Demons. Do They not live amonst us?

I am Christian. I believe we live in a spirit work with all kinds of spirits around us. I’ve experienced both ends of the spirit world. So yes demons are amongst us.
I am Christian. I believe we live in a spirit work with all kinds of spirits around us. I’ve experienced both ends of the spirit world. So yes demons are amongst us.
care to tell us about a demonic experience you've had?
One time about 10 years ago (life long supernatural believer, demons revealed themselves to me at age 8, many instances ect) me and my brother were going out to the greenhouse to smoke, I went outside before he did and it was around 11 pm, it was mid summer and most of the plants were outside for the year, so anyway as I walked up to the greenhouse (14' X 24'triple wall poly) I saw some movement inside that looked like one of the plants was moving by itself, no fans were on, no gust from outside & a calm night it was.

The door to the greenhouse was polycarb sheets attached to a vinyl screen door one horizontal, one vertical so it's like checkerboard design when I was looking inside, but also two windows on either side of the front of the GH but they were kind of low from when the movement was seen, still I saw a little movement through the window also before I opened the door.

So I open the vinyl door and I see that the leaves on one our moringa citrifolia plants are moving by itself and it looked like something invisible was trying to climb up the plant, the leaves were moving separately from each other as if a reptile was trying to climb up the plant.

Think of a reptile trying to climb up a hill or slippery muddy slope and how the legs move separately I'm order to ascend upwards, it appeared as if this reptile "demon" was struggling to climb the plant and then after 2 seconds all movement stopped and it seemed to vanish away into the back left side of the greenhouse where the plant was and disappear.

No other movement was observed, just this single plant and it stopped after I entered.


This same location I saw an orb three years prior before the greenhouse was built, I was slightly stoned on some dro one night and was looking at the moon, and I had talked to my father earlier that night about how demons can be just as powerful as Satan himself and so forth.

So my dad plays the drums, well that night looking up at the moon that night I was next to the side of the house by the air conditioner unit it was not running at the moment, and I heard a drumbeat type of beat or song that sounded unusual and was coming out right from behind the A/C unit, as I was looking over to investigate the beat I heard, I heard a sound that was like a rifle being locked and loaded, like from the back yard someone had just loaded a shell into an AK47 rifle behind where I was.

So I hide behind one of the vehicles for a second and then after a few seconds I convince myself that it cannot be what I heard and it stood out to go look for the sound , when I did I saw an orange Orb light appear in the yard, it went from left to right about just at head height 6-7 feet in the air, only covered about 15 before it disappeared.... I knew exactly what it was when I saw the flash Orb appear, a spirit being was haunting me on that night : ).

So many more occurances, I perceive them somewhat like relatives, we humans are after all half spirit / half flesh, we have the same father in heaven as these fallen angels that exist here on our planet.

A supernatural world existing within our own plane of existence, is very real and is the true reality of our existence.

Spiritual forces rules the Universe, physical forces abide by these rules eternally, physical matter is an illusion, we don't own our own bodies, nothing goes with us to the grave, just and invisible existence is left behind, we truly own nothing permenantly here on this Earth we live on, not even our own bodies.
One time about 10 years ago (life long supernatural believer, demons revealed themselves to me at age 8, many instances ect) me and my brother were going out to the greenhouse to smoke, I went outside before he did and it was around 11 pm, it was mid summer and most of the plants were outside for the year, so anyway as I walked up to the greenhouse (14' X 24'triple wall poly) I saw some movement inside that looked like one of the plants was moving by itself, no fans were on, no gust from outside & a calm night it was.

The door to the greenhouse was polycarb sheets attached to a vinyl screen door one horizontal, one vertical so it's like checkerboard design when I was looking inside, but also two windows on either side of the front of the GH but they were kind of low from when the movement was seen, still I saw a little movement through the window also before I opened the door.

So I open the vinyl door and I see that the leaves on one our moringa citrifolia plants are moving by itself and it looked like something invisible was trying to climb up the plant, the leaves were moving separately from each other as if a reptile was trying to climb up the plant.

Think of a reptile trying to climb up a hill or slippery muddy slope and how the legs move separately I'm order to ascend upwards, it appeared as if this reptile "demon" was struggling to climb the plant and then after 2 seconds all movement stopped and it seemed to vanish away into the back left side of the greenhouse where the plant was and disappear.

No other movement was observed, just this single plant and it stopped after I entered.


This same location I saw an orb three years prior before the greenhouse was built, I was slightly stoned on some dro one night and was looking at the moon, and I had talked to my father earlier that night about how demons can be just as powerful as Satan himself and so forth.

