Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

69 days for me today, patiently waiting. I logged into the state website and dont recall seeing a link under online services before to "verify a registry identification card", does this mean that its on the way or did I just miss this when I had checked the online services before?
No card in today’s mail for me.. let me know if you got yours. Thanks.
I am from Oklahoma but I've been watching this and the Canadian thread. From the outside it looks like you people are getting a job done on you.

Fortunately, the people that got it on the ballot here saw it coming and put a time limit of 14 days. That's 14 working days from the day of completed application to either accept or deny the app. It did take me a couple of weeks longer (LOL) because they didn't like my first picture, or the second one. After they refused the third one I wrote the an email and told them that I was a wrinkled up old man and that's what I look like. They sent me my card.

From what Iv'e read here and on the Canadian thread there are some government people trying to justify their jobs.
Here's my timeline
Mailed 8/18/18. 3 day USPS
Check cashed 10/26/18
Was happy to see the cashed check
I wonder since all the background checks etc are moot after 12/1 will they still be sticklers for perfection? hmmmm
Update - notice of incomplete document recieved on Fri 11/9; PDF sent today 11/13....tick tock tick tock...
69 days for me today, patiently waiting. I logged into the state website and dont recall seeing a link under online services before to "verify a registry identification card", does this mean that its on the way or did I just miss this when I had checked the online services before?

It's been there for me since I applied 9/28.

I am from Oklahoma but I've been watching this and the Canadian thread. From the outside it looks like you people are getting a job done on you.

We are. I added up the approvals. No background check is not speeding things up. I'm going with it taking 90 days because someone wants it to take 90 days.
1700 April
2100 May
1400 June
1608 July
2395 August
2004 September
1811 October
2222 November
I wonder since all the background checks etc are moot after 12/1 will they still be sticklers for perfection? hmmmm.

You are incorrect on this, the background check and finger prints were not required the same day it was passed, they changed the online application about 10 days after I think. 12/1 is when the state is supposed to have a process in place for the temporary card, however I checked with my local dispensary and they still have heard nothing from the state on the temp cards, this was as of last Friday. I highly doubt the state will get it together and have a process for temp cards on 12/1.

On another note I'm contemplating talking to my bank since my money was taken 69 days ago and I still have not received the service I paid for. I'm pretty sure its a easy dispute to win as I worked in the banking industry for quite a while and know the ins and outs of disputes. Perhaps if I threaten the state with that they will get me my card sooner.... I'm gonna give them till the mail comes tomorrow on day 70 and then I will be calling the number non stop the rest of the week until I talk to a real person and get a update. I apologize in advance for slowing down the process for everyone else when I make them talk to me for as long as I can keep them on the phone, they waste my time I will waste as much of theirs as possible.

It's been there for me since I applied 9/28.
I applied earlier than you and do not recall seeing that link, I know it wasnt there for me a few days after when I checked to see if you could see anything else on the site. Although I have been smoking street dope daily for about 30 years, maybe I just missed it!
You are incorrect on this, the background check and finger prints were not required the same day it was passed, they changed the online application about 10 days after I think. 12/1 is when the state is supposed to have a process in place for the temporary card, however I checked with my local dispensary and they still have heard nothing from the state on the temp cards, this was as of last Friday. I highly doubt the state will get it together and have a process for temp cards on 12/1.

On another note I'm contemplating talking to my bank since my money was taken 69 days ago and I still have not received the service I paid for. I'm pretty sure its a easy dispute to win as I worked in the banking industry for quite a while and know the ins and outs of disputes. Perhaps if I threaten the state with that they will get me my card sooner.... I'm gonna give them till the mail comes tomorrow on day 70 and then I will be calling the number non stop the rest of the week until I talk to a real person and get a update. I apologize in advance for slowing down the process for everyone else when I make them talk to me for as long as I can keep them on the phone, they waste my time I will waste as much of theirs as possible.

I applied earlier than you and do not recall seeing that link, I know it wasnt there for me a few days after when I checked to see if you could see anything else on the site. Although I have been smoking street dope daily for about 30 years, maybe I just missed it!
I have your back 100% excellent idea
You are incorrect on this, the background check and finger prints were not required the same day it was passed, they changed the online application about 10 days after I think. 12/1 is when the state is supposed to have a process in place for the temporary card, however I checked with my local dispensary and they still have heard nothing from the state on the temp cards, this was as of last Friday. I highly doubt the state will get it together and have a process for temp cards on 12/1.

On another note I'm contemplating talking to my bank since my money was taken 69 days ago and I still have not received the service I paid for. I'm pretty sure its a easy dispute to win as I worked in the banking industry for quite a while and know the ins and outs of disputes. Perhaps if I threaten the state with that they will get me my card sooner.... I'm gonna give them till the mail comes tomorrow on day 70 and then I will be calling the number non stop the rest of the week until I talk to a real person and get a update. I apologize in advance for slowing down the process for everyone else when I make them talk to me for as long as I can keep them on the phone, they waste my time I will waste as much of theirs as possible.

I applied earlier than you and do not recall seeing that link, I know it wasnt there for me a few days after when I checked to see if you could see anything else on the site. Although I have been smoking street dope daily for about 30 years, maybe I just missed it!
Day 70, checked informed delivery this morning, still no card.