about customer acquisition and how to convert that's obvious.

You'll learn soon enough since you look to be starting your own seed company, I wish you nothin but luck in your journey... You're going to need A LOT of it.

Seriously...Customer acquisition. You put free testers up and called them testers and than 3 days later put them up for sale. I was like wow this dude really knows how to make a buck...than dumping the nuggets when that is what you gave people as repayment on money you stole from them. You never tested 1 of those seeds you brought in from an outside source.

I may be an ass sometimes and can get carried away to prove a point but I WOULD NEVER do 1/3 of what u did to anyone even it meant losing money..You have to understand this is not my livelihood. I am thankful I have other incomes to fall back on and put customers before profit.
That's just good business 101. I'm sure you dont need to see the list. Good luck to you. Your business "acquisition" has been a valuable lesson
To others of what NOT to do.
We are all here for the love of a plant .....

I've always liked the sentiment, but never agreed with it.

Weed does not magically bring incompatible people together in a mellow embrace. It's a delightful myth, but you'd have to be pretty stoned and pretty isolated to believe in it, amigo.

Its a little early to make that claim...dontcha think?

Edited to add: Yep. I do remember Rez going after anyone who had issues with his seeds. Good on you for speaking up. A lot of people didn't until after he was outted/busted because he had such a big following.
About a month ago we exchanged a few pms. We both know where each others intentions lay. He's a driven individual, as am I. I don't underestimate the ability of anyone to make shit happen if they show a tendency for it.
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I've always liked the sentiment, but never agreed with it.

Weed does not magically bring incompatible people together in a mellow embrace. It's a delightful myth, but you'd have to be pretty stoned and pretty isolated to believe in it, amigo.


That’s not what I meant , I meant you shouldnt call someone out for not being on your skill level, or finical position , or space restrictions, etc.
I’m not saying we should all just love one another n like everyone. I prefer to be alone 99% of the time.

Telling someone there grow sucks because they can’t afford a high end setup, or they are not as experienced as you etc is wrong.

I have asked a few people in private, if they would like some help on things I’ve seen they could easily improve on. I did this with the best intentions, as not to point out noob mistakes on a public forum.
Some where very greatfull , some where happy with how things where going , n didn’t want any help. I respect all of them .
We all are not into maxing everything out .
I've always liked the sentiment, but never agreed with it.

Weed does not magically bring incompatible people together in a mellow embrace. It's a delightful myth, but you'd have to be pretty stoned and pretty isolated to believe in it, amigo.


true, but I do tend to get along better with people who smoke or are at least tolerant of bud.. I usually dont get along with people who call weed a "drug"
Taking your own advice how do you know who I am? Your always so quick to point out all my faults but you have never ever said one Good thing about any of my grows. It's more than obvious I know what in doing and can grow proficiently in several different mediums like no body's business. I'm one of the very few here that grow in RDWC cause most people give up on that shit after a year. That grow style takes years to perfect and I've mastered it. I know you dont like me and you never have since day 1 but you never give any credit where it is due.

DVG was here trashing and bashing gu and all you did was talk about 1 comment I made and something about a comment I deleted and a ban.

Your facts were way off as usual and you left out a few important details. Either way alot of my stuff was deleted from the farmer by logic and i left that place after seeing him for what he truly is.

You still fail to mention anything or state all of the facts. Seems to always be the case with you.
What have I posted that wasn't factual?
Further, I never even mentioned your name in that post and I've never once faulted your grow. I never said anything about it because you're too busy talking up your skills while putting down "tent" growers and "hippie smokers" you leave no room for anyone to complement you. Its like a never ending drive-by bragging fest.
Everyone knows why you left the Farm. Stop trying to take people for fools.

Your posts from the farm might be deleted but its still can be viewed in cache.

Remember, once its out there on the net its out there forever so don't come try to go tit for tat with me.
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