Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

So how was your Trip to The Candy Store Today?
it was great other than the
i don't smoke so i bought a chocolate bar and 1/4 of Mojo Shake to decarb for edibles
and they gave me a Brownie sample... for once in a long time i was able to get
a couple hours of sleep with some relief...
it truly is like being a kid in a candy store, you want to buy and sample one of
After looking some more, there are some that are around 250 for the ounce. But it’s the lower thc strains that hover around 15-20%. I did get an email today with some sales they run on the higher thc which makes it a little better.

I’ve also noticed most places run a first time special. So does that mean we can switch dispensary every week or so to be a new patient until we’ve been to all of them? Then just go back to the one that had the best pricing as your home dispensary?

I was told at mco you have to go to the dispensary you pick the first time. Then you can change online and go to a different place the next day. The lady said you can choose a new dispensary every 24 hours.

Im interested in finding out where we have to go online to change it though. Maybe someone else will chime in with better/more info.

Fingers crossed mine arrives today
Murphy's law. My dispensary closes before I get off work today :-? and I've been off work for long I cant afford to leave early. Guess I just have to go tomorrow.
that sucks...i know the feeling...
i got my card in mail monday and was like awesome i get to
go to the dispensary and luckily i looked online and seen there hours and
the one day they are closed is Monday...

im just glad you got yours and that your care giver was able to get you taken
care of till yours came in...
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I was told at mco you have to go to the dispensary you pick the first time. Then you can change online and go to a different place the next day. The lady said you can choose a new dispensary every 24 hours.

Im interested in finding out where we have to go online to change it though. Maybe someone else will chime in with better/more info.

Fingers crossed mine arrives today

On the ILDPH website, you print out the change form, you fill it out, you then Can Scan that and e-mail them, or Snail Mail, but that would take forever.


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On the ILDPH website, you print out the change form, you fill it out, you then Can Scan that and e-mail them, or Snail Mail, but that would take forever.

Also to Note, this one Has PDI Info Printed on it because I got it off there website. Same Form but Blank is on ILDPH Medical Cannabis Page.
There are some basic requirements before you can do some things on the site. I honestly don't know what I did that unlocked the ability to like comments but I'm sure you can find what you are looking for in the article below.
If I remember, New People have to wait a certain short period, may be based on How many Posts you read, or a Set Time Period. This has been brought up here before, maybe back in the Spring, if anyone wants to check the older posts around page 90 to 110?.
My card came on Monday, but I guess it got mixed in with my roommates mail so I just found it.
Final timeline
State received papers 8/17
Check cashed 10/23
Caretaker received card 10/31
Patient (me) received card 11/5
Found it on 11/7 lol

I believe That The Room-mate Agreement clearly states that delaying a person's ability to Purchase MMJ is grounds for Immediate Expulsion! LoL
My card came today, just in the nick of time to get me out of legal trouble.
(I failed two drug tests for cannabis while on court supervision) my cannabis card was able to counter that at court today. Woohoo.

Final timeline:

7/5 : appointment at MCO
7/26: Application received by IDPH
11/8: card received

Quite the wait, at least more than the average seems to be. My card says it was issued on 10/4, so I lost over a month of my active card time.
8/2 Appt with MCO (no idea when they submitted paperwork)
10/31 Sent email, got reply I was approved and card was at printers and should be here in 14 days

Trying to be calm, but time slowed when I found I was approved. Last three days have been the !ongest of my life!

Ok, it has been 10 days of my final 14 (already waited 90, but that a given). Time sped up, but as of today, it is stopped again. I signed up for informed mail so I stopped creeping out the mailman by staring at him out the window!

I will update when it gets here and good luck to everyone else. It is just a matter of time... Lots of time.
Ok, it has been 10 days of my final 14 (already waited 90, but that a given). Time sped up, but as of today, it is stopped again. I signed up for informed mail so I stopped creeping out the mailman by staring at him out the window!

I will update when it gets here and good luck to everyone else. It is just a matter of time... Lots of time.

If you really want to mess with him, when you see him driving down the street, run out there in a super hero costume, and yell to him, Have no Fear, 420 man is Here!
I understand the moaning. IL med pot was a political compromise thing. Took 2 years just to get started after approval. Old Dem gov Quinn was a complete ass about it. Rauner is a bit better but Pritzker will be what we've been waiting for (no politics here just undeniable truths) . Funny how I can simply go to pharmacy with script for deadly opioids and they ask me if I want to wait around for it because it will take 20 minutes to fill.

Completely wrong. Frankly, I am wondering how you could have such a misunderstanding, I honestly think there is deliberate misinformation going on. Not from you but from people that were associated with Rauner's campaign. Medical and Recreational marijuana tends to have support even among some Republican voters.

Frankly, if we would have had a Democratic governor these past few years, I'd bet cannabis would already be legal in Illinois.

