Greenpoint seeds!!

no, or I didn't mean to, I don't go to that site. If I get info, to be honest, I get it off here or multiple sources both online and in person talking to folks? Not sure where that come from, but you must be mistaken. I have my own way of talkin, sorry some are similar, but no, no conspiracy and no ulterior motives, just relating my own experiences
No no. I didn't mean you had an ulterior motive. My posts probably came out wrong. I just received a rather odd pm (some nut from another thread) and while posting on both threads I'm probably coming across harsher than intended here.

If that makes sense. I'm still sitting here shaking my head. This place has some real weirdos

I'm not one to share pms but I want to just to show how absolutely batshit crazy that dude is.
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That’s my favorite cross on ya thread, star Pupil was great easy to find a keeper.

I finally just got the black SS x star pupil beans I chucked wet last night

But that goji x pupil you got looks like a wonderful cut, I really got my eye on that one ;)

Well I have full rights on it. I always ask whoever made the beans before I use it in a cross or share it out. He said I could do whatever I wanted with it. So......
Yeah kinda narc-ie almost.
The feds won't legalize them and people calling them gateway drugs than a seed vendor that is supposed to be convincing the public that cannibas is medicine to help sick people and should be that voice of reason and setting examples to the medical industry calls them drugs in that derogatory tone.
Kinda pisses me off a little. I can get past the rest honestly.
The flip side to that is how financial institutions and government looks at cannabis. It is classified as a drug no matter how much we know it helps us all with ailments. So when referring to currency and transactions it kinda makes sense from a business perspective.
But a guy I know personally is running in the 2020 elections. He is a dem. But hes an ex army dude. He believes in helping people. Hes a senator now in my home state. Hes pushing for our legal laws. If hes elected Prez he will 100 change the schedule and make it legal federally. 100 guarantee unless somehow they stop it.

Edit: ex marine.
after reading the fine details in the New MO law, I suspect legalization is just bout the only way, they kept quite a bit strategically hidden in fine print and now its out, and they basically got the vote in on the backs of people thinking they were gonna be home growin their own meds, and no, of course not, that's not the case. They can deny you even with a dr's recommendation and will keep the fees. What kind of bullshit is that? Dan Viets, mr fucking NORML, leading the cheers last week, claimed that as of dec 5, you could get a note from your dr and it would last till apps begin june 9. State DHS comes out today, that's not true, you can't get shit in dec but a piece of paper, you wanna go into court without a dr and with a piece of paper says I can smoke weed, when the law isn't even into effect. Go right ahead. A year before the clubs open, a 6-9 months for cultivation and club licenses, etc. and that long to apply for home cultivation, and has to be under lock and key. They've also left the caregiver thing wide open, no set amount of patients. That ought to be interesting. I use it as medicine, but i'll never vote for a mmj law again, legalization or bust. jmho. sorry, Im pissed. Nobody was making any illegal plans, just thought a guy would be able to finally relax a minute like out in Oregon. Jesus Christ I wished Id never left. Anyone in CO or OR need a roomie. Got a car, small well trained dog and a monthly check. And some work left in me to at least die doing this hobby that I love that produces the medicine that helps me best. Fuck the rest.
after reading the fine details in the New MO law, I suspect legalization is just bout the only way, they kept quite a bit strategically hidden in fine print and now its out, and they basically got the vote in on the backs of people thinking they were gonna be home growin their own meds, and no, of course not, that's not the case. They can deny you even with a dr's recommendation and will keep the fees. What kind of bullshit is that? Dan Viets, mr fucking NORML, leading the cheers last week, claimed that as of dec 5, you could get a note from your dr and it would last till apps begin june 9. State DHS comes out today, that's not true, you can't get shit in dec but a piece of paper, you wanna go into court without a dr and with a piece of paper says I can smoke weed, when the law isn't even into effect. Go right ahead. A year before the clubs open, a 6-9 months for cultivation and club licenses, etc. and that long to apply for home cultivation, and has to be under lock and key. They've also left the caregiver thing wide open, no set amount of patients. That ought to be interesting. I use it as medicine, but i'll never vote for a mmj law again, legalization or bust. jmho. sorry, Im pissed. Nobody was making any illegal plans, just thought a guy would be able to finally relax a minute like out in Oregon. Jesus Christ I wished Id never left. Anyone in CO or OR need a roomie. Got a car, small well trained dog and a monthly check. And some work left in me to at least die doing this hobby that I love that produces the medicine that helps me best. Fuck the rest.
i hear you man, even here in colorado the laws aren't perfect.

If we could vote again i'd vote no to legalization until some things are changed in a64 and a20, both gave way too much power to the big pharma types and took all the power from the little guy.

It's almost impossible to start a legal grow op in colorado for under 500k.

They also made it so only liscensed facilities can cultivate and provide cannabis. So you can't sell to the dispo anymore or to people you have to give your cannabis away as a gift.

It also gave rise to these grey market dispos , they sell you some pointless item like a little token and give you a bud as a gift. 20$ for a little marble oh hey that comes with a free nug.

The laws are kinda broken.

