and hemp rules are different in MO than CO. What they do here is contract it out, they come in, they plant, they grow, they harvest and take to processor in St Lou and you get paid like a commision. LIke they rented the land. MO used to be one of the biggest hemp producers of the states, not sure bout CO, lol. But from the old hemp farmers here, never heard the thc problem with pure hemp seed. Plant it once, let it grow, harvest once, process done. Very little problems, from what I hear. Gets mashed up like in a cotton gin. Sure help the boys out sitting on those soy bean fields crying and wheepin and waitin on those subsidies to come. Hemp is more of an option if you have land just sitting there, like my friends, 40 acres, no cattle, no trees, old farm, but not used as such, no money in beef right now, etc. Let the state boys come in and talk to the workers workin the field in a contract, not necessarily the owner. Might also be time to move to Jackson County in MO as they aren't prosecuting mj cases anymore due to the law. Trust, the redneck counties elsewhere in this state are not as receptive, law or not.