is this the middle ages?

You ignorant fucks here think you're so elite that people would make multiple accounts for a forum that's broken? Most of the good pinned posts have inactive users. They've all moved on from this shit show. I can't wait until this account is banned. That way you can call the next person a sock and claim they are me.
Golly you’re pleasant
You ignorant fucks here think you're so elite that people would make multiple accounts for a forum that's broken? Most of the good pinned posts have inactive users. They've all moved on from this shit show. I can't wait until this account is banned. That way you can call the next person a sock and claim they are me.
Yeah, ok.

I can't wait either. You'll show us. :hump:
we, as a race, aren't nearly as evolved as we would like to think, and things like this are just the proof. monkeys will sometimes pick one monkey, and murder it....the "tribe" isn't happy, food is scarce, a predator is making them nervous, people are causing their habitat to shrink...when the stress reaches a peak, one unlucky monkey makes a mistake, and the whole tribe rips them to shreds....then things go back to close to normal.....for a while, till the stress builds up past the safety point again.....
sounds familiar to me...
Saudi royal prince, Turkish embassy, Nosey NYT reporter. Does sound familiar, don't it?
Did I detect an irony bypass somewhere above? Lol
Also, talking about a Lynch mob in Mexico and then talking about monkeys ripping off each other’s limbs is going down the trumpish “Mexicans are bad hombres/rapists “ road too far imo
Too often these days we read what we want inorder to bolster our already deeply held opinions instead of seeing what is actually there.

It's quite clear to anyone who actually reads this that the topic was about the incidents in Mexico (and certainly these incidents occur around the globe), and then shifted to how all civilizations are just a veneer over the potential savagery of human beings (not Mexican beings, but all human beings), which then was followed with a comparison of how we're not all that different from some of our closest genetic relatives at their most savage.

I just feel it's a little intellectually dishonest to equate this thread as being little more than comparing Mexican mobs to rampaging chimps maiming each other. Especially when people clearly stated that "it could happen here" and the only rebuttal was well maybe not but only because people here know they'd get caught and not because they were in any way morally better than Mexicans.
I took it down due to attack from ignorant fucks like you. I don't need some faceless piece of shit saying things to me. I'm finding there's a lot of worthless fucks here on RIU.
Dude! I'll share some info with you. Posting on the RIU Cannabis Café is going to get you rhetorically lynched, stabbed, bushwhacked, booby trapped, shot in the knee etc.. I have been around a long time and it has always been that way. The mods cleaned up the rhetoric once(dang it) and cut back on the four letter words but tudes rolled right along. Makes no diff. if your argument/logic is sound or not, shooting back at these bozos will get you chops here. If you don't want to fire back with malice this may not be the place for you?
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Barbarism in Mexico. Lynch mobs will always be with us Social Media or no. Lots of folks in a bubble as to Mexico. 2 torched is page 4 bottom right hand column. Merita drove a high murder rate to a very high rate and it has never tapered off, More are killed yearly now than the worst Merita year(and that was a lot). Mexico can be followed on a site called Borderland Beat. Incredible stuff. If it can be found the no longer active site (the Zetas where after them) Blog Del Narco has incredible stories and footage. Helicopter with light machine gun in fire fight with long pot truck caravan on second or third pass the narcos have brought up a 50 cal. rifle. 1 shot, helicopter exits. Couple of 300 men fighting 300 other men in the core area's of large towns, footage from cameras and cells everywhere ( rooftop looking down at street battle really neat). There is/was a site called Insight, it covers Central America reporting on all that is rotten, cartels, gangs, generals, crooked cops, judges, politicians, CIA, DEA, and various other nefarious types. I had to quit going to it, too depressing. Follow it a little and you will have 1000x's more understanding of what the caravans are about.
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Too often these days we read what we want inorder to bolster our already deeply held opinions instead of seeing what is actually there.

It's quite clear to anyone who actually reads this that the topic was about the incidents in Mexico (and certainly these incidents occur around the globe), and then shifted to how all civilizations are just a veneer over the potential savagery of human beings (not Mexican beings, but all human beings), which then was followed with a comparison of how we're not all that different from some of our closest genetic relatives at their most savage.

