The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Manafort's lawyers and the Mueller prosecutors have mutually asked for a 10 day extension of his sentencing, so we can expect indictments coming soon. Trump has more knowledge of the investigation, either from Whitaker passing along information, or even Mueller giving the grifter in chief a heads up, evidenced by his recent meltdown. That has the Dotard panicking. The concern is that he'll start a new war, just to deflect from it all, but I think the next week will provide a real Thanksgiving. There will be many more indictments to come, so buckle up.
Manafort's lawyers and the Mueller prosecutors have mutually asked for a 10 day extension of his sentencing, so we can expect indictments coming soon. Trump has more knowledge of the investigation, either from Whitaker passing along information, or even Mueller giving the grifter in chief a heads up, evidenced by his recent meltdown. That has the Dotard panicking. The concern is that he'll start a new war, just to deflect from it all, but I think the next week will provide a real Thanksgiving. There will be many more indictments to come, so buckle up.

hope you're right, give all of team trump indictments for christmas
Manafort's lawyers and the Mueller prosecutors have mutually asked for a 10 day extension of his sentencing, so we can expect indictments coming soon. Trump has more knowledge of the investigation, either from Whitaker passing along information, or even Mueller giving the grifter in chief a heads up, evidenced by his recent meltdown. That has the Dotard panicking. The concern is that he'll start a new war, just to deflect from it all, but I think the next week will provide a real Thanksgiving. There will be many more indictments to come, so buckle up.
Maybe they are gonna do a " shock and awe" on Donald with multiple indictments coming from all directions, the Stormy stuff from the SDNY, Mueller with the Russia stuff, perhaps tax and money laundering crimes coming from other parts of the government. Rosenstein & Mueller know that Donald will freak out and fire both of them so they might as well lay all the cards on the table at once since they won't get a second chance as Trump fires his way through the DOJ, until the senate pulls the rug out from under him.
Maybe they are gonna do a " shock and awe" on Donald with multiple indictments coming from all directions, the Stormy stuff from the SDNY, Mueller with the Russia stuff, perhaps tax and money laundering crimes coming from other parts of the government. Rosenstein & Mueller know that Donald will freak out and fire both of them so they might as well lay all the cards on the table at once since they won't get a second chance as Trump fires his way through the DOJ, until the senate pulls the rug out from under him.
i hope so, but this all reminds me of the scene in blazing saddles where Hedley Lamar is telling the Governer "we have to protect out phony baloney jobs" many politicians, either republican or democrat, wants to change the status quo? how many want to start a precedent of politicians actually being held responsible for their actions? i hope they surprise me, but all i see happening is trump finishing out his one term....and then possibly being indicted for some things...i really want to be wrong...HArrumph....
i hope so, but this all reminds me of the scene in blazing saddles where Hedley Lamar is telling the Governer "we have to protect out phony baloney jobs" many politicians, either republican or democrat, wants to change the status quo? how many want to start a precedent of politicians actually being held responsible for their actions? i hope they surprise me, but all i see happening is trump finishing out his one term....and then possibly being indicted for some things...i really want to be wrong...HArrumph....
No democratic politician will have to tell the lifers in the national security community and the DOJ to go after this cocksucker hammer and tongs in hand! Trump has committed many crimes, lost many supporters and has accumulated many enemies, too many people want his scalp, including yerself!:lol:

PS Trump does bear a striking resemblance to the character of the scatter brained "Governor" played by Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles, life imitates art.
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Monologue: Burning Down the House | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Trump's response to the California wildfires and paranoia over the Mueller probe.

New Rule: Just Don't Go There | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
In his final New Rule of the season, Bill calls on Americans to find something to talk about other than politics.
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Monologue: Burning Down the House | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Trump's response to the California wildfires and paranoia over the Mueller probe.

New Rule: Just Don't Go There | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
In his final New Rule of the season, Bill calls on Americans to find something to talk about other than politics.

+rep:clap: NEW RULES
Monologue: Burning Down the House | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Trump's response to the California wildfires and paranoia over the Mueller probe.

New Rule: Just Don't Go There | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
In his final New Rule of the season, Bill calls on Americans to find something to talk about other than politics.
goddamn it i hate bill maher.....i don't care if every word that's ever come out of his mouth is 100% correct( not that he's anywhere close to 100% )....he's the most self righteous, sanctimonious, smug, rude, fucking asshole i've ever had the displeasure to observe......and it disturbs me enough people like this cocksucker that he has his own show....

seems like the commander in chief doesn't have the support of his generals, or his troops....
seems like trump, the "very stable genius" is smarter than the generals and admirals, and will show them all how it's supposed to be soon as he figures out what the fuck "it" is......
i hope the military starts to stand up to this idiot and his fucking lunacy...put a few troops on the border, put a lot of troops in Florida, helping to clean up.....put a lot of troops in California, helping to clean up....maybe even loan a few to Cuba..... did we come to this?
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Democrats file lawsuit challenging Whitaker appointment
Three Democratic senators on Monday filed a lawsuit challenging the appointment of acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker.
WaPo: Ivanka used personal email for government business
The Washington Post reports that first daughter, and White House adviser, Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of government emails using a personal email account.
It’s time for the rats to leave Trump’s sinking ship
By Eugene Robinson

Like a television show that has jumped the shark, President Trump’s frantic act grows more desperate and pathetic by the day.

Asked by Chris Wallace of “Fox News Sunday” to grade his presidency, Trump absurdly replied: “Look, I hate to do it, but I will do it, I would give myself an A-plus. Is that enough? Can I go higher than that?”