So my dad plays the drums, well that night looking up at the moon that night I was next to the side of the house by the air conditioner unit it was not running at the moment, and I heard a drumbeat type of beat or song that sounded unusual and was coming out right from behind the A/C unit, as I was looking over to investigate the beat I heard, I heard a sound that was like a rifle being locked and loaded, like from the back yard someone had just loaded a shell into an AK47 rifle behind where I was.

So I hide behind one of the vehicles for a second and then after a few seconds I convince myself that it cannot be what I heard and it stood out to go look for the sound , when I did I saw an orange Orb light appear in the yard, it went from left to right about just at head height 6-7 feet in the air, only covered about 15 before it disappeared.... I knew exactly what it was when I saw the flash Orb appear, a spirit being was haunting me on that night : ).

So many more occurances, I perceive them somewhat like relatives, we humans are after all half spirit / half flesh, we have the same father in heaven as these fallen angels that exist here on our planet.

A supernatural world existing within our own plane of existence, is very real and is the true reality of our existence.

Spiritual forces rules the Universe, physical forces abide by these rules eternally, physical matter is an illusion, we don't own our own bodies, nothing goes with us to the grave, just and invisible existence is left behind, we truly own nothing permenantly here on this Earth we live on, not even our own bodies.
I think you need stronger meds than cannabis, brother. See a psychiatrist, have him start you with lithium and then step up from there if things don't improve.
Yeah ttystickk, except I've had a coffee cup slide off from a shelf from behind where I was sitting before, it grinds down the edge of the table it was on and it hits the floor with an unnatural amount of force and sound, I was with my 9yr old niece at them time.

Trust me I wasn't imagining things as I'm cleaning literal and physical glass off the floor from a coffee cup that was 10- 12inches from the edge before it fell, level ground table, no earth quake, no one else in room, the damn coffee cup moved quickly out from nowhere bro!!! and it hits with force and startled both me and my niece.

I cannot be un convinced I'm afraid, but thanks for your reply.


One night I was sleeping in a blacked out room, no clock, no street light, (not even a single glow from an tiny LED bulb, nothing) I have a sleep disorder and I was very vigilant to black to room completely out for my own health and deeper sleep, at least that was the goal.

So I was passed out asleep with my old GF at the time, when I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, and I could see the entire room, corners of the walls, bed, I hear my GF breathing/ snoring and I move my head to see my girlfriend asleep next to me, I saw the door way, look the entire room and everything was visible as if a 2-3 watt led flashlight was on.

So here's what happened, I woke up, there is a Orb, a literal Orb resting on top of where my head and chest are at, the Orb was half way into the bed like my head was in the center of the Orb and the glowing light penetrated where I was at entirely.

There was this shimmer to the light that was around my upper body , like a haze glowing that looked like an electric force field like layer that made up the out edge of the Orb (succubus?).

Now when I woke up I could not inhale, something was keeping me from breathing in air, but what was strange is that there was no panic feeling and it was like something had soothed me to when I was not concerned, the thing is I could move my head left and right & up + down.

I was only awake for 10 seconds or so then passed out again, I woke up the next day all normal, I don't have breathing issues, no breathing machine, never again has this happened, been 8 years so far.

I should add that this haunting was part of a string of events following the passing away of my GF's father in the hospital, we where haunted at the hospital before the story above with the Orb took place.
America elected one as President. God will rain fire and fury on the orange beast.

It's already proven Kek, the frog-headed Egyptian god of darkness.

The Israelites made fun of Egyptian gods, like killing a Ram (the personification of Ra the sun god), all the way to causing a plague of frogs. Frogs are considered a sign of fertility to the Egyptians.

Fast forward several thousand years later. Pimply faced trolls in their mother's basements call upon Kek and Trump is elected.

Karma bitches!
During psychosis I saw the devil in the eyes of every person. It was plotting to kill me and that perspective could have very easily led to someone getting hurt, so I don't think it is good to play with that fire.
we created devils and demons to avoid responsibility for our actions. it is easier to blame a devil than to accept our own evil and take responsibility for changing ourselfs. you do not find serial killers in the animal kingdom.only man kills for sport.
That's the dumbest shit I have ever read.
I don't fall in line with mythical creatures and etc[there's enough physical sick-twisted living bastards on earth]. I'm not going to knock on those who do though.

It's a free world believe or disbelieve in anything of your choosing.
we created devils and demons to avoid responsibility for our actions. it is easier to blame a devil than to accept our own evil and take responsibility for changing ourselfs. you do not find serial killers in the animal kingdom.only man kills for sport.
The humble cat kills for sport.