Redeyedfrogs Aussie outdoor 2018 grow

Topped the 4th one today, also cleaned up the bottoms on all but the smallest one, not trying to lollipop just to cause hormonal changes and hopefully make it think it's being attacked by critters, and also to promote more top growth and side branching, well that's my theory anyways. If I'm off base on this let me know, but it just makes sense to me cuz I probs read it somewhere and cant remember.
Yeah man thanks,they are hitting their strides after the roundup fiasco lol. Im expecting some really solid results this season my soil prep went great, my ph is on point, all I gotta do is scratch the surface and I see lots of worm avtivity in my soil, all of my water runs through my worm farm first so they get a nice tea with their drink, also using lactobacillus and have added silica to my regiment as well.
Will do a sheep manure and oceanic humic acid top dressing in a couple of weeks once they are ready so I get a solid stretch.
it shows mate i can't fault them they look as though they are getting everything they need and in the right amount.
it shows mate i can't fault them they look as though they are getting everything they need and in the right amount.
Thanks that's a great compliment to me much appreciated, I am literally giving it almost no store bought nutes at all, except a seaweed and amino foliar, I'm adding my own lacto, and water passed through the wormfarm. Oh and potassium silicate and Epsom salts.
Hey guys, this is the one video that changed the game for me, Professor Dr.Paul Stamets (visionary extrordinaire)a world renowned mycologists speaks on fungus and fungal networks and their relationship and effect on all life on earth, it opened my eyes and freed my mind to explore the possibility I was looking at growing through the wrong glasses, that nature can do what we as a modern world do agriculturally but so much better, that literally billions of years of evolution have created balance and perfection in the ground. I'm going to try to replicate that as close as possible this season and of course a little extra help with stressing, bacterium, fungus ect.... enjoy the video and I hope it has a similar impact on someone else.
Omg fuck yes love all this stuff
My next 2 plants up are holygrail and white widow, I will be growing them in 2 year old pure composted manure from a local sheep farm and thanks @ganga gurl420 for all the advice on this experiment!!! I'm so looking forward to the grow on these 2 gals. I'm really pushing the envelope of my own knowledge of growing here and taking a leap of faith and that's really refueled my love of growing these amazing plants.
Thanks that's a great compliment to me much appreciated, I am literally giving it almost no store bought nutes at all, except a seaweed and amino foliar, I'm adding my own lacto, and water passed through the wormfarm. Oh and potassium silicate and Epsom salts.
no worries mate, I'm the exact opposite at the moment all store bought lol but I'm loving all the organic grows and keen to see yours
through to harvest might inspire me to go soil.
no worries mate, I'm the exact opposite at the moment all store bought lol but I'm loving all the organic grows and keen to see yours
through to harvest might inspire me to go soil.
Yeah man it's all good personal preferences and the like, I think the payoff with organics is at the end when you crack open a bud and all that goodness hits your nose and brain. I grew with chem petro based nutes for yesrs and like you I slowly started to get curious about growing more naturally, I just changed this and that over the years, it's been a real slow gradual process though and this is the first year I've gone 100 percent into it. I hope I have a fantastic season and inspire you to do it, if I fail doesnt mean it diesnt work it means I failed to do something correctly. But I got a really good feeling bout this season.
Yeah man it's all good personal preferences and the like, I think the payoff with organics is at the end when you crack open a bud and all that goodness hits your nose and brain. I grew with chem petro based nutes for yesrs and like you I slowly started to get curious about growing more naturally, I just changed this and that over the years, it's been a real slow gradual process though and this is the first year I've gone 100 percent into it. I hope I have a fantastic season and inspire you to do it, if I fail doesnt mean it diesnt work it means I failed to do something correctly. But I got a really good feeling bout this season.
Yeah i agree on the quality of organic my mate does fully organic outdoor and he grows some of the best weed i've tasted. I hope it goes well for ya dude i'll be following along
Did a top dressing of composted Sheep poo and and a oceanic humic acid (seamungus) gave a nice feed of worm juice, fish emulsion, seaweed and amino acids Epsom salts
I always shit myself the first heavy feed!!! Lol
If you've never grown out Blue OG by G13 Labs I would highly recommend you do yourself a favour and taste the rainbow, craziest terpenes I've ever smelt menthol and berries, I get a fat grin every time I flip the lid on on the jar and shove my face into it not believing the smells I'm getting and my friends are blown away when they get a whiff of her too. Not that I share much of it lol... 8 months on and still doing her thing sweet as ever.
Topped Holy grail and Blue og, fimmed Chemdawg#4 and Burmese kush
Chemdawg4 snd burmese are the top 2 phenos followed by blue og snd holy grail, mk uktra seems to lack vigour and growth is slow. Still have another 2 going into pots this week another holy grail and a white widow. 20181121_165130.jpg 20181121_165124.jpg 20181121_165110.jpg 20181121_165100.jpg