Quinn signed the law in 2014, Rauner was then elected tried to veto it twice (thankfully IL Congress and Senate had a veto proof majority) and then when he couldn't do that, he took forever implementing it. After that he attempted to undermine it by not providing it funding, hence the wait time. The law says that the cards have to be delivered in under 30 days. Rauner didn't care. He is on record as saying "I am not a fan of Medical Marijuana". Why do you think there was such a gap between the program being signed into law from 2013 to it starting 2015? Here is Rauner's record.

Thankfully we have elected a pro-medical and recreational marijuana Governor and got rid of a lot of the Suburban Rauner cronies who supported his attacks on the medical program. We need to continue to ensure that we keep supporting pro-MMJ candidates and not get tricked by misinformation. The fight is not over. Though we will likely have recreational marijuana by 2020 and the QI list for medical is going to be expanded soon. Keep in mind, there are laws that are ready to go in both the IL house and senate that will be signed by Pritzker. Its going to start running much smoother now. Rauner was always quick to shift the blame, instead of admitting he was essentially trying to choke off funding to Medical Marijuana programs (like he did with many other state programs, chief among those being mental health).

Just an update on me. I am about 60 days in. When I first applied for the card, the time seemed to crawl but its speeding up now. I am going to look into this Footerman guy. I am originally from Rockford and I don't think he has a very good reputation here.

I have a relative that is an attorney and he has to deal with Shady doctors all the time. This is what I have been concerned about and have always encouraged people to get there forms done by their regular doctor. I just had my regular doc signed my form, my PTSD was already diagnosed. Only cost me about 100 (I did the one year app to start).

I hurt my back while doing some squats at the gym yesterday, really could use the card. Though I am a PTSD patient, I avoid painkillers unless a true medical necessity. Too much addiction in my family (both sides). Real pain in the ass. Also glad to see Michigan legalized it.
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Completely wrong. Frankly, I am wondering how you could have such a misunderstanding, I honestly think there is deliberate misinformation going on. Not from you but from people that were associated with Rauner's campaign. Medical and Recreational marijuana tends to have support even among some Republican voters.

Frankly, if we would have had a Democratic governor these past few years, I'd bet cannabis would already be legal in Illinois.

Quinn signed the law in 2014, Rauner was then elected tried to veto it twice (thankfully IL Congress and Senate had a veto proof majority) and then when he couldn't do that, he took forever implementing it. After that he attempted to undermine it by not providing it funding, hence the wait time. The law says that the cards have to be delivered in under 30 days. Rauner didn't care. He is on record as saying "I am not a fan of Medical Marijuana". Why do you think there was such a gap between the program being signed into law from 2013 to it starting 2015? Here is Rauner's record.

Thankfully we have elected a pro-medical and recreational marijuana Governor and got rid of a lot of the Suburban Rauner cronies who supported his attacks on the medical program. We need to continue to ensure that we keep supporting pro-MMJ candidates and not get tricked by misinformation. The fight is not over. Though we will likely have recreational marijuana by 2020 and the QI list for medical is going to be expanded soon. Keep in mind, there are laws that are ready to go in both the IL house and senate that will be signed by Pritzker. Its going to start running much smoother now. Rauner was always quick to shift the blame, instead of admitting he was essentially trying to choke off funding to Medical Marijuana programs (like he did with many other state programs, chief among those being mental health).

Just an update on me. I am about 60 days in. When I first applied for the card, the time seemed to crawl but its speeding up now. I am going to look into this Footerman guy. I am originally from Rockford and I don't think he has a very good reputation here.

I have a relative that is an attorney and he has to deal with Shady doctors all the time. This is what I have been concerned about and have always encouraged people to get there forms done by their regular doctor. I just had my regular doc signed my form, my PTSD was already diagnosed. Only cost me about 100 (I did the one year app to start).

I hurt my back while doing some squats at the gym yesterday, really could use the card. Though I am a PTSD patient, I avoid painkillers unless a true medical necessity. Too much addiction in my family (both sides). Real pain in the ass. Also glad to see Michigan legalized it.

Hey Knowstigma, do you know anything about medical cannabis and child custody laws? For example, parent is going through a DCSF case at that fault of the other parent but has been required to take non court ordered drug tests to close out the case. Is said parent able to use their medicine?
I imagine everyone’s first trip to the dispensary is crazy. I’ve been searching my dispensaries site in anticipation of my card and still can’t decide what I want to buy. I wonder how many people went through their 2 1/2 ounces in the first week. Lol.
I don’t know what to buy and am very nervous going in there.
I don’t know what to buy and am very nervous going in there.

I would go check out the online menu. The first time I went I ended up with an eighth of top shelf called purple punch, quarter of Blue Dream popcorn and a gram of caramel candy kush. They gave me a free edible, BHO pen, tincture, and a gram of komatsu bubba kush. It was easy and didn't take long.