Much closer to the mark is the assessment by Republican lawyer and operative George Conway, the husband of one of Trump’s closest White House aides, counselor Kellyanne Conway: “The administration is like a s---show in a dumpster fire.”

And it is all getting worse. The cravenness, incompetence, corruption, dysfunction, insanity — all of it.

Trump is anxious to award himself high marks because the nation, in no uncertain terms, just flunked him. A blue wave swept Democrats to take control of the House, with the party grabbing its biggest haul of GOP-held seats since the Watergate midterm following Richard M. Nixon’s resignation in 1974. Republican bastions such as Texas and Georgia became competitive for the first time in more than a generation. Orange County, Calif., the birthplace of Reagan-era conservatism, will be represented exclusively by Democrats when the new Congress convenes.

Trump made three campaign trips to Montana — a state he won in 2016 by 20 points — in an attempt to knock off Democratic incumbent Sen. Jon Tester, against whom Trump holds a personal grudge. (Tester led the successful fight against Trump’s bizarre attempt to install his personal physician as head of Veterans Affairs.) Nevertheless, Tester prevailed.

President Trump speaks at a White House ceremony last week. (Calla Kessler/The Washington Post)
No wonder that multiple news reports describe the president as angry, frustrated and even less rational than usual. He has neglected his ceremonial duties, declining to join other world leaders at a ceremony in France commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and failing to lay a wreath at Arlington National Ceremony for Veterans Day.

“I probably, you know, in retrospect I should have, and I did last year,” Trump told Wallace about going to Arlington. Fact check: He didn’t. On Veterans Day 2017, Trump was in Vietnam.

It is mystifying why Trump, at a moment when he should be licking his wounds, seems intent on alienating veterans and the military. In that same interview with Wallace, who generally managed to keep a straight face, Trump went out of his way to attack retired Adm. William H. McRaven, who oversaw the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

Back in August, McRaven had criticized Trump as a national embarrassment in a Post op-ed. A rational leader would have let it pass. Trump, who is anything but rational, called McRaven a “Hillary Clinton fan” and an “Obama backer” and implied that the former Navy SEAL was something of a slacker. “Wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that, wouldn’t it have been nice?” Trump said.

Seriously, that is what the commander in chief thinks about one of the all-time greatest triumphs of U.S. intelligence and special ops. Unbelievable. Sad.

Republicans who might be inclined to sign up for another season of Trump’s fading reality show should pause and take stock. There should be no doubt, at this point, that the man is a giant loser who will drag the GOP down with him.

“I wasn’t on the ballot,” he whined to Wallace. But he spent weeks on the campaign trail, begging supporters to vote as if he were. At almost every stop, he said that a vote for the GOP candidate would be “a vote for me.” The result? Millions more voted against Trump than for him. And this was just a warm-up for 2020.

Trump has already robbed the GOP of any coherent philosophy. The party that once supported the military now abuses it as a scapegoat. The party that once stood for fiscal responsibility now manages the nation’s finances in a manner that drunken sailors would find imprudent. The party that once claimed to champion personal rectitude and Christian morality now winks at payoffs to paramours and porn stars. The party that once valued order now celebrates Sybaritic chaos.

Come January, a Democratic House will begin performing the oversight duties that Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) neglected. Does anyone believe that proper scrutiny of, say, the Trump family’s international business dealings is likely to improve the president’s political standing? I don’t.

In the Churchillian sense, the midterm election was the “end of the beginning.” My understanding is that rats tend to leave a sinking ship.
Donald Trump Goes To Battle With Another War Hero
A week after skipping out on multiple ceremonies honoring veterans, Donald Trump is now lashing out at the war hero who led the charge to take out Osama bin Laden.

Trump Flubs The Name Of The Disaster Zone He's In
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He's gonna have a blow out and then a meltdown while Mitch McConnell goes "Cluck cluck cluck" and runs around in circles like a chicken...
Dr Bandy Lee Explains The Danger Posed By Donald Trump

Mental Health Professionals Protecting America
Published on Sep 24, 2018

MSNBC Guest Bandy Lee 'We Must Act Soon' Against Mentally Ill Trump Or Risk Him Going 'Violent'

ummmmmmm, we didn't know this?
He's gonna have a blow out and then a meltdown while Mitch McConnell goes "Cluck cluck cluck" and runs around in circles like a chicken...
Dr Bandy Lee Explains The Danger Posed By Donald Trump

Mental Health Professionals Protecting America
Published on Sep 24, 2018

MSNBC Guest Bandy Lee 'We Must Act Soon' Against Mentally Ill Trump Or Risk Him Going 'Violent'
I don't like Trump either but, you must know,

The people of the US aren't going to break our constitution just to please some Canadians. Until a super majority of Senators agree that Trump must go, he will remain in office. Maybe you know something I don't know but nothing has changed in the Senate to signal this is possible.
goddamn it i hate bill maher.....i don't care if every word that's ever come out of his mouth is 100% correct( not that he's anywhere close to 100% )....he's the most self righteous, sanctimonious, smug, rude, fucking asshole i've ever had the displeasure to observe......and it disturbs me enough people like this cocksucker that he has his own show....
0.3% market share among cable viewers who are a shrinking population might be enough to keep his show alive but isn't really much to talk about. Gold Rush, a reality tv show about gold miners in Alaska has twice his market share.

Let the 0.3% have their Bill. He's less harmless than anything on Fox.