Those places get raided like cray too.
The feds won't legalize them and people calling them gateway drugs than a seed vendor that is supposed to be convincing the public that cannibas is medicine to help sick people and should be that voice of reason and setting examples to the medical industry calls them drugs in that derogatory tone.
Kinda pisses me off a little. I can get past the rest honestly.
Marijuana actually was a "gateway drug" before legalization.
It's because a lot of dealers weren't picky about what they sold as long as they made money.

The first time I tried cocaine, I got it from my pot dealer.
He was out of weed so he sold me some coke at a discount. (Yes, it became a HUGE problem... :sad:)

Now that cannabis is legal, it's no longer a "gateway drug" because dispensaries don't sell coke, meth, heroin, etc.
Marijuana actually was a "gateway drug" before legalization.
It's because a lot of dealers weren't picky about what they sold as long as they made money.

The first time I tried cocaine, I got it from my pot dealer.
He was out of weed so he sold me some coke at a discount. (Yes, it became a HUGE problem... :sad:)

Now that cannabis is legal, it's no longer a "gateway drug" because dispensaries don't sell coke, meth, heroin, etc.
Speaking of cocaine a chic took a hit of that adub and said it made her feel like the first time she did a line of coke lol.

But still as someone in the business I would never refer to it as buying drugs. That's just not cool
after reading the fine details in the New MO law, I suspect legalization is just bout the only way, they kept quite a bit strategically hidden in fine print and now its out, and they basically got the vote in on the backs of people thinking they were gonna be home growin their own meds, and no, of course not, that's not the case. They can deny you even with a dr's recommendation and will keep the fees. What kind of bullshit is that? Dan Viets, mr fucking NORML, leading the cheers last week, claimed that as of dec 5, you could get a note from your dr and it would last till apps begin june 9. State DHS comes out today, that's not true, you can't get shit in dec but a piece of paper, you wanna go into court without a dr and with a piece of paper says I can smoke weed, when the law isn't even into effect. Go right ahead. A year before the clubs open, a 6-9 months for cultivation and club licenses, etc. and that long to apply for home cultivation, and has to be under lock and key. They've also left the caregiver thing wide open, no set amount of patients. That ought to be interesting. I use it as medicine, but i'll never vote for a mmj law again, legalization or bust. jmho. sorry, Im pissed. Nobody was making any illegal plans, just thought a guy would be able to finally relax a minute like out in Oregon. Jesus Christ I wished Id never left. Anyone in CO or OR need a roomie. Got a car, small well trained dog and a monthly check. And some work left in me to at least die doing this hobby that I love that produces the medicine that helps me best. Fuck the rest.
I tell everyone to GO TO THE DOCTOR when you're in pain.
They may not be able to help you, or the pills bind you up :shock:, but it's important to have documentation when it's time to get your cannabis permit.
My primary pain condition is impingement in one of my shoulders that gets so bad I've had steroid injections to ease the pain. (Hurts like a mother fucker but definitely worth it.)
It's a no-brainer for a naturopath to give me a permit, given the long history of pain & steroid injections.
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do you piss, because where Im at, pain mgmt will make you piss to see first if you are even taking the pills and not selling them and then also to make sure of no other illegal substances, you sign the agreement when you choose pain mgmt over just going to a md. In our nation, the AMA nor do the state medical boards recognize mmj due to the fed stance. That's why in OR and other places, you do NOT tell your primary, especially if on medicare, as that will fuck all kinds of shit up. You go to the dr the mmj clinic has everyweek or to the one they refer, with your own records and cash money. No ins, no faxing records, everything to be completed right there. No offense, half the country has arthritis, I do too, multiple joints, but its not a qualifier here. And the three main corporate providers have already come out and said in my area, they are gonna follow fed guidelines. So I guess you can hope, but that OR way was best. Now I hear since the med folks blew up the black market out there, they've cut back on issuing licenses, not near as many now as used to be, due to rec. You don't get your med card, just grow your rec plants. One thing I will say, I have friends go the VA and they are recommending mmj to folks. Also, in MO, no NP, has to be an MD. No holistic folks, lol, reg MD's
i hear you man, even here in colorado the laws aren't perfect.

If we could vote again i'd vote no to legalization until some things are changed in a64 and a20, both gave way too much power to the big pharma types and took all the power from the little guy.

It's almost impossible to start a legal grow op in colorado for under 500k.

They also made it so only liscensed facilities can cultivate and provide cannabis. So you can't sell to the dispo anymore or to people you have to give your cannabis away as a gift.

It also gave rise to these grey market dispos , they sell you some pointless item like a little token and give you a bud as a gift. 20$ for a little marble oh hey that comes with a free nug.

The laws are kinda broken.

Those places get raided like cray too.

I hear ya but a kinda broken law is better than a full blown prohibition.. To legally grow even a few plants is a god send considering some places will tie you up with a manufacturing charge for a plant or two. A system where they allow you to purchase weed from dispensaries but not grow is kinda broken, but still better than a system where you get a felony for a few grams in a bag... anything else just needs to be fixed a little more imo