I just feel it's a little intellectually dishonest to equate this thread as being little more than comparing Mexican mobs to rampaging chimps maiming each other. Especially when people clearly stated that "it could happen here" and the only rebuttal was well maybe not but only because people here know they'd get caught and not because they were in any way morally better than Mexicans.
it was not my intention to do more than identify where this happened.....i know that things like this happen all over the world still, but it seems to happen mostly in extremist religious areas and isolated areas where there aren't crowds to instagram and twitter about it as it's happening. i in no way intended to compare mexicans specifically to monkeys.....i did intend to compare human beings in general to monkeys...and i didn't intend for it to be a favorable comparison.
if you think for one minute the animal kingdom has a more savage nature than human society....i think you're wrong, i think it comes out about the same....
Too often these days we read what we want inorder to bolster our already deeply held opinions instead of seeing what is actually there.

It's quite clear to anyone who actually reads this that the topic was about the incidents in Mexico (and certainly these incidents occur around the globe), and then shifted to how all civilizations are just a veneer over the potential savagery of human beings (not Mexican beings, but all human beings), which then was followed with a comparison of how we're not all that different from some of our closest genetic relatives at their most savage.

I just feel it's a little intellectually dishonest to equate this thread as being little more than comparing Mexican mobs to rampaging chimps maiming each other. Especially when people clearly stated that "it could happen here" and the only rebuttal was well maybe not but only because people here know they'd get caught and not because they were in any way morally better than Mexicans.

If anyone thinks this doesn't happen in America, they need to watch Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.

That's the whole meaning. These things do happen, but in a civilized country they happen behind closed doors, and those in the know keep quiet.

It's especially prevalent in minority communities. They have a "snitches get stiches" mentality and don't want to involve the authorities, because it opens up the possibility whatever skeletons they got will get investigated next.
Too often these days we read what we want inorder to bolster our already deeply held opinions instead of seeing what is actually there.

It's quite clear to anyone who actually reads this that the topic was about the incidents in Mexico (and certainly these incidents occur around the globe), and then shifted to how all civilizations are just a veneer over the potential savagery of human beings (not Mexican beings, but all human beings), which then was followed with a comparison of how we're not all that different from some of our closest genetic relatives at their most savage.

I just feel it's a little intellectually dishonest to equate this thread as being little more than comparing Mexican mobs to rampaging chimps maiming each other. Especially when people clearly stated that "it could happen here" and the only rebuttal was well maybe not but only because people here know they'd get caught and not because they were in any way morally better than Mexicans.
Yeah right, sorry you missed the irony
You ignorant fucks here think you're so elite that people would make multiple accounts for a forum that's broken? Most of the good pinned posts have inactive users. They've all moved on from this shit show. I can't wait until this account is banned. That way you can call the next person a sock and claim they are me.
the parent's of the kids at sandy hook weren't firing large caliber rifles at the fbi.....
not saying the fbi or atf were right...but this is a very unfair, and pretty dickish comparison.....

These are all different Government Aesop' s Fables. Where the moral of each story is pretty much the same. "Go to school so you know how to pay taxes, otherwise a bad man with a gun will kill you."
the parent's of the kids at sandy hook weren't firing large caliber rifles at the fbi.....
not saying the fbi or atf were right...but this is a very unfair, and pretty dickish comparison.....

You're right the Sandy Hook parents weren't firing guns at the FBI. Which is sort of a non sequitur.

In both cases though, one of the causative factors for the result, was government policy.

First the very schools in Sandy Hook themselves are funded via a gun. That teaches "society" that some bullying is okay. So if the parents didn't pay (whether they agreed to or not ) it is likely guns would have been fired at them if they protested that school funding policy to the final conclusion.

Also, I assume it was government policy in the Sandy Hook schools to disallow people to be armed, so the people killed were not being allowed to defend themselves were they ?

In the Waco case, I understand they first started busting Koresh balls over some kind of gun issue.

Even more ironic, people exempt heinous systemic government violence while at the same time being rightfully concerned about other violent acts by "regular people".

So, why was what I said "dickish" ? Was it inaccurate ?
it was dickish to the parents of sandy hook students, and the students themselves, comparing them to branch davidians....people who are sending their kids to public school should be able to expect them to be safe while they're there....religious extremist who ignore the law while building arsenals....should expect to use those arsenals eventually.....not even close to the same situation.
wtf do you mean "First the very schools in Sandy Hook themselves are funded via a gun"....are you going off on another societal tangent? sandyhook schools are funded like every other school in the country...with public funds allocated by the local government. i don't want to hear about how we're all held at gunpoint by our own government....just stop with that horseshit for fucks sake. we've all heard it, not one single one of us agree with you, and we never will. why waste the effort to convert people who don't want to be converted?
wouldn't it be a better use of your time to hoard m.r.e.s, gallon jugs of water, and ammunition for the gun you shouldn't be allowed to own?
for when the government comes to take all our guns and put us